Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Gifts for Piggy

And here are all the gifts Piggy thinks she doesn’t have, but regularly gets.

Outside Time

All The Blankets

New Smells


Heat Vents

All The Toys


And above all- Love

Wordless Wednesdays

Portraits- Piggy Denied

I hope you enjoy these silly pictures of Piggy. Rest assured, despite her claims otherwise, she is well loved and taken care of.

Portrait Of A Dog Denied Advenure

Portrait Of A Dog Denied Companionship

Please note that to take this picture, I had to be sitting next to her. 😂

Portrait Of A Dog Denied (My) Dinner

Portrait Of A Dog Denied Rest (UPS Arrival)

Portrait Of A Dog Denied Kisses

Portrait Of A Dog Denied Couch Spots

And my favorite: Portrait Of A Dog Denied Dignity

Wordless Wednesdays

Almost Wordless Wednesday

I have been drawing or doodling to music with a lot of my younger clients recently and it’s been fun! It’s interesting to see what kinds of images the songs invoke. I thought I’d share some of my doodles with the music that inspired them. If you’d like, feel free to create your own drawings to the songs.

“Extra, Extra” – Beats Antique: https://youtu.be/JC2SQ2Zaw88

“Swag”- Lindsey Stirling: https://youtu.be/I8HKZEf_V-I

“Baal Gates”- Tartanic: https://youtu.be/H0i-8L2BZXA

Lindsey Stirling (top and bottom pictures)- “Song of the Caged Bird” and “Roundtable Rival.” https://youtu.be/inb8MMZ-QmA


Middle picture- “Nordic Twister” by Tartanic https://youtu.be/nc_jAunL00E