Simple Sundays

Fancy- The Accidental Pitbull

Fancy was a rescue, from an adoption event at our local zoo. We had gone two years before, but weren’t in a situation where we could have a dog, especially a pitbull. Our landlady’s family was pretty vocal about not liking pitbulls, even to the point of an uncle saying he would shoot a pit, or even part pit on sight. Obviously, we weren’t about to bring a dog into that situation. So we had gone that year, but came home with no dog. (Her face was my face after this happened.)

I wanted a dog so bad! The Husband wanted a dog too, but wasn’t sure about a pitbull, which is what I wanted. He told me I would need to be the PR person if we had a pit, as I am a bit more tactful most of the time. Our deal was, once we bought a house, we could get a dog.

So after much debate and many pictures of pups being looked at (mostly by me), we went to the zoo to hopefully meet our new best friend. We walked around and around the tents, spoke to a whole bunch of rescue volunteers, and I kept seeing this dog with huge ears trying to climb into the volunteer’s lap. At one point, a table fell over in the tent and this dog didn’t even move.

She looked so sweet and was an unusual color, so we finally went to meet her. She came right over and leaned on both of us. Then she leaned even more into my Husband’s legs and sat right down on his feet. 🙂 She had picked her people. We talked to the volunteer and were filling out an application before we knew it. The funny part was, her breeds weren’t listed on the little profile they had on the board for her. We had already decided to bring her home with us when we finally got around to asking her breed. Pharoah Hound and Pitbull… The Husband looked at me and just laughed and laughed. I had gotten my pitbull after all! (As you can see by the picture, she is one of those terribly vicious pitbulls…)

We had a family birthday party that afternoon and so arranged for Fancy to be brought to us after the event was done. Then we snuggled her a bit more and headed out to get toys, food, and all the other things.

Fancy arrived and we passed our home check. The volunteer called to tell the boarding center that she would be staying with us and although they were all happy, they were all a little sad too. She was a favorite at the rescue and the boarding place. 🙂 We understood!

Now it’s a year later and Fancy loves our yard. She would hang out there all day if we would let her.

She’s the biggest snuggler ever and firmly believes she is a lap dog, even though she is 40 lbs.

If she’s not on our laps, she’s curled up in her chair.

She loves walks, sometimes chases squirrels, and loves car rides and adventures.

She can be stern and goofy.

But above all, she is ours and we wouldn’t trade her for the world!

I’m also a firm believer in adopting a dog, not buying from a breeder and she is helping us show people that rescue dogs can be the best dogs!

She’s also a terrific ambassador for pitbulls, as we have not had any problems and she breaks all the stereotypes. (Except maybe the stubborn part…) She loves kids and will walk up to anyone who looks like they might pet her and will lean right on them.

She’s also a wee bit spoiled, but we think just the right amount. Speaking of spoiling her, we are just on our way out to go to the dog bakery. She needs her weekend dose of pets from strangers. 🙂

Thanks for indulging me by reading all about her!