Tag: Adventures
Wordless Wednesday- Apollo Exhibit Part 2
Wordless Wednesday- Apollo Program Exhibit at Henry Ford
Wordless Wednesdays- Sky Pictures
Wordless Wednesday- Jim Henson Exhibit
We went to see this exhibit at the Henry Ford forever ago, but I kept having other pictures up instead of these. It was so long ago in fact, that I’m not even going to try to write about it, just show you some of the pictures. I hope you enjoy them!
Wordless Wednesday- Green Space Throwback/Potowami Conservatory
I said I was keeping some pictures in reserve for a wintery day and since our driveway is currently a sheet of ice in most places, I thought this might be a good refresher of what summer feels like. Enjoy!
Wordless Wednesday- Fox Theater
The Fox is a super weird mix of very fancy styles, but it’s so much fun to go there. Although, I will send a shout out to my Mom and Dad who made sure we knew to be at concerts 15 minutes head at least and made sure we knew how to be polite in theaters. As Shepard Book says there’s a special place in hell for “people who talk at theaters.” I’ll add people who come in ridiculously late and disrupt the whole show for everyone around them. *glares indignantly at the general public.* We were at the Manheim Steamroller concert just before Christmas for these pictures. Outside of the annoying talkers and late arrivals, it was a lovely concert! There was a harpsichord on stage! I was super jealous of the performer’s dress. K2 and J came, as well as my inlaws and we all sat in a row in three sets of aisle seats.
Wordless Wednesday- Meadowbrook Hall Details
These are all the amazing close up details at Meadowbrook Hall. I believe all of them were hand work, carved, etc.