Party Posts

A Boozy Bridgerton Tea

Why hello! Are you ready for tea? Perhaps with a spot of something stronger? Or maybe some genteel gossip? Then do come in! No boys allowed though! This was ladies’ only. We kicked the Husband out to K2’s house, where he had a perfectly manly time blowing things up in video games.

One of my favorite historical romance series, the Bridgerton Family, by Julia Quinn was made into a Netflix show and I was super excited by it. I did like the first season better and did not enjoy the second season as much, although I think I understand why they changed the story so much from the book. The costumes are gorgeous and I really enjoy the modern music played by string quartets. It’s a nice mix of fantast and more modern sensibilities without losing the core elements of romance. However, you didn’t read this post for my thoughts on the series, you want to see the boozy tea! Say no more! on to the pictures!

Here you can see grandma’s singing teapot, which charmed everyone! My friend K3 made soda bread from a family recipe and it was lovely. Another friend brought fancy chocolates. Those are strawberry marshmallows in the fancy bowl, which was my grandma in law’s. In the very corner of the picture, you can just see our pickles for the evening! The last time I went to the plant store, I found a pickle plant! It’s a type of trailing succulent and it has little bristles like cucs do before they turn into pickles! Also, look Mom! One of the spider plant babies I stole at Christmas!

My friend K3 made cucumber sandwiches as well and they were lovely! I have a cucumber in my fridge that I really need to use probably pretty quickly and I think I might make myself a tea lunch with it soon. K2 made egg salad and we had a couple of kinds of crackers for it. Also, a better view of the pickle plant and a spider plant I didn’t steal from my mother.

K3 also made cherry orange biscuits at my house for the party, K2 brought the macaroons and made the Cosmo cupcakes! My friend L made the brownies. We had strawberries and cream as well, and gluten free scones.

These are store bought eclairs. I have no desire to make them, as they are fiddly. These are the perfect size for my tray too. Which I bought day of the party because I had to get supplies and Aldi has the weirdest selection of non-grocery items ever. Had I gotten myself a cart, I probably would have also bought the mini buffet server for parties.

We also had these amazingly delicious Italian almond cookies- I think they were amaretti cookies. I’m going to have to get some more from the store or learn to make them. My friend C who brought the chocolates, also brought a delicious gluten free strawberry cake, but I didn’t get a few things in a picture, unfortunately.

Now, you absolutely cannot have a Regency era tea party without lemonade, but since this was a boozy night, we spiked it. Naughty of us, I know, but it was delicious! K2 brought homemade strawberry simple syrup and I had a really smooth gin that my younger brother brought as payment for a sewing job. So we had spiked strawberry lemonade, as well as regular spiked lemonade- in the corner of the picture. The strawberry version is below.

It was hard to pick a favorite! I also made two tea based cocktails, served in a teacup of course! To simplify recipes, we just used two and both used gin. There was a spiked lemonade in the book made with strawberry green tea, but I just added gin and simple syrup to the regular lemonade. The tea based cocktails were both Mar-Tea-nis. We had a hibiscus roobios one and an Earl Grey one. I made both the teas ahead and chilled them. My kitchen counter looked like a mad scientist’s workshop for a while with all sorts of teas steeping. K2 had Red Berries Iced Tea which I happily drank the rest of all weekend.

I made the drinks light and followed the recipe from my Tea Cocktails book (Tea Cocktails: Unique and Delicious Tea- Infused Cocktails by Abigail Gehring.)

The picture below is the hibiscus roobios mar-tea-ni. This felt a little bland for me. I think I needed more simple syrup in it, but didn’t want to cover the taste of the tea. I don’t know if I would make it again.

The Earl Grey mar-tea-ni was much more to my taste. My brother sent me a recipe that included infusing the gin and I may still try that one, but didn’t have time before the party. I had some lemon with it and used a regular simple syrup instead of a honey simple syrup, but I think it worked either way.

I would definitely drink this again! I’m excited to try some more of the tea cocktails from the book, but need to track down some ginger tea, if I don’t already have any. Also, I may need a bigger booze cupboard shortly. Or need to make drinks with the tiny bottles of flavored vodka I have taking up space. Hmm. Maybe that will be a future party experiment and blog post.

