Wordless Wednesdays

Almost Wordless Wednesday- Christmas Cookies

With this being such a weird year, I didn’t end up making as many cookies as I normally do. I also forgot to take pictures of another bunch of them. Here are some cookie pictures that I did take though.

The cookie platter for Christmas Eve: Lava Salted Caramel Shortbreads, Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookies, Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip, M&M cookies, fudge from K1, and cardamom sugar cookies from my Mom.

Pizzelle from K1- Lightly chai spiced

Cinnamon Sugar Swirls

Peppermint cookie bars

I also made peppermint bark, key lime snowballs, peanut butter balls, and whipped shortbread cookies.

Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Charcuterie Chalet Challenge

So we did something ridiculous, as per usual. We challenged our friends and family to a Charcuterie Chalet Challenge where we built houses out of charcuterie materials instead of gingerbread houses. It was wacky fun! I hope you enjoy the pictures and are inspired to create your own fun events!

Our Log Cabin
The aftermath! It definitely fell apart shortly after the first picture.
K2’s Log Cabin
A’s Meat Tent
K’s House For A Hobbit

And finally The Winner! Title: Frosty’s Getaway. Look at the amount of intricate detailing. The chimney! The path! The snowman!! The pepperchini trees! The tiled salami roof!

K1’s mom made it, so I will be sending her a fun homemade prize after Christmas.

Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Magic of Lights

We went to a drive in light show for some Christmas season fun. I tried to pick the least blurry pictures. It’s hard to take pictures in a moving car!

These moved!
Wordless Wednesdays

Not so Wordless Wednesday- Acapella Christmas

Straight No Chaser- O Come, O Come, Emmanuel: https://youtu.be/PTbRvJTleSQ

Eclipse 6- Hamildolph (Hamilton Parody, possibly language?): https://youtu.be/M7sm49fHlyI

Citizen Queen- This Christmas: https://youtu.be/mcmnObOBaFs

Pentatonix- Carol of the Bells: https://youtu.be/DpwbyFltv6g

Voice Play- Have Yourself A Very Merry Christmas: https://youtu.be/_jCo47qr_vs

Peter Hollens- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen: https://youtu.be/h6IfsuQJaIk

Tonic Sol Fa- Santa Claus Is Coming To Town: https://youtu.be/nkTpBTNEiVY

BYU Vocal Point- Trans-Siberian Orchestra Cover: https://youtu.be/E_dxxaqt29M

King and Country- Little Drummer Boy: https://youtu.be/NzEX3QMuVPM

Postmodern Jukebox (ok, not all acapella) – I Want a Hippopotamus For Christmas: https://youtu.be/vuNH4kpuobc

Alex Boye (also not all acapella)- Go Tell It On The Mountain (Mowtown Style): https://youtu.be/pPVR-njnzBM

And my absolute favorite- Royal Chorale Society- Hallelujah Chorus from Isolation: https://youtu.be/_PQYVbd1Gwg

Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Zoo Lights

I thought it was really interesting to see the sculptures that were set up for the annual Zoo Lights when we were there the other week, so I thought I’d share them with you.

Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Cozy At Home

There was no Quilt Expo this year, so I thought I would share some from last year. These are all home themed quilts, which seemed appropriate.

This one has fish leather!