Crafty · Life Posts · Monthly Review · Sewing

Christmas Gifts And Review

Well, hello there! Glad to see you’re still around. I went through a bit of a busy time and got a little out of practice from blogging. I did just pay for three more years of the blog though, so you’re stuck with me for at least that long. 🙂

It has been a whirlwind and I did learn a few things over the past year in terms of sewing. I love my serger! My MIL was right when she said it would be a game changer. I’m sewing things I never would have dared to sew before, including hoodies!

I’ve experimented with more fancy stitches, new patterns, and traveled with my serger! I started making A wardrobe for my office dolls, which has been surprisingly fun and stress relieving. Here are my latest creations. The top two are the Riley tank dress from Made for Mermaids and the bottom right are Kelli Kimono Robes, also from M4M. The bubble dresses are the Vada’s Bubble Dress from CKC patterns. I’ve been enjoying using them to try new techniques in a less stressful way.

Of course, there were some negatives. I developed tendinitis from scissor use, had quilt fails, and added some more projects to the WIP and naughty bin. Oh, and I trashed my iron very well. Tripped over the cord and whipped it point down into the floor. Apparently irons aren’t meant to show their insides like that…

Overall, the positives outweighed the negatives though, so that’s always good.

I have a couple of goals this year. Making pants is one of them, as is figuring out undergarment patterns (don’t worry Dad, I won’t put pictures of the finished products on the blog.)

I joined the 52 Week Sewing Challenge on Facebook, which gives you a different theme or idea to sew each week. Each week is sponsored by a couple of different sewing related shops and when you post what you’ve sewn, you’re entered to win the giveaway from the sponsor that week. The cool thing is as long as you post something finished, you’re entered to win, so if you desperately need to finish a specific project, you have that option. The Week 1 challenge was to organize your sewing space and it was fun to see all the different ideas people had. Here is my before and after of my sewing table. The rest of the space is still a work in progress.

If you’re interested and on Facebook, you can look it up by that name and join the group. You have to answer some questions to join, but they’re all basic. It’s been fun so far. This week was UFO/WIP finishing week and I finished the owl quilt I was working on starting at New Year’s Eve.

It is from the book Rainbow Quilts For Scrap Lovers by Judy Gautier and is called “Owls Well That Ends Well.” Isn’t it cute? These are all from scraps, except the white, which needed to be from yardage. I used up a whole bunch of fabrics in it though. It’s backed with a purple and blue tye dye batik and gave me a bit of trouble. My sewing machine tension is off somewhere and the thread is misbehaving severely. The quilt looks cute though, just don’t look at the back seam…

I made a lot of our Christmas presents this year and it has been ridiculously hard to keep them a secret. Since the summer, I had been working on a traditional Finnish Costume for my Mom and will share that in another post as it was very interesting to do. It was my dad’s idea, but the whole family was in on it. 🙂

Another present I made for my Mom was this quilt, which I have been working on since last Christmas. I have enough fabric to make one for myself as well.

Here’s some pictures.

It’s a modified Shining Star pattern from one of my scrap quilts books. I added sashing too it, as I thought it needed a little something extra. It’s tied with buttons and the background of the squares is music fabric. The backing is a plain red and the binding is a glittery white and gold plaid fabric. I got super fancy and made my own bias binding.

Here’s some more closeups of my favorite stars.

I have heard that she likes it! 🙂

My friend K used the fish leather from the Quilt Expo last year to make a wallet for her dad. She said it was pretty easy to work with, so I decided to be brave and got some to play with this year. The end result were two little belt bags for my younger brother and his girlfriend! They are both salmon leather and from Fiskur Leather. The owners were super helpful in helping me figure out what would work best to sew it- polyester thread and a leather needle. I’m pretty proud of them. They’re meant to look a little rustic to match their characters. I used frog clasps to close them.

Their unit colors are purple and black, so I thought that this combo would be cool. I have also heard that they liked their things as well. The fish leather was pretty easy to sew with. It was more complicated to figure out the pouches with no pattern and with limited amounts of the leather. Sewed together fine though.

One of my goals for this year is to use up some more fabric. To that end, I used up my smaller fleece scraps by sewing up mittens and ear warmers for an organization called Night Angels. They work with victims of human trafficking and have a community outreach program. My work was making some Christmas bags for this program, so these were added to the presents. Here’s the prettiest ones:

I did buy some fleece remnants to make sure I would have enough, but they have all been used up. I used the last bits to make sleeping bags for the office dolls. Someone requested beds for them, but I don’t have room for furniture.

