Recipe Roundup

Recipe Roundup and Fancy’s Ears

Fancy’s ears… Man oh man. I don’t know if I can handle them. They were a major part of the reason we were interested in her when we saw her. She’s been quite cute all week, so you’ll have to bear with me on this one. I promise to get to the recipes after this.

These three pictures were all taken on the same day. She was extremely interested in my yogurt and was sad she couldn’t eat it. It had walnuts, thimbleberry jam, and chocolate chips in it, none of which are good for dogs.

The next two were taken at the park. She was very interested in sniffing every single blade of grass.

There were kids playing behind her. She couldn’t decide if she should keep walking or try to play with them.

Then a squirrel ran by in front of her and her ears shot all the way forward quite suddenly. It was adorable! I just couldn’t resist. She’s too cute.

Anyway, on to the real reason for blogging today. The recipes!

1- Turkey meatballs, loosely based on a chicken parm meatball recipe from Dinner: A Love Story.

I used turkey instead of chicken, shallots, and no parm. I used a shredded blend of Mozzarella and Provolone instead. Baked for about 20 minutes on 350.  I added a bunch of spices to some tomato sauce and threw that over some noodles. It was pretty tasty. It doesn’t count as a new recipe, as I’ve made it with chicken before.

2- Baked Chicken from The Wooden Spoon Cookbook by Mariam Miller. Section: Main Dishes

I used 4 chicken breasts instead of just three. Some of the rice didn’t cook all the way. I had combined everything and it sat in the fridge for a few hours before being cooked. I don’t know if that affected cook time or not. It was alright, needed a bit more flavor. I might add a little more liquid next time, or cook it with foil on for part of the time. We ate this together, but I forgot to get pictures before we ate up the leftovers. It wasn’t the most picturesque plate either, so that’s fine.

3- Cinnamon Doughnut Muffins from the same cookbook.

These are delicious! They have a sneaky jam center that makes them good. I will be making these again. The Husband hasn’t tried them yet, so I don’t know if he likes them.

4- Taco Nachos. This isn’t really a recipe, more of a thing to throw together when I need dinner quick. I made taco seasoned hamburger with red onions, yellow bell peppers, and store salsa and put it over chips with cheese. It was good. I saved a little of the meat for extra nachos tomorrow. They don’t heat up well.

We are going to Ren Fest tomorrow with some friends, so dinner will probably be soup in a bread bowl. The Husband is very excited. 🙂 My dance troupe is dancing and even though I wasn’t able to join them this year, it will be fun to go see them.

I ran into some costume difficulties, so have decided to be a pirate with my Dita dress, leggings, and boots, as it’s supposed to be colder. It will still be fun and I’ll try to get the costume done anyway. Hopefully next year we can take Fancy with us. She can captivate even more people with her ears!

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