Crafty · Life Posts · Sewing

Organization With a Side Of Sewing

My parents were here for a couple of days and my Mom not only made dinner, two loaves of nissu and two baguettes, washed our dishes, and I’m pretty sure sneakily organized our kitchen shelves. Oh, and made lasagna… (I’m pretty sure she’s actually Wonder Woman.) My Dad took pictures, let the dog snuggle him, and told dad jokes. It was perfect. 🙂

Mom also helped me organize my fabrics and other things on the shelves, which really means she wouldn’t let me pick things up and not put them away and said “Do you really need this under one inch scrap?” She was a task master and kept me on task. She snagged a couple of fabrics too, but we have a deal that if she hasn’t done anything with them at Christmas, I’m taking them back to donate. So, if you know my mother, see how she’s doing on her projects!

I forgot to take before pictures, but imagine fabric covering everything in disorganized piles.

Look! You can see the table and there’s an empty box! Yes, that is a TV. We haven’t got the place to mount it yet, but eventually I can watch Netflix on the TV and use it for dvds for dance practice.

The Husband had an excellent idea to separate my large yardage into colors in my totes. That way, while looking for a specific fabric, I’ll only need to go into one of them.

I also have my apparel fabric separated into totes. One is wovens and one is knits. I have a lot of both all of a sudden. Enough to fill the two blue totes on the bottom.

The shelves look so nice!

I need to snag the label maker from the Husband again and finish labeling the totes, but it’s all organized and ready to go on the new shelves, when we get them. Mom was a huge help, so I’m glad she was willing to do that with me.

I have done some sewing too. My machine, patterns, and some fabrics are still upstairs.  The sewing table downstairs is cleared off though, so I’ll probably retreat into the cool basement. It’s been hot and muggy, so I know it will feel good.

I had a very lovely chat with an older man making graduation signs for some friends’ kids the other day at Joann’s, where I was unsupervised while there was a knit sale going on. He hd a bit of an accent, I could not place where from, but was telling me that his brother was a tailor and could “make a whole suit from scratch.” We lamented together about the lack of custom orders and sewing happening these days. He was very charming and asked what I was making with all the things in my cart.  He seemed very surprised at the variety. I had athletic fabric for leggings, knits for dresses, a cotton for a shirt, and cottons for a table runner. After I had explained what everything was for, he said “But why are you buying it all now?” Well, everything was on sale, for one, and for two, I get bored easily. Of course, this is how I ended up with an overflowing project box, but I digress. 🙂

From the L: cotton woven for a dress, cotton for a shirt, leggings material.

Rayon spandex and peachskin.

I quite enjoyed talking to him while we waited for the very precise and somewhat slower lady at the cutting table. Experiences like that remind me that not everyone is horrible and rude.

I found the fabric I have been eyeing up forever on this trip. We’re planning a Harry Potter Tasting party in the fall and I didn’t think I would actually wear clothes out of this, so made a table runner.

It’s the Marauder’s Map and I love the print. The black is the symbol for the three brothers’ story. I’m super sleepy at the moment and don’t remember what it’s called.

I’ve also made a pleated knit skirt with pockets from Rayon Spandex.

It has a yoga waistband and is very comfy. It does tend to hang unevenly. I only bought a yard and used it all in this one skirt, so didn’t have enough to add extra to even out the rear of the skirt.

Tonight I hosted craft night and not only shared my Mom’s delicious foods, but also made a pair of apple double brushed poly capri Peg Legs from Patterns for Pirates.

They are very comfy. I need more capris, as the long ones are too warm. Luckily, I’m short, so a yard is more than enough.

My friend M was super duper excited about the Nissu. He pronounced it correctly and everything! I sent some home with him and I might have made his day. 🙂

I’m hoping tomorrow to sew before work, but it may have to wait, depending on time.

Fancy is giving me her best neglected pupper look and I’m so tired that I can’t type, so I should probably go to bed. It’s been a long week already. 🙂

Have a good night!

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