
Behold the Garden! (Now When Can I Nap?)

Aren’t those roses spectacular? They are growing up a tree. We’ll move the trellis in the fall and try to train them back to it for next year.

There was no Recipe Round up this week, as I mostly made things I have already made and have zero pictures of any of it. No food pictures! I need to step up my game on that.  I might be in my tri-monthly food slump again. In the meantime, I thought I’d post about the foods we intend to grow. 🙂

We have also been very busy getting the garden started. It poured on my Husband and FIL yesterday as they were shoveling dirt out of the back of the truck. It stopped by the time I was home from my meeting though, so we were able to finish it by the evening.

Here’s a shot of the whole shebang:

Fancy was excited that the hose was out. She likes trying to eat the water.  Hates sprinklers, but loves the hose. She hasn’t tried to climb in the garden since we put the second layer of bricks in. She has sniffed some of the herbs though, so I will have to watch that.

The first plot is the tomato box.

It has 11 tomato plants, two peppers, and two lettuces. Also, herb pots. I’m never sure about putting herbs directly in the ground. I think that’s how we got mint in the grass. From the previous owners; I know better than that!

This tomato plant is an heirloom tomato named “Mr. Stripey.” Seriously. I did not make that up, but it is, of course, the reason I bought it. 🙂

I also have a Husky Red Cherry Tomato, a Juliet Roma Grape Tomato,   6 Early Girls, 1 Roma Tomato (could only find one of them, didn’t feel like going elsewhere,) and an Indigo Rose cherry tomato. Those are the ones that have black stripes. 🙂 I might get enough tomatoes this year.

The second box has mostly peppers and lettuce. Also, I’m pretty sure I have a zucchini plant, but it might be a cucumber. We have to check the receipt.

I should also end up with a bunch of spicy peppers for salsas! I have a “Jalafuego,” a Thai Hot Pepper, and Dragon Cayenne, and a ridiculous amount of sweet red peppers. I thought I grabbed a red and a yellow, but turns out they were both red. Whoops! I guess I’m going to be making lots of roasted red pepper dishes.

We were in a hurry, since it had started raining again, so I missed a few of my normal herbs. I did get lots of lemon thyme to make teas with, along with bee balm.

Those are strawberries in the red pot, bee balm in the black one.

I did get two types of basil: regular and purple.

I didn’t get Thai Basil. I seem to just kill it.

Not pictured are the sage, oregano and chocolate mint. The last two are safely potted, as they will spread.

I might get regular thyme and parsley in the next couple of days. My heart wants me to go get all the things! My brain is reminding me that I don’t have that many more pots for herbs.

We also bought flowers for our window boxes, but they look a little sad right now, so I’m going to post them after they’ve recovered. I’ve also mysteriously acquired a pretty glass solar flamingo. 🙂  Can you get cited for too many flamingos? Asking for a friend…

My parents are coming to visit today. My Mom has been here a bunch, but my Dad has never seen the house, so we’re excited. They should be here shortly, so I should probably do the last bit of straightening up. We’re having crockpot spaghetti for dinner. 🙂

Have a great evening!

2 thoughts on “Behold the Garden! (Now When Can I Nap?)

  1. Love your plots! Have you thought of planting a few flowers inside the bricks, or finding some small containers that fit in the holes? I bet you could do a bunch more herbs that way!

    1. We did think about it, but it was raining and we would need a lot more dirt for the holes. They are also off set from each other, not straight, so it might be weird to plant in them. We might do the pots in the holes as the summer goes along, or just wait until next year. I’m still recovering. 🙂

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