Vacation Piggy!

“No Pupparatzi!”

She doesn’t even work out!

“Excuse me, I don’t think there’s enough tomatoes… for the both of us at least.” Tiny teefies!

Sunbathing and Supervising

Fought her bed and lost.

Adventures in housewifery: Cooking, crafting, and not a lot of cleaning
Vacation Piggy!
“No Pupparatzi!”
She doesn’t even work out!
“Excuse me, I don’t think there’s enough tomatoes… for the both of us at least.” Tiny teefies!
Sunbathing and Supervising
Fought her bed and lost.
The Husband was driving, don’t worry!
Here’s one from the local baseball field- not the big one!
To celebrate Shark Week, I present a lot of water pictures from our various adventures.
Because of course, I immediately found all the nerdy embroidery files I could.
Dice box!
I need rivets to finish this and a few other things. I have them, just haven’t fixed them yet.
Live Long And Prosper!
These were from my Lego birthday party!
No Matter How Small!
These Therapets cards are all from the artist The Latest Kate, who you can find on Facebook, Instagram, and Redbubble! She creates them to help herself and others with their mental health.