
Gardening, Here I Come!

So first off, I was left unsupervised at a local garden store and I discovered their magical backyard area for the main greenhouse. Plus, I definitely want to support my local small businesses. So yes, I did need all these plants. 🙂

I ended up running out of potting soil for my last two herbs and my little fairy garden replacement plants because I had a lot of plants, but I’m excited to get the garden going.

I did plant seeds on Tuesday and next year I swear I will actually sort markers out, not just assume I’ll remember where things are. It’s going to be a squash and melon battle royale in the corner of one of the beds this year. I have two zucchini plants, a watermelon, and a pumpkin, I think…. May gourd have mercy.

Here’s the bed in question. I switched them this year, since I have had the tomatoes in the same bed for two years.

I have discovered that a true friend is one who will take extra zucchini plants off your hands, by the way. I could only get a pack of 4 plants, but would kind of like to have other things in the garden bed, so only wanted two. She’s also taking some sugar snap peas. The peas are getting their own tripod.

I’m using the same little trellis cage I used last year for beans and have three sets of cucumber seeds ready to go on a trellis, if they actually grow. All the vining things are on the right side of the bed, next to the path. I figured that would make it easy to reach them.

I have a row of carrots down the middle, since they grew so well last year. I added rainbow carrots, because you know I couldn’t resist. Across the front of the bed is arugula and little gem lettuce. There may also be swiss chard and a broccoli? Next year, I promise to label everything.

The peppers are in this bed as well. Nothing fancy, a salsa mix from seed, a poblano, a jalepeno, and a long cayenne pepper. There’s also a couple of bell peppers, one plant and a seed mix.

Now the tomato bed, is as usual, where things get interesting. 🙂 It’s also where I find another definition of a true friend, one who shares heirloom tomato seeds with me! She sent a Better Buy Yellow, a Casspian Pink, a Black Prince, and a German Ruby Green. I planted them all and am hoping they will all grow. I wasn’t able to get myself together to try seed starting again this year, so I have no idea if they will even grow in time, but I might as well try, I thought. Maybe, like the radishes, I might get some surprises.

I will admit that I buy tomato plants by name, not necessarily by what’s actually best for my garden or space. Kind of like my mother when she buys wine actually, so that must be where I got it from. 🙂 So in interesting tomato names this year, I have Mortgage Lifter, Lemon Boy, Pink Brandywine, Green Zebra, and once again, Mr. Stripey! I’m definitely going to try to save seeds this year, in case I can’t find him again. I have a couple of beefsteak and Sweetie cherry tomato seeds planted somewhere in the garden. Possibly next to the extra radishes. I also bought a tomatillo plant! I’ll be excited to try some slasa verde too!

I can’t forget my herbs, of course! I think I need more of them though. My thyme survived a little, but then when it froze again, it was no more. So far, I have flat leaf parsley, Greek oregano, spearmint, lemon verbana, lemon balm, and two kinds of sage, varigated golden sage and garden sage. I haven’t used all my dried herbs from last year, so thought I should try to go easy this year, but I really want more fresh ones to use. I get such a kick out of just stepping out to cut fresh herbs. Makes me feel all sorts of fancy!

My tea pot and the empty pot is basil

The strawberries mostly survived. The ones in the specific strawberry tower did not survive, oddly enough. I think they may have been too dry. The others are growing very well, although I still need to weed them. We even have some berries started already!

I also bought some fairy garden plants to fix my fairy gardens from last year, a succulent to take to my office (hooray for windows!) and some flowers to go in the empty front bed so it looks like we’re doing something in there. I don’t have a good picture of the bed, as it doesn’t look pretty yet, but here’s some of the flowers.

We do have some glorious iris starting to appear. My friend gave us a bunch last year and I’m excited to see the different colors. Here’s the purple one that’s open right now!

So other than the sunburn I’ve accquired, things are looking good for the garden. The Husband rigged a sprinkler temporarily up to water the beds for us and it’s one of the shooting and turning ones and it looks hilarious. We need to get new hose couplings to make the other ones work. We’re going to venture out for mulch and more herbs tomorrow. I will attempt to be good, but you know once I get in the plants, the garden haze descends upon me and I have no idea how all those plants just jump into my cart. Honestly, it’s almost spooky! 😉 Yeah, the Husband doesn’t believe me either, but he sure likes the salasa that we have all summer.

I hope you’re able to grow some fun things this summer. I know it’s perking me up to plant and sow some hope for the future. Happy Gardening!