I painted these ornaments for my boss and the administrative staff at work. They each got a little set of three ornaments. I don’t have the best picture of them, but here is one of them.

I was gifted this lovely set by my MIL, who made it in one of her embroidery classes. It includes an apron, a pot holder, and a kitchen towel.

I’m sure to be sewing a bunch more things this year and am going to be taking on a few of my sewing fears, so it would be an interesting time. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to learn about!

Have a creative year!

Crafty · Sewing

All Wrapped Up In Sewing

I accidentally pattern matched on my jammies and didn’t realize it until just now. Disappearing flamingos! Ha! Sometimes it’s the little things that make me happiest.

In other news, I finished the dress for the wedding! Before we have to leave! I still need to make a small purse to take with me, but think I got my carry-on sorted as well.

This bag has been sitting in my UFO box since grad school. That would be four years, for those keeping track. I had it all sewn except for the strap, which was too thick and wouldn’t stay attached to the bag. My older sewing machine had fits trying to make it work.

It has a nice padded and zippered pocket to hold my iPad and enough space to throw  book and sewing project in it for the plane.

I’m glad to finally get it finished and be able to use it. I have to check the airline guidelines to make sure it works within them. How fun is it though for a travel bag?

Now, on to the dress! I was originally going to make a silk dress from a saree; however, I thought all the way through transporting a I had to re-cut the bodice as it was quite apparent that the medium size was meant for someone a bit differently shaped than I am… It is a family event, after all.

It was a crazy, annoying thing, but I figured it out. I’ve not worked with knits before. The seams are a bit messy, but luckily around the middle where you won’t see it. The next time I make it, I will get the seams a little bit neater. I probably should have made a test dress instead of using my good fabric. It worked out though.

This is how I want to wear it for the wedding. It’s in a swanky winery, so I thought the color was appropriate. Someone furry, with a “fancy” name, likes to chase the tails when I am trying to figure out how to tie them. Here are a couple more options.

I do like how this one looks on me. Very neat and simple. The back is just about the same.

This one I think I would like better if this was the back instead of the front. This one has smaller straps across the back.

This one looks so glamorous, I think! Here’s the back.

I might not be able to pull this one off. It might be too much.

Let me know what you think! The Husband says he thinks it’s pretty, but I should probably get “a girl’s opinion.” 🙂 (Fancy doesn’t count. As long as I am petting her, she doesn’t care.)


Cozy Sewing

We couldn’t take it! We had to turn on the heat. Fancy, as you can tell, was extremely happy. She’s currently snuggled on her fleece on the couch.

I love fall, but forget that about this time of year, I start to freeze. This continues until Spring. I wear two pairs of socks, sweaters, my Jayne hat, blankets as skirts, and wraps around the house. It’s not like we keep it that cold, I just can’t warm up when I get chilly. Fancy will only go out in her fleece when it starts to be 30 or under.

Being cold made me sew a pair of flamingo pj pants that have been in my U.F.O box for a while. I used a striped knit for a waistband and cuffs. I think they are adorable. It’s disguised flamingos in bowler hats, what could be cuter? They are very comfy and warm and I fixed the weird crotch pulling that happened with my last pair by actually following directions! Well, understanding them finally.

I also finished this cute elephant bag. I saw these two fabrics as remnants and they wanted to be together. Who am I to resist what fabric wants? 🙂

It has six outside pockets and three inside. It also has a recessed zipper. It is huge and I love it. Working on it soothed my soul after a couple of hard days at work. It also reminded me how to put in a recessed zipper, so I can add it to my bags for Etsy.

We also organized the pantry over the weekend and some of the closets.

We’re trying to decide how we want to finish the basement. The inner walls are covered in a veneer that isn’t even tacked on. You can’t see it much in the pictures, but the built-in shelves were not put in correctly, so it looks alarmingly like they are tipping forward. Those will come out and metal shelves will be put in instead.

We’ve learned to concentrate on just one area, rather than try to do it all. Being a homeowner can be a little overwhelming, especially when there is a lot to fix or change.

Fancy is teaching us the importance of play even when having work to get done. She’s a silly dog. She fits right in. 🙂

We tried to dress her up as a panda for tonight, but she tried to eat her costume. My sister-in-law sent us the costume and we were hoping it would be nice, but she was too focused on playing with it. Maybe we’ll stick to sweaters and capes for her.

Now I have to go walk her before we’re besieged with Trick or Treaters! Have a Happy Halloween!