K2 and I visited an herb farm last weekend and I found some pretty things to take pictures of. Also a book called “Floral Libations,” which is all about edible flowers on drinks. My brother called them “FANCY DRINKS.” 😁 I’m excited to try them.

Adventures in housewifery: Cooking, crafting, and not a lot of cleaning
K2 and I visited an herb farm last weekend and I found some pretty things to take pictures of. Also a book called “Floral Libations,” which is all about edible flowers on drinks. My brother called them “FANCY DRINKS.” 😁 I’m excited to try them.
Most of the fabric sites have mystery boxes based on pictures of gorgeous color palettes inspirations. I thought it might be fun to create my own with my stash. All pictures by me, unless otherwise noted. If you’re so inclined to share pictures, I probably have fabric to match. 🤓
I hope you enjoy them!
Spend some time outdoors!
Love your family!
Smile and be goofy!
Be curious!
Spend time on your hobbies.
And above all, get your beauty sleep. 🥰
All taken while walking with Piggy in the past week.
We have decided to keep our goofy meatball dog, Piggy! We’ve been getting her used to new places, so I took her to a new park yesterday.
The Henry Ford Museum had a soft opening this past weekend and we decided to go. The Husband wore an appropriately nerdy mask, one of the Star Trek ones and I had flamingos.