
Seal Cove Auto Museum- Transportation and Women’s Suffrage

“To me, it was shocking that a government of men could look with such extreme contempt on a movement that was asking nothing except such a simple little thing as the right to vote.”-Alice Paul

One of the littler, out of the way stops we made on our great East Coast trip was to the Seal Cove Auto Museum, which was super fun. It’s in Seal Cove, Maine, on one of the islands that make up Acadia National Park. They are a smaller museum. I think the volunteers outnumbered people visiting by far, but everything was in really good order. Their main exhibit while we were there was how transportation, especially cars, really helped the Woman’s Suffrage movement. It was pretty humbling for me to see what women went through just to get the right to vote and I learned a lot of things that I hadn’t even heard about before. I thought I’d share some of the pictures and the info that was shared. Here’s the museum website if you would be interested in learning more as well.

They had a lot of research and some items from ladies involved in the Suffrage movement and also acknowledged the women left out of the Suffrage movement- namely BIPOC women, who it was thought would anger the men if they were included. Black and Native American women did not get the right to vote until way after white women got the right to vote, for example. Frances Harper was one of the Black Suffrage leaders at the time.

“I do not think the mere extension of the ballot a panacea for all the ills of our national life. What we need to-day is not simply more voters, but better voters.”-Frances Harper

This car was modeled after a boat! It’s made of teakwood and has brass fittings. It was for some fancy executive, but I forget which one at the moment.

This car was driven cross country by two women, Nell Richardson and Alice Burke, to gain support for the Women’s Suffrage Movement. They drove through rain, snow, got stuck in the mud on terrible roads, and a host of other issues. They were mostly met with happiness, but also sometimes gifts, including a cat that they named Saxon, for the car manufacturer. The roads were so bad, in fact, that when they were done with their tour, Alice Burke started campaigning for better roads! Here’s a short article from the National Park Service on the significance of this ride and why the cat was important.

“On the Road, April 9- ‘The very minute we stopped for gasoline, and were forced to give a demonstration of how our little car works. All the men wanted to see inside her, so we waited a while and let them explore to their hearts’ content. If you can’t win a man by oratory, you can by machinery, sometimes.'”- Alice Burke

It was so interesting to read about all this. It also made me extremely grateful for the women who came before me, as well as the strong women in my own family who’ve lived through adversity. I will definitely be doing more research for myself about this and many other things. I hope it inspires you do to do the same!

Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Old Car Festival at Henry Ford/Greenfield Village- Pt 1

These are some pictures from the Old Car Festival in Greenfield Village. It is apparently the oldest running car show in America!

It rained briefly, but we got to see some pretty sweet cars, plus really cool antique bicycles. Most of them were still running, although we did see an old tow truck towing an even older car. 🙂

Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Thoughtful Thursday- Auto Show Pictures

Pictures are all credited to the Husband. I didn’t go to the show this year.

Lego Truck!

Apparently all the engines are hand built?
Canadian Coast Guard

There were puppy adoptions. We almost had a new puppy…
Crafty · Life Posts · Sewing

Auto Show and Evil Fairies

The Husband and I went to the North American International Auto Show yesterday. I haven’t been in several years because I’m mostly indifferent to cars and I don’t need to push every single button that is in a car. I like to look at the shiny ones and then sit in a corner with a book while the Husband does his thing. This year though, we are looking at getting new cars in the spring and thought it might be a nice way to check them out without having the pressure of a salesperson haunting us.

I of course, don’t think I got a picture of the two we were looking at. I was too busy trying them out. We think the Husband is going to get a new Escape and I will probably get an EchoSport. Or the Escape, but I like the Echo better. It’s smaller, more me sized.

I kept saying that about the smaller cars at the show and people would giggle. The Fiat was one of the me sized cars that I liked. It’s so cute and dainty looking.

The Husband requested that I sit in a new F150 and I think I was the only girl around that truck.  I felt like I was 6, but it did have adjustable pedals, so theoretically, it could have worked. That’s assuming I didn’t take out telephone poles while driving, of course.

I like looking at the shiny new cars and I kept taking pictures of front ends because it’s funny how some look so predatory and some look adorable. Case in point: The Alfa Romeo vs. the VW Beetle



There was also a couple of Hot Wheels style cars. The Camaro had a hot wheels one on display, but there were too many people drooling on it for me to get a picture. This one is from the Ant Man movie.

I had to take a picture of a Jeep for my friend, who has her own rough and ready yellow Jeep.

There were some cool displays and details in the cars too. The Hellcat has its  symbol in the headlights.

This display was in the Michelin booth.

It’s a 3d printed tire. Surrounding it are ideas for things that it could be made of including wood fibers, plastic bottles, cloth, and orange peels. Also, the Michelin man was there and the little kids were so excited that it was cute.

I have lots more pictures too, but they’ll be posted on Wednesdays probably.

Now for the sewing/evil fairies part of this post… My deal is that I have to finish something from the UFO box before I can start anything new, since I want to get halfway through the boxes in the next year.

I’m running out of tea wallets, which are, of course, the easiest, but I did find four more red ones that were almost completely finished. They just needed outlining mostly.

Three of them are complete. The one that has a button loop will get finished when I do the button. It’s a fall themed one, so I don’t have to rush. I also tied off the ends of more of the brown ones, so those have been added to the stack.

So in addition to the red tea wallets, I had a fairy bag, which is the last of this fabric that I have. It’s pretty adorable, with fairy mushroom houses, mushroom lining, and cheery red background fabric.

I’m pretty sure it wasn’t finished because it may have been infested with evil fairy vibes…Let me list the things that went wrong…

The straps were already sewn, meaning I would have to exactly match the stitching, or sew them on differently. Then, because they were made to go across the pockets, they were super duper long and I had to cut them down twice. I had two zippers that were too small and one that was five inches too big..The fabric got twisted up while I was sewing the corners:

I unpicked the wrong seam and had to sew it twice. The backing fabric was a weird size and I ended up ripping strips off of it. Fancy doesn’t like the sound of ripping fabric apparently and almost took a header under my chair trying to make sure I was safe. Poor dog, running on slippery floors doesn’t go well for her.

I ended up with 5 pocket bag, because I sewed the pocket sem in the last place and one of the times I cut the straps, I cut my new slouchy sweatshirt sleeves as well.

Oh, and there were missing threads on one of the pockets and a strap, which took me about six tries to fix. My thread kept nesting on the strap.

Like I said, evil fairies.

I did get it finished finally, but I probably should have stuck it back in the box and worked on something else. I was so frustrated by the time I was done with it that I wasn’t up to doing anything fun. Plus, it took me at least three hours, for what should have been an hour tops. All of the pieces were already cut out!

It needs to leave my house. I’m still mad at it. If anyone wants it, I’ll give you the “possible evil fairy” discount. 🙂

In a related note, this fortune came up in our “Make Your Own Fortune” book and I’m slightly concerned what my day will be like, considering what I do for a living..

Eek. I only have four appointments today, so hopefully they all go well and this wasn’t a sign of things to come. Send peaceful thoughts!