“I like to compare the holiday season with the way a child listens to a favorite story. The pleasure is in the familiar way the story begins, the anticipation of familiar turns it takes, the familiar moments of suspense, and the familiar climax and ending.” – Fred Rogers
“Christmas Day is in our grasp, as long as we have hands to clasp! Christmas Day will always be, just as long, as we have we! Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart, and hand in hand!” –Dr. Seuss
“When we remember a special Christmas, it is not the presents that made it special, but the laughter, the feeling of love, and the togetherness of friends and family that made that Christmas special.” – Catherine Pulsifer
“Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” – Charles M. Schulz
“Christmas is a togethery sort of holiday. That’s my favorite kind.” – A. A. Milne
Hello! I’ve been having fun and getting more confident with my embroidery machine. Oh yeah, did I say I bought one? We’re going to blame my Mother in Law as usual for most of my expensive sewing purchases. 🙂 I have wanted an embroidery machine for a while. Since my vintage green sewing machine is named Shirley, I named embroidery machine Florence. It makes me smile!
So this year, I embroidered a bunch of Christmas gifts for people. Please excuse some of them being still in the hoop. I forgot to take pictures of the final product, as between being sick, switching jobs, and the normal holiday rush, it was just not something I focused on.
This one was for the Husband. It suits him perfectly and I just need to find a good frame for it. It’s supposed to look like one of those embroidery samplers, but snarky. He has assured me not everything is for spite… but I know a few things have been. Mostly on my behalf lately, which I’m okay with. *bwhahaha
A Scandinavian deer for my parents. Isn’t it pretty! It was so fascinating to see how the machine sewed everything and I love how it turned out. The pattern is a set of Scandinavian animals, so I’m excited to use more of them in the future.
This one is from the same pack as the deer and really was one of the main reasons I bought that set of embroidery patterns. I had a grand vision of making everyone tiny little embroidered ornaments this year, but only managed a few of them. I do like them though, so maybe everyone will get them next year instead. So you know… forget I said anything if I’m in the habit of sending you presents. 😉 I did have a lot of fun trying out different color combinations with them. I do need to iron that wrinkle out and reframe it, but they came out super cute!
This mint chip ornament went to K2 because she said she liked it. Sometimes when I’m unsure of something it will go to the person who actually does like it. I did too, but I wasn’t sure if anyone else would get the mint chip theme.
Look! A bookmark! Something that I almost never use for its intended purpose. This is made of only thread and water soluble stabilizer to make free standing lace. It was one of three? four? attempts. I did not throw my very expensive embroidery machine off the house for how annoying it was to make, as it wasn’t the machine’s fault. The stabilizer was like thicker plastic cling film and it just kept shredding itself, as you put it in the hoop by itself with no fabric. It also got shoved into the needle plate at one point by the needle, causing me to have to take the needle plate completely off to get it out. There’s apparently a different kind of stabilizer I need instead that’s much easier to use and more fabric like. This stuff would work on top of thicker towels, I think, where it’s not by itself so I am going to save it for those projects. I may have a free standing lace gnome pattern for bookmarks too… 🙂
My friend K1 got another blue towel with an embroidered chicken too, but it says something rather rude and I thought I should protect my poor, innocent, and noble mother from seeing it. 😉 K1 loved it though as it fit her chickens to a tee, so I am satisfied. Fun fact, I got these towels and some other ones from the quilt expo and they are very good quality! These tea pots make my heart enormously happy and I want to make a whole apron set with all of them on it. I think I have 8 or 9 of them. it’s hard to pick a favorite, but I’m a sucker for adorable mushrooms, even if I am allergic to nettles.
Also from the quilt show tea towels were these two that I made for my mother. I completely fooled her too, she didn’t think I’d made them! Both of these designs came from the set that came installed on the machine and I was excited to use them. I fiddled with the colors on the tree. It was originally mostly red, but I wanted to have it match the green towel. I think they both came out looking very nice!
Probably my favorite and most complicated Christmas present were these dice boxes for my older brother and SIL. The blue set of dice has little tiny lutes imbedded in them, since they were for my SIL. My brother got the brown dice box and swirly dice. I also made them this towel with a funny saying on it. If you roll a 20 on these 20 sided dice in table top games, it generally means you’ve made it and whatever you’re trying to do succeeds. If you roll a 1, you’re essentially dead if it was an attack move, or fail at whatever you were trying to do.
