Party Posts · Recipe Roundup

Harry Potter Party

So I was at a bellydance workshop all weekend and Fancy was excited to see me until the heat went on. Then she abandoned me for the heat vent. Silly dog! She’s currently snuggled under an extra sheet on the couch. The past couple of evenings, she’s been a brat until I’ve taken it down and made her a nest with it. πŸ™‚

But on to the party!  It was super fun and we, of course, had lots of food. I didn’t go to overboard though. We also didn’t have too many sweets, as we had a Honeydukes section with a ridiculous amount of candy. Honeydukes is the name of the candy shop in the wizard village. πŸ™‚

Side note, I finally got carded again for buying hard cider. The last couple of times I bought some kind of alcohol, I haven’t gotten carded and it’s a little weird for me… πŸ™‚ This time, I was also buying about 10 pounds of candy, so maybe that’s why. 

So I read the first book again and looked up recipes to make themed party foods. It’s not like The Hobbit, where there’s focus on foods, so there’s only a couple of things that are pretty regular. The Husband requested a large pile of chicken legs, as Ron, one of the main characters, is frequently seen two fisting chicken. πŸ™‚

 I used this recipe:

They were alright, but I would bump the spices next time. 

Butterbeer is the main drink in the HP universe. I forgot to get a picture of it, but the recipe is pretty simple. Use heated apple cider, bourbon, rum, or brandy, ginger beer, and butterscotch sauce. Mix them to taste and top with whipped cream if desired. I got the recipe from a Buzzfeed round up of Harry Potter themed cocktails. There are definitely some more that I would like to try on the list.

I used a homemade butterscotch sauce too, because I couldn’t help myself… The recipe is linked in the butterbeer recipe, I can’t get the link to embed in the post. It’s a popsugar article.

For other drinks, we had spiced pumpkin cider, which I found at Aldi, pop, tea, and hot chocolate. The pumpkin cider was a little weird, but not unpleasant. It tasted more like spices than actual pumpkin. Pretty sure it was apple cider with spices.

I attempted to make butterbeer macarons, but they were a total disaster. I couldn’t even serve them! No pictures because when I tried to take them off the pans, they crumbled and looked a mess. I will try them again though! They were from Sensible Sara.

One recipe that did go right was Pumpkin Pasties. 

I looked at some recipes and then just made my own up. I used pumpkin puree, goat cheese with honey, honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves. They were wrapped in puff pastry and brushed with egg, cinnamon and sugar. They were delicious warm. 

We had Bacon Mac and Cheese cups for a dinner snack. I overbaked them a little, but was told they were still alright. They do not reheat well, according to the Husband. And yes, it’s kraft mac and cheese. πŸ™‚

The recipe is here:Β

We had egg cups, partially for brunch, but also to test as a recipe for the Husband to take for breakfast. They turned out to be pretty good and they will work for breakfasts.

We had another dragon cake, because it’s a magical world, so of course, there needed to be a dragon! This was amazingly delicious! I will probably make it again, as I forgot the baking soda and the cinnamon exploded all over the batter. I apparently also forgot to take a picture of the cake. I decorated it with a maple glaze, edible gold glitter, and green dust. It was cute. I have requested a regular bundt pan for Christmas, as not every occasion needs a dragon cake. πŸ™‚

We had chocolate frogs for part of Honeydukes. It’s something that comes up all the time in the books. My friend Kim sent me a mold to borrow for the frogs and I used Ghiradelli and Baker melting chocolate. These also had green dust on them.

They were a big hit, even if they didn’t jump around like the ones in the movies and books. πŸ™‚

I made up a recipe for a mushroom tart, mainly because I really wanted it. I used marscapone and Boursin cheese mixed together and then spread on puff pastry. It was topped with sauteed mushrooms- baby bella and white, and caramelized onions. 

Kayla brought dragon spiced nuts, which were sweet and spicy. She also brought a large cooler full of sandwich fixings to go with the French Onino Soup. I also made nuts, but mine were weird, so we’ll just ignore them… πŸ™‚

Here’s some Honeydukes pictures. 

We had Dementor Recovery chocolates, caramels, gummy worms/frogs/bears, PB eyeballs, Golden Snitches, jellybeans (but not the gross ones from the movies!), ginger candies, Ton Tongue Taffy, Acid Pops (Tootsie Rolls,) and Lemon drops. There was a lot of candy, but luckily, people took some home.

I’ll post the decor pictures tomorrow for Wordless Wednesday. You’ve probably had enough Potter pictures today. πŸ™‚

Have a magical day!

Monthly Review · Recipe Roundup

Monthly Review And Recipes

Another month gone by! I’m excited to be getting into the holidays and to be finally being down to one job. My current plan is to transfer everyone by The end of December. So far I’m on track. My Fridays are going to be Etsy and errand days. And blogging, of course. πŸ™‚

I made two new recipes this week. One was good and was very good.

1- Gershwin’s Greatest Gumbo from Musical Feasts from the Detroit Symphony Orchestra.

I have no pictures, since we ate this on Halloween. I do have a picture of some of the leftover Halloween candy. We only had about 30 trick or treatersΒ and two Costco bags of candy…

The Gumbo had Cornish hens and smoked gouda chicken sausage. I would switch to smoked turkey sausage instead. The gouda sausage was a little weird. This was delicious though. It had a little kick to it. We will make this again. We had it over rice. It made a perfect meal to have on a cold night.

2- Scalloped Potatoes and Ham from A Quilter’s Christmas by Louise Stoltzfus and Dawn Ranck.Β 

This was eaten while I was at work, so no pictures. I had a few bites when I got home. The Husband said it was a little soupy, but tasted good. It didn’t originally call for that, but I just threw some sliced ham in it. I would make this again.

Now for my monthly review. I made 20 recipes. 9 were new cookbooks or internet recipes.

We had a couple of hits, the gumbo, Fancy’s dog treats, jerk chicken, and the cuban steak.

Misses were Dad’s bread method and the Hungarian Beef Stew.

I tried using Dad’s method for my new technique and will try it again. I made some more frozen meals to keep and they have turned out good so far.

Crafting wise, I made my goal of finishing an item of clothing and my UFO goal on one fell swoop with my flamingo pjs. They are so cozy!

I also made my elephant bag, but couldn’t bring myself to sell it. It needed to be mine.

I also started Nanowrimo this month, so my challenge will be getting my writing done as well as maintaining Β sewing and cooking. I foresee a lot of crockpot meals this month.

So to explain Nano, the point is to write 50,000 words in the month of November to end up with a short novel. I’ve attempted this before and only “won” once. Β This year’s novel is a Steampunk novel involving political intrigue and magic. Somehow while writing yesterday, cowboys showed up. It was weird, but it kind of worked out. I think. It’s going to be interesting to see where it goes.

So my goals for this month will be a little smaller, due to Nano. I plan to still keep the 2 new meals per week. I also want to try cooking something familiar with a new recipe.

Sewing goals are to find my serger pedal and to try sewing with knits. Also, to finish one of the quilts that I have tucked away.

Now, I have to go get the dog off the bed. She snuck into our bedroom while I wasn’t looking. She likes to steal blankets and pjs and snuggle them.

Oh, and make word count. Wish me luck!