Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Thoughtful Thursday- Auto Show Pictures

Pictures are all credited to the Husband. I didn’t go to the show this year.

Lego Truck!

Apparently all the engines are hand built?
Canadian Coast Guard

There were puppy adoptions. We almost had a new puppy…
Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Christmas Up North (No, really Up North)

A tray of interesting things, including gum rocks (I don’t know the correct name) from New Zealand!
One of the Daddy Daughter tea dates!
All the red ornaments
Fancy’s party pose
I made the Scrabble ornaments for my Mom for Christmas a few years ago and she put them on this cool wreath!
These were mostly fundraiser ornaments for the Finnish dancers from Finlandia University.
Wordless Wednesdays

Thoughtful Thursday- Throwback Thursday Zoo Adventures

It is cold and snowy here, so I thought some fun summer zoo pictures might brighten things up. These are from 2013, I believe

Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Sewing Expo Part 3

photo credit to K
Photo credit to K
Photo credit to K

I don’t know why anyone would get tired of seeing quilts, but don’t worry, I’m almost done. My phone died and I had not backed it up, so most of my pictures died with it unless I had posted them elsewhere. Luckily K had taken a bunch of pictures too, so I was able to snag some from her. I guess I’ll have to take my real camera out again until I get a new phone!