The dice boxes were made all with the embroidery machine! They are an “in the hoop” project, meaning the entire thing was done in the embroidery hoop itself. I just cut them out after they were done. I’ll have to make more and take video because it was super cool!
I sent this kitchen towel along with the dice boxes too and it makes me giggle. I wanted to experiment with the variegated rainbow embroidery thread I bought and it came out looking really cool. The thread looks fuzzy in the lighting below, but it isn’t actually in real life.
I have some more embroidery projects too, but they were made for other things or as tests, so I’ll have to make another post and maybe show some video of the machine working. It is pretty magical!
I hope you enjoyed this glimpse of Christmas fun! I’m looking forward to showing off more projects as I get more confident. Also, if you have any ideas on what to embroider, I’ll take them! I only need so many dishtowels!
“…freshly cut Christmas trees smelling of stars and snow and pine resin – inhale deeply and fill your soul with wintry night…” ― John Geddes, A Familiar Rain
“Christmas ribbons decked every crystal ball knocker on every sparkling door as far as the eye could see. Through the snowy streets of the Veiled Village, Echoes and Sounds rushed to and fro, their shimmering clothes looking like pouring rain or ice or waves. Before them multi-colored parcels fluttered like strange birds carried on small see-through wings, and every once in a while two parcels would collide and rain down gifts.” ― Dew Pellucid
“Instead of protesting and cursing others because they write “X-Mas” instead of “Christmas”; try being Christmas. Live Christmas. Breathe Christmas. Act Christmas. Speak Christmas. Reflect Christmas. Listen and feel Christmas Christ doesn’t care how you write Christmas; he cares how you live Christmas all year long.” ― Sandra Chami Kassis
“Calvin: Dear Santa, before I submit life to your scrutiny, I demand to know who made YOU the matter of my fate?! Who are YOU to question my behavior, HUH??? What gives you the right?! Hobbes: Santa makes the toys, so he gets to decide who to give them to. Calvin: Oh.” ― Bill Watterson, It’s a Magical World
“I don’t want Christmas season to end, because it’s the only time I can legitimately indulge in on particular addiction: glitter.” ― Eloisa James, Paris in Love
“For many years, I’ve wanted to do one, and I’ve always mentioned it to the chieftains, and they would say things like, ‘Oh well. Christmas albums don’t sell,’ and things like that. But that’s not the point. Christmas albums are important. The music is important. The season is important.”- Aretha Franklin
“On the morning, Daddy and I get up at six o’clock because Christmas trees must be bought in the dark. We walk to the other end of town, as the big harbour is just the right setting for buying a Christmas tree. We spend hours choosing, looking at every branch suspiciously. It’s always cold.”- Tove Jansson
“Christmas and a cappella – what we learned really, really well is that they go extremely well together.”- Kevin Olusola (Pentatonix)
“The Swedish Christmas is definitely unique, even throughout Scandinavia. Like Christmas everywhere, it’s a very family-centered holiday.”- Marcus Samuelsson
“Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas.”- Johnny Carson
With this being such a weird year, I didn’t end up making as many cookies as I normally do. I also forgot to take pictures of another bunch of them. Here are some cookie pictures that I did take though.
The cookie platter for Christmas Eve: Lava Salted Caramel Shortbreads, Chunky Chocolate Chip Cookies, Salted Caramel Chocolate Chip, M&M cookies, fudge from K1, and cardamom sugar cookies from my Mom.
Pizzelle from K1- Lightly chai spiced
Cinnamon Sugar Swirls
Peppermint cookie bars
I also made peppermint bark, key lime snowballs, peanut butter balls, and whipped shortbread cookies.
So we did something ridiculous, as per usual. We challenged our friends and family to a Charcuterie Chalet Challenge where we built houses out of charcuterie materials instead of gingerbread houses. It was wacky fun! I hope you enjoy the pictures and are inspired to create your own fun events!
Our Log CabinThe aftermath! It definitely fell apart shortly after the first picture. K2’s Log CabinA’s Meat TentK’s House For A Hobbit
And finally The Winner! Title: Frosty’s Getaway. Look at the amount of intricate detailing. The chimney! The path! The snowman!! The pepperchini trees! The tiled salami roof!
K1’s mom made it, so I will be sending her a fun homemade prize after Christmas.