Recipe Roundup · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- What We Ate Catch-up

Chocolate chip pecan banana bread

Chicken Divan

Beef Quesadillas and salad

Chicken/Turkey burger with mushrooms, cheese, and onions

Pot roast with noodles, carrots, and potatoes.

“The Best Mac and Cheese!” -According to the Husband. I used marscapone.

Blueberry muffins

PB Molten Lava Cake in the Instant pot.

Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Zoo Adventures

The Zoo is open on a limited basis right now and with precautions in place. It was nice to go and be out in the sun, even with masks and 6 feet apart from our friends.

Tree Kangaroo
Weird variety of seagull? Not super friendly 😉
Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- The Lost Food Post

I had this lovely post of all the food below written and then my blog decided to be a problem and refused to post it. For three days. 😬😱 Then, when I thought I had it fixed, it deleted all my words. 😤 So now you get a picture post instead. I’d be happy to answer questions about the foods though.

Wordless Wednesdays

Thoughtful Thursday- Rainbows

If you haven’t seen Rainbows Over Michigan yet, go check it out. People are putting up rainbow themed things in their windows for others to see on walks. I plan to make some hearts for our windows tomorrow, but thought rainbows would be cheerful for the blog too!

These are the games that I have at home with me for teletherapy sessions. They just happen to be a rainbow!
The stickers survived the move and are now up in my new office!
Gardening · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Signs of Spring!

Ducks on the neighbors’ pool.
Lemon thyme that survived the winter!
Volunteer strawberry in my tomato bed. I’ll move it when I have the rest out.
More Strawberries!