Recipe Roundup

Food Review

It’s a little weird to be writing about food while I am sick and don’t actually want to eat food, but a blogger’s got to do what a blogger’s got to do, I guess. I picked up the cold that everyone seems to have and am not happy about it at all. Before I was sick, we did have some good food, so I’ll give hou a rundown of that.

I had this delicious pumpkin bread from the Pilsbury cookbook. The tea is a black tea from Tea Runners and the tea cup is from a sale at my dance place. It was only $5! It’s so brilliant and pretty with the color. It inspired me to want to try a tea cup photo shoot. I bought a pretty piece of tea themed fabric to be a backdrop or table cloth, so maybe you’ll see that on a future Wordless Wednesday. The bread was a cider pumpkin bread and it was very moist. It fell apart a little, but it tasted delicious!

These were double chocolate muffins for a day when I didn’t want to get out of bed. The Husband had one too, despite not being a chocolate for breakfast kind of person. He also enjoyed them. I used my TNT muffin recipe.

I made these Eggnog Snowballs for our game night, along with brownie cookies and garam masala chocolate gingerbread cookies and they were all excellent. All the recipes were from Food Network. The brownie cookies were a huge hit. I got the tin on Monday to take them into work and discovered that there were only three left! I don’t have pictures of the other two. We were too busy eating them!

The Snowballs were very creamy, definitely tasted of eggnogg, despite having no eggnog in them, just nutmeg. The chocolate gingerbread were also delicious and I made snowflake shapes and then got my friends to finish frosting them for me. I was quite sneaky, if I do say so myself! 🙂 I have half the dough in the freezer for our Epiphany party, so that will be good. The royal icing recipe from Food Network was surprisingly easy.

I made fancy Chicken Milanese from Pioneer Woman on Food Network for a weekend dinner. It was fun to try a new thing. The Husband had buttered carrots for his veggie side and we both had mashed potatoes. What you can’t see in this picture is Fancy sitting at the bottom of the picture drooling over chicken. Poor girl!

I did make chocolate peppermint cookies, however, I only have a very unappetizing picture that makes them look like poo. Literally. I decided no one wanted to see that! 😂 They were a very soft cookie, from the back of the Ghiradelli peppermint chunk bag. The recipe said to cook them for 9 minites, but they were just an underdone mess at that point, so I baked the rest of the batch for 11 minites. They got rave reviews at work.

We’ve also had shrimp stirfry using the same lettuce wrap sauce ingredients. It turned out to be a delicious plan. I’ve been at work for a lot of dinner times too, so the Husband has had pork and various other things. It’s hard to tell what else I’ve missed, since I lost pictures.

One cool thing we have finally tried out was our Pixar character popcorn maker. It has an arm and is an oil popper. It didn’t come with instructions, so I had to Youtube it and guess. It seeemed to work out though.

It was cool to watch how the arm scooped up the popcorn when they had popped so it wouldn’t burn. We’re still experiementing with it. It’s fun to use. Our previous air popper started getting deformed and the plastic was bubbling, so we thought maybe we should stop using it.

That’s all the pictures I have of our recent food adventures. This post should probably have been sponsored by Food Network, considering how many of their recipes I’ve used so far. 🙂 The featured picture is all my Costco ingredients. I’m particularly fod of my butter tower. 🙂

I hope your weekend up to the holiday is fun and not too stressful. We’re going on an adventure so my Dad can tell me all his blog comments in person this time. 🙂

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