Canning and Preserving · Crafty

Weekend, Where Are You?

I think someone has made time go even faster than normal. I don’t know where any of my time went. I had plans to can all Sunday, but ended up needing more than I thought and had way less time. We did go on a lovely home improvement date to get mosquito killer in the afternoon and picked up a whole box of tomatoes to can/freeze. I made spicy BBQ sauce for the freezer. The rest of the tomatoes will be turned into salsa and dried herbed tomatoes. The farm market we went to had a huge box of them for $8. I will go back to get some this next weekend if I can have the time to  can more things.

I made two new recipe last week. It was the Husband’s birthday on Friday, so I left him Hamburger stroganoff made from this recipe.

Hamburger stroganoff is one of my worst nightmares. The texture and the look… Blerg. I didn’t even ask him how it was when I got home because I was trying to avoid thinking about it. Don’t worry, he knows how I feel. No pictures, as I didn’t eat it.

I also made up a bean enchilada recipe when the Husband was doing theater things. I used canned enchilada sauce. I sautéed onions, a can of black beans, yellow and orange peppers, and garlic. Spices were cumin, garlic and onion powder, salt, pepper, and chili powder. Mexican cheese blend. They were very good. I do have a picture of them.

Fancy decided to make 7:30 AM a good time to wake up on Saturday, so I ended up making my work art. One is completely done and the second one is waiting on getting the words put on it.

I also made more tea wallets. One of these days, I am going to be sick of making them, but maybe after Christmas I can take a break. These ones are Halloween and fall themed for Hawthorne and Vine and for vending at Ooky Spooky in October.

The first set just needs threads cut and buttons.

The second set needs top stitching  and the other finishes.

There are a lot of repeats in this set, but I wanted to do three of each for Hawthorne and Vine, Ooky, and my own Etsy. I have a set that needs orange thread that will be sewn up as well.

Tonight I need to sort tomatoes and probably try to dry some of them. I have this weird block about canning being the only “right” way to preserve items. I decided to freeze the BBQ sauce last night because it was very late and I didn’t want to mess with the canner. I may have to get up very early tomorrow to get some of them taken care of as well.

This is a really short post! I guess I was busier than I thought.  I have two late nights this week and am hoping to get some new recipes up and running. The tea wallets will get finished as well. I have a bunch of work stuff to catch up on though, so my crafting time may be sacrificed for that.

Wish me luck and motivation!


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