Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Forgetful Friday- The Many Sleeps of Fancy

Technically I didn’t forget. I updated my phone and IPad and now my blog won’t talk to either of them. Bear with me while I attempt to figure it out.

Party Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Halloween and Harry Potter Decor

Spooky flamingos and pumpkins

The mantle is spooky classroom themed.


Winged keys and a golden snitch.

Honeydukes! The candy store from the wizard town.

Potions classroom.

Fancy inspecting the newest addition to the flamingo flock.

Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Old Car Festival at Henry Ford/Greenfield Village- Pt 1

These are some pictures from the Old Car Festival in Greenfield Village. It is apparently the oldest running car show in America!

It rained briefly, but we got to see some pretty sweet cars, plus really cool antique bicycles. Most of them were still running, although we did see an old tow truck towing an even older car. 🙂