Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

A Very Fancy Friday

How is it Friday? And how did I let this week go by without any posts?

Fancy is shocked as well! Actually, just demanding pets, but we’ll go with it.

It’s been a strange and busy week for sure. I have done a little bit of sewing, but most of it needs some adjustments, as it has been mainly costume sewing. I don’t have most of it documented yet. I couldn’t even do my monthly review, so I might just wait until next month. I’m sure it will be here before we know it. 

I’ve also been working on party planning. And sleeping.  I think being sick really took it out of me. I’ve pretty much slept whenever I can. 

So to make up for it, here’s a roundup of the many faces of Fancy. She’s been extra photogenic!

She helps me take pictures of new dresses! Not really though, the first picture was taken shortly after this one when I wouldn’t pet her!

She’s extra adorable when she’s trying not to fall asleep, but can’t help it. 

She approves of my costume for my show next weekend! Now I just have to finish it…

But for now, there are cookies baking and a kitchen that needs cleaning before the party tomorrow! Expect a bunch of pictures as we have done a lot of fun things for it! 

Have a great night!

Wordless Wednesdays

Thoughtful Thursday- Lego Exhibition, Part 2

Penguins! (No Dad, I didn’t steal these either.)
Trick or Treat!
Robotic Chess
Sherwood Forest? 
One of the super cool roller coasters!
Halloween at the RV park!
Wordless Wednesdays

Thoughtful Thursday- Lego Exhibition Edition

We went to the Lego exhibition over the weekend and it was spectacular! Who knew you could do that much with Legos? I’m totally stealing all my brother’s Legos for the Husband when we go to visit my parents. Here’s some of the great things that were there. 

Fine Art: 

This cool set of pictures that changed depending on where you were standing.


The Ann Arbor library fairy doors:

And last, but not least, the great ball contraption. A Rube Goldberg machine set up all the way around the table to move balls around. Each section was built by a different person. 

It was pretty cool and I have a ton more pictures, so I’m sure I’ll post more in the future. Who doesn’t like Legos after all?

Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Star Wars Costumes Part 2

Bear with me, if you aren’t as nerdy as I am. 🙂 These costumes and the amount of detail that went into them are too good not to share. 

Princess Leia

Like this picture, you must!

I believe this is handmade lace.

Rebel helmets

Hand tied tassels, hundreds of them!

I swoon!

Fabric manipulation

Darth Maul was apparently the designer’s second worst nightmare. The first was too scary!
Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Zoo Photo Safari

These were all taken at the Photo Safari we went to a few weekends ago. We used super expensive Nikon cameras with fancy lenses that a local camera store was loaning out for two hour sets. I’m pretty terrible at adjusting the focus for animals who are moving, but flowers I can handle. 🙂 We may have found a new hobby, which of course, the Husband is generally better at. I’m trying not to mind.