Party Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Disney Style

I had a Disney trip planning day with a few friends and K2 made all Disney inspired foods for us! They were all delicious and very fun.

Cheshire Cat Tails- puff pastry chocolate chips, and vanilla pudding with a vanilla glaze.

Oreo Mickey!

Belle’s Enchanted (Apple) Rose Tarts

Sully and Princess Cupcakes- I completely forgot to try these, but I am sure they were delicious!

Glass Slipper cocktail- Elderflower, blue curacoa, and something else- pop, I think?

“Not Hei-Hei” Chicken salad is in the crossiant. Hei-Hei is the chicken from Moana. Also, Ariel’s pearl cookie. There were also fishcakes, but I did not have those.

And of course, it wouldn’t be a Disney Party without “The Grey Stuff” from Beauty and the Beast. This grey stuff is Oreo Pudding and it was lovely. The Husband also enjoyed it!

Hope this made you hungry!

Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Latest Kate Edition

These cards are all from a deck of artist inspiration cards I keep in my office for people to choose the ones that speak to them. The artist is Kate Allen, who is a mental health author and illustrator. This set of cards is all work appropriate, but if you are looking at more on her website, they are not always work language. I really like them because they are so soothing and also very realistic and normalize mental health concerns. I hope they inspire you today! Here’s her website if you want to see more.

Adventures · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Jim Henson Exhibit

We went to see this exhibit at the Henry Ford forever ago, but I kept having other pictures up instead of these. It was so long ago in fact, that I’m not even going to try to write about it, just show you some of the pictures. I hope you enjoy them!

Adventures · Gardening · Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Green Space Throwback/Potowami Conservatory

I said I was keeping some pictures in reserve for a wintery day and since our driveway is currently a sheet of ice in most places, I thought this might be a good refresher of what summer feels like. Enjoy!

This is why I currently have snake plants in my office. They were so pretty!