
Garden Start and Canning list

Fancy has been doing a lot of napping to recover from the weekend. She got to go up to the cabin on the lake, had her first boat ride, and discovered the joys of digging in the sand. She was a very good dog and has even been invited back. I took a bunch of pictures of her and have a special lake dog Wordless Wednesday planned.

Today though, I thought I would share our garden progress. We did end up going with containers and there’s a chance I lost all self-control while picking things out.

It was originally just about 10 pots, but that wasn’t enough. Now I have strawberries, ancho/poblano  peppers, red bell peppers, cucumber, zucchini, romaine lettuce, and a “Mammoth Jalapeño.” That last one I got by accident. I thought it was a dragon cayenne pepper, but didn’t read the tag. I will be very disappointed if the peppers aren’t huge!

The tomatoes have to be listed separately, as I got seduced by all the tomatoey goodness and couldn’t stop myself. I have a cherry tomato plant , a Roma plant, a “Cherokee” heirloom, a “Golden Jubilee” heirloom, and a “Brandywine” heirloom.  I planted them sideways in the containers, as it was my Grandpa Ed’s secret for excellent tomatoes and added plant food as well. I hadn’t known that trick, but had trouble with spindly tomato plants last year and thought I would try it. My Dad reminded me if it when I was telling him about the garden.

The blueberry bushes both look like dry sticks, but I watered them and put them in the sun, as one of them had some new leaves. Hopefully they will come back.

I also have a ton of herbs: Sage, rosemary, parsley, German thyme, Italian oregano, and basil.

I decided to grow my own tea herbs this year, since I know a lot of tea drinkers. (They should probably forget about this post, if they read it, or at least act surprised when I give them tea for Christmas.) For that project, I purchased peppermint, chocolate mint, Lime basil, and pineapple sage. I’m planning a tea making party in either July or August, depending on when people can come. I thought about getting some edible flower plants too, but was in a rush. I may get some of those later.

Yes, those are the cinder blocks for the raised bed. I figured while they were not being used, I would use them to keep the smaller pots out of the shadows.

I also started planning my canning list last night when we got back. It’s very long, so it will be fun to pick the things I am actually going to do. I’m through two of the books and have 2 1/2 pages of things to make already. The Husband will be glad the canning jars are finally leaving the kitchen shelf. He’s been telling me to can “all the things!” for a few months now. In my defense, there just wasn’t time last summer and they make great storage containers.

I have four canning books and magazines, two Ball books, one called “The Art of Preserving,” and a Taste of Home Canning magazine. I had to resist the urge to get a new Ball magazine at the store today, reminding myself that I had four already. Plus, there is my Pinterest list as well. I want to try to do other types of preserving this year, including some different pickles (yes, Mom, for my pickle tray) and some fruit lemonade concentrates. We’re always buying the fancy lemonades and it would be handy to make our own.

Right now I have definite plans for Roasted Tomatillo- Chipotle Salsa, mango raspberry jam, Thai Sweet Hot Garlic Dipping Sauce, homemade Rotel, cardamom fig jam, and a Spicy Wine Honey Jelly. Tomato products of all shapes and sizes will be canned as well; diced, crushed, sauce, and paste.

Hopefully, if my canning plans work out, I can have lots of homemade Christmas presents. I always get silly and nervous about giving people homemade presents. Perhaps this year will be the year I can squash that and make a new tradition.

Right now though, I’m off to work and to dream up new canning plans. Wish me luck with everything in the garden. I think it’s the biggest I have made on my own before!