Recipe Roundup

Recipe Roundup

Hi everyone! I hope your long weekend is going well. The Husband and I keep reminding each other that it’s only Saturday! We took Fancy to the pack walk on Friday morning, since the Husband had the whole day off. She enjoyed herself and since we walked for 45 minutes and went for three car rides, she was one tired out pup.

We’ve planned small yard work projects for each day this weekend. Yesterday’s was putting down mulch and today’s was chopping the lilac tree that had fallen and cleaning up the rest of the spot. The tree actually fell on our neighbor’s daughter’s car! Luckily, there was no damage. The tree core was hollow. It looked like ants had gotten to it. We’ll watch the rest of the trees there to make sure they aren’t dangerous too.

There were so many different kinds of trees in this tiny little spot, that I thought we could play an excellent drinking game. A shot for every different tree… We would be smashed in about 10 minutes. We had other things to do though, so we declined.

It’s been super hot lately, so we had a cold chef’s salad tonight. I left my salad on the tray table and went to get a drink tonight. I came back to a suspicious wet spot on my table, cheese outside the bowl…

And a very innocent looking dog…

Now, I’ll let you decide what you will about it, but it wouldn’t be the first time she’s tried to steal a taste of my dinner… Please excuse her toys. We put them away and she has such fun spreading them all over the floor again. Silly dog.

Last night we had broiled chicken sausages and fancy seasoned fries.

We also had strawberry shortcake for dessert. Store bought angel food cake and ice cream. The Husband loves berries macerated with sugar and we can “have them any time.” 🙂

They are quite delicious.

We had Chicken Bao or steamed buns last weekend and watched the Firefly episode “Our Mrs. Reynolds.” It seemed appropriate, since it includes the line “Did she really make fresh bao?” 🙂

They were delicious, as usual.

We had a crockpot meal this week as well. Scalloped Potatoes with Cheese from The Spruce Eats.

I added cubed ham and spices. It was alright. Not my favorite thing. I probably won’t make this particular recipe again. The cheese separated in the sauce. Dairy is hard to manage in crockpots.

We also had a sandwich night, but no pictures, as we were in different spots.

I’m excited to start the garden. We have plans to dig out the spot tomorrow morning and get some flowers for the front boxes as well. It should be a fun day and we will still have a whole extra day! Just think of the things we could do!

I’ll leave you with this picture of my favorite part of summer; all the berries I can eat!

Have a great weekend!


Wordless Wednesdays

Not So Wordless Wednesday- 4th of July

My family has a unique way to celebrate the 4th of July, which we happily credit to my Grandma Shirley. She was a nurse and had just come off a night shift and was eating cereal at a restaurant when they put up a sign for “Fresh Strawberry Sundaes.” She said they looked so good that she had to order one and when it came, she poured it on top of her cereal. Ever since then, my family has done the same. No matter where we are, we all take the time to have this breakfast treat. Over the years it evolved to have blueberries too, so we can say it’s patriotic.

We normally send pictures of our breakfast to each other too. This year our breakfast included homemade custard based vanilla ice cream and three small strawberries from the garden along with the store ones.

Here’s this year’s breakfast shot! 

Here are the components in case you want to adopt the tradition:

You need a flaky cereal, strawberries, blueberries, and ice cream. The proper way to make this (although there is some debate) is to pour the smallest amount of cereal you can get away with on the bottom, add the ice cream, then berries. Some people put the ice cream first, but that’s wrong…

Now, if you happen to run out of ice cream before you finish the rest of the berries (as I make sure to do,) it’s fine to get just a bit more. You have to come out even, of course.

I have won friends and influenced people with this breakfast. We had it one year when I was working at a summer camp and had brought other staff friends home and they thought it was the best part of the weekend. 🙂

Fancy ate some strawberries to celebrate with us, but only likes frozen blueberries. She spent most of the last two evenings with me in the basement hiding from the end of the world, otherwise known as the fireworks. The fleece blanket I tucked her in with apparently has magical powers, as she spent most of last night sleeping while I sewed and organized.

She’s better today and is still pretty cuddly. We took her to the dog friendly mall twice over the weekend and she liked that. The second time she refused to leave until we took her to the dog bakery for her free sample and some pets. There is a chance she is a very spoiled pup.

I hope you all had a happy and safe 4th! Feel free to adopt the family tradition and make it your own. We don’t mind sharing!