Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Star Wars Costumes Part 2

Bear with me, if you aren’t as nerdy as I am. 🙂 These costumes and the amount of detail that went into them are too good not to share. 

Princess Leia

Like this picture, you must!

I believe this is handmade lace.

Rebel helmets

Hand tied tassels, hundreds of them!

I swoon!

Fabric manipulation

Darth Maul was apparently the designer’s second worst nightmare. The first was too scary!
Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Zoo Photo Safari

These were all taken at the Photo Safari we went to a few weekends ago. We used super expensive Nikon cameras with fancy lenses that a local camera store was loaning out for two hour sets. I’m pretty terrible at adjusting the focus for animals who are moving, but flowers I can handle. 🙂 We may have found a new hobby, which of course, the Husband is generally better at. I’m trying not to mind.

Life Posts · Sewing · Wordless Wednesdays

Sewing Space and Garden Update- Wordy Wednesday

Well, hello Wednesday! I thought it was Tuesday, somehow missed that I have spent two days at work already. Man…

I’ll post some pictures tomorrow for a Thoughtful Thursday post, but in the meantime, here’s an update on the garden and my sewing space.

The garden is growing like crazy! I have to get out there and weed it, but it’s currently pouring rain, so it won’t be today.

Here’s a shot of the pepper and lettuce box:

I lost once lettuce, but the rest are going strong. We’re going to have a lot of lettuce though. More salads, I guess. Next year, maybe I will split lettuce with someone, or start from seed.

Here’s the tomato box:

Holy tomatoes, Batman!

Mr. Stripey is getting very big and my smaller tomato plants, the Early Girl’s have taken off! We’re going to have so many tomatoes!

My herbs are looking good. I used some lemon thyme in shortbread cookies and they were good.

I think being in the ground has really helped the garden. It’s much easier to control the consistent watering and everything seems to be thriving.

Now for the sewing part. I wasn’t up to crawling around on the floor to get patterns cut when sick, so I didn’t do a lot of sewing. I did make a table runner for Thanksgiving.

I also made this maxi skirt. Excuse the late night, silly face.

It’s super comfy and now has a slightly shorter hem. The skirt is a cotton rayon blend and I used black double brushed poly for the waistband. It’s lovely ans swishy, but I have to wait until it stops raining to wear it. It originally had a pocket, but it looked hideous, so I took it out.

I’ve done a lot of organizing to get my space ready to sew downstairs again.

The desk still has a few things on it, but now where near as bad as it was. The new lights the Husband hing are glorious, but I think I need one in front of my machine too. It’s a little backlit at the moment. It’s much brighter though, so that’s good.

I even cleaned the little messy area on top of my storage shelves.

That’s where I lost my serger pedal. 😳 Now I can’t lose things there anymore.

In Fancy news, that darn fireplace dog is still turning up trying to stealing her toys!

Shortly after this was taken, she started pawing at the door. Silly pup!

Well, that’s all my updates for now. I hope you’re having nice weather wherever you are!

Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Thoughtful Thursday

I had a completely different set of pictures picked out for today, but then got the news that I have officially been approved for my full counseling license and I can’t think about anything else.

I just need to write it out. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor, or LPC!!  This has been a crazy ride. It’s not something I talk a lot about, because this blog is supposed to be my fun side of life, but I’ve talked about it enough that I think I can indulge this once. 🙂

Honestly, I’m way more emotional than I thought I would be. I want to cry, jump around, run a mile, and tell everyone! I thought it would be just another thing to cross off. I guess I didn’t realize how badly I wanted this day to come.

Being a counselor is where I am supposed to be. It’s a feeling I know throughout my soul. My office is kind of like my second home, tiny as it may be. It lets me help people experience their worst times,  it also find their best through it. Plus, it has fun toys!

So rather than get super mushy and ridiculous, here are some snippets of my office and my favorite things in it. The Professional Octopus is obviously my very favorite, but I don’t know that I ever really dared to dream it would be with me in a career I love so much!

Slamwich has been with me since grad school. The Husband laughed at me when I bought it “for the kids,” but it’s seen a lot of use.

I just bought this, but am planning on using it in my teen group! It’s super cute.

I love that I can legitimately buy all the coloring books “for work.” 🙂

Now I’m off to actually do my work! Hope your day is going well!