Recipe Roundup

Recipe Roundup

I did it again. I made a freezer recipe and lost the original. This one was Barcoa Beef, based on a Chipotle recipe. I really need to figure out where these recipes are saving themselves. I checked both the work and home Ipads, favorites, Pinterest, and bookmarks. Nowhere to be found. I did remember to take pictures though.

1- Barcoa Beef

It was pretty good. Nice and spicy. The rice helped cool it off spice wise. We might try it as a taco filling.

We had soup and grilled cheese and some leftovers as well.

2- Stuffed Italian Meatballs from a Food Network insert.

I stuffed them with marinated mozzarella balls. We had them with a homemade marina sauce, garlic bread, and noodles.  They were very good! I would make these again.

3- Basic Corn Muffins from Pillsbury Best Muffins and Quick Breads. Section: Savory Muffins

No pics, I froze them right away. They were good. I didn’t have canned corn, so left it out.

Now for the good stuff! My cookie progress.

I’ve made many cookie recipes. My list so far is 4 cookies from the December 2017 issue of Food Network, and 5 from other sources. I kept running out of things like brown sugar and chocolate chips. I wasn’t completely prepared for this marathon.

Here’s the ones from the December 2017 Food Network.

4- Peppermint Sugar Cookies- from the insert.

Delicious! So crispy and soft in the middle. Light peppermint flavor, not overpowering. They have been added to my party list.

5- Chocolate Shortbread

A little dry for my taste. They dough was a dream to work with.  I normally hate cutout doughs, but this was nice and smooth. I don’t think I have a set of Christmas cutters, so hedgehogs and snails it was.

6- Hibiscus Ginger Cookies.

Fresh ginger hurts on dry hands and I’m a little bitter that it didn’t just call for bottled ginger juice. They were alright, very lightly flavored. Kind of a cross between a snowball and a shortbread.

7-Crispy Triple Chocolate Chip Cookies.

These smelled like heaven.  It called for browning the butter before adding it in. I wanted to lick the pan. I forgot to take a picture before sending them with the Husband for work.

The other 5 recipes I’ll talk about on Monday. I have a very playful puppy leaping on my Ipad. Apparently it’s playtime. 🙂