Recipe Roundup

Recipe Roundup

Hello there! I hope you’re having a wonderful day. My social media feeds have been exploding with “May the 4th” Star Wars jokes and pictures. I had no idea you could find that many Star Wars fabrics, much less make them work as garments. It’s quite fascinating.

For my part, I celebrated accidentally. Star Trek is more my thing, but I ended up making fancy galaxy leggings out of the fabric in the featured picture. You’ll hear more about that this weekend or Monday. I’ve been on a sewing rampage! (Although is it a rampage if I’m making things?)

This post though, is about the food. We had French Onion in the crockpot this week and a leftover day as well.

I used a new cookbook, Fried and True by Lee Brian Schrager and Adeena Sussman. It might be the Husband’s dream cookbook because it contains over 50 recipes for fried chicken and sides.

We had Honey’s Kettle Home Style Smashed Garlic Fried Chicken. 

We had oven rosted potato slices on the side and I had some veggies as well. It was a very good recipe. The batter fried nice and crispy and it was super flavorful. The Husband thought it was super hot as well and we were both blowing our noses a lot. You dry marinate the chicken in about 10 spices and then the coating has a lot of the same ones, plus extra. It also has corn meal and cake flour for an extra crunch. It was very good, but definitely time-consuming. I would make it gain and the Husband was very excited to have fried chicken finally. Fancy was not excited, poor girl…

It’s possible she was plotting how to trip us “by accident” so she could eat the chicken.

I made chocolate orange muffins for breakfast one morning, as my reward for actually getting out of bed. 🙂 Mornings man, they kill me…

I used my normal muffin recipe and added 1/4 cup cocoa powder in place of that amount of flour. They turned out less orangy, but pretty good.

We also had hot dogs with sautéed onions, cheese, and mushrooms. Nothing too fancy for sides though. We were going to grill, but it rained all day and was still pretty damp. It was a good day though because I actually was home before 7, due to cancellations. It felt so weird! We had apples with it and discovered that Fancy will gobble golden delicious up in addition to honeycrisp. I might be able to feed the Husband and her less expensive apples!

Tonight we tried a Brothy Chinese Noodle recipe by Eating Well.

I will admit to laughing at the recipe in the middle and changing it. I used regular sesame oil to cook the chicken because I forgot to grab the spicy sesame oil. I added mushrooms and doubled the garlic to 4 cloves. I scoffed at reduced sodium soy sauce (that stuff is nasty!) and used regular. I also cooked the turkey, threw everything else in and didn’t take the turkey out to cook the broth. That may have led to it tasting a little chewy, but it seemed like an unnecessary step. We had cilantro from pico, so I threw that in as well.

So… I followed the recipe in my style… It turned out delicious though, so I’ll take it.

The Husband would like to experiment with other seasonings. He liked this version a lot. I was excited that he ate bok choy!  It made up really quickly too, so it would be good for late night dinners, especially if the Husband was my sou chef.

So there’s our Roundup. Not bad, I think.

I’m supposed to be making a Mexican themed chocolate dessert and possibly pico for a party tomorrow too. I have enough of the galaxy fabric left to make a pencil skirt and new patterns to try, so that may or may not get done. Maybe I’ll just stay up really late… I don’t have to really be fully awake for my staff meeting, right? 🙂

I’ll leave you with this last thought. May the 4th be with you… (and the Lutheran in me says “and also with you.”)

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