I’ll leave you with a picture of the absolute perfect tins that I bought right before the party. Behold my cake tins! When I tell you I have a desire to replicate the cakes and store them in their tins, I’m sure you’ll understand why.

Don’t they look delicious?! Anyway, I hope your night is as sweet as this party was and if you’re into Regency era romance, definitely check out the Bridgerton books and show.

Recipe Roundup

Summer Sipping

Having my younger brother here was fun and educational regarding the state of our liquor cupboard and the drinks we could make from it. We don’t imbibe very often at all and I’m more likely to add something yummy to hot cocoa than make a cocktail. I’ve always wanted to play with the fancy ones though, so it was fun to get some ideas.

The Brother introduced me to Difford’s Guide, which is fantastic for searching for different drink ideas. The link is here:

We set up a drink station one Friday after lunch and had summery cocktails out in the yard using things we had at home. It was so much fun! I’ve been wanting to play with drinks and light for a while, so now you get to see the results. I have plans to do this seasonally. We have a lovely fireplace after all and I made a fun Christmas table cover for drinks a year or so ago with that intention.

Our first batch was non-alcoholic libations.

I made sparkling ginger limeade with the flamingo stirrer. It was yummy! I made my own limeade with fresh lime juice, simple syrup, and ginger beer. The red is hibiscus ice tea with Hibiscus Ginger tea from Tea Runners. It is lovely and refreshing. The purple is actually sparkling White Peach and Butterfly Mango Tea from Tea Runners. It does something super cool! When you make it, it’s blue and when you add acid, like 7 Up, in this case, it turns purple! It’s so cool. I found a bunch of fun color changing drinks with it too, both boozy and non-boozy.

Here’s a link for some of the color changing drinks, if you’re interested. I didn’t have things quite prepared, but would like to play around with the recipes later.

Since there were only two of us, we moved on to the cocktails. These are all based on garden herbs we have in the garden.

How gorgeous are these? I loved how they looked in the sunlight and they were all tasty. My favorite is the one in the music glass- a sage Bee’s Knees.

It was deliciously tasty! Apparently I like gin. Who knew?

The next cocktail on the top of the picture is a gin basil smash, which was also yummy.

The next drink is a Thyme Will Tell Sour.

This was probably the strongest drink of the three. I liked it better once the ice melted a little. We thought making a thyme infused simple syrup would make it even better.

The next group was more summery drinks, including “The Blue Drink,” which we had to have for Shark Week. My brother was horrified, but drank most of it. It was his idea to serve it in the Star Trek glass and call it Romulan Ale. 🙂

The Blue Drink is actually a Blue Riband, which was awarded to the ocean liner who made the fastest Atlantic crossing. It’s basically three things- gin, blue curacao, and triple sec.

The red drink is a Sour Cherry Spritz with some modifications by my brother to replace things we did not have. Here’s the actual recipe:

He used 3 oz Prosecco, 1 Oz blood orange bitters, 1 Oz Heering (cherry brandy,) served over the rocks topped with 7 up, and garnished with a cherry. He said it was definitely a sipping drink and a bit heavy.

The last drink is a N’oreaster, which should really be a winter group, but it is lovely any time. It’s a variation of a Moscow Mule, which is one of my favorite drinks. This one has maple Syrup and bourbon.

Here’s an up close at my fancy owl mug.

I bought it to use at our Harry Potter party this year to hold delicious Butterbeer, but alas, we got food poisoning and had to cancel.

It was fun to try some new things out and get some lovely pictures. I quite enjoyed the shadows made by the trees. I also made some yummy Cajun spiced nuts and ranch crackers to eat with our drinks. I have a bunch of cocktails and mocktails saved to try later and some even have tea in them! It’s a fun thing to do while still having home vacations.

I hope you enjoyed hearing about them and maybe are inspired to make your own. Difford’s is a great resource for alcoholic drinks. I’ve found a couple of websites for mocktails too.

Happy Summer Sipping!