Wordless Wednesdays

Musical Wednesday- More Songs

There’s definitely something amazing about the sheer power music has to evoke emotions and help us express our emotions. I tend to listen to a wide range of things, but maybe you’d like one of these.

Piano Guys- Hello/Lacrimosa: https://youtu.be/EYQcmZBlVsU, Limitless: https://youtu.be/4A1hkNwhUcY, Okay, really anything that they play.

Kyle Hanagami/Ed Sheeran- Give Me Love: https://youtu.be/-KTLgdTkQNs

Black Violin- Brandenburg: https://youtu.be/iDn2r_Qgg70

Naithan Lainer- Sand: https://youtu.be/AmpfR5C3nyI

Beats Antique- Sweet Demure: https://youtu.be/apkgf1sLb4A

Greatest Showman- This is Me: https://youtu.be/tC2RdFZxye0

Citizen Queen- Evolution of Girl Groups: https://youtu.be/IbfJivZm3Xo

Camille Saint-Saens- Aquarium from Carnival of the Animals: https://youtu.be/XCBDlC0N8Rc


Sneezy, Dopey, Grumpy, and Sleepy: The Four Dwarves of a Cold

I am sick. I can’t stop coughing, sneezing, or blowing my nose. I have no appetite and just want to go to bed and sleep everything off. Fancy was so concerned about me that she has been attached to my hip since Sunday and has to be touching me at all times. She’s started to guard me from The Husband again. She freaked out when I had to use my nebulizer, but seemed okay once I showed her what it was. Now she just has to lay on my lap while I use it. She checks on me every so often like this.

The Husband has been taking good care of me, so I am feeling like I’m getting a little better. The last stage of a cold for me is when it settles into my chest and my asthma flares. I’m taking zinc and drinking orange juice (though not at the same time.. blech)  and having lots of chicken soup.

I have not felt up to crafting or sewing, as I’ve also hurt my back again. I sat crunched up while writing and am still paying for it. I have to find a PT place again, so they can fix it.

I have been able to write and got over word count pretty much all the days so far. I had a hiccup in my story and decided to go back to my original idea of a people/princess rescuing dragon. The Steampunk idea got away from me. I don’t know enough about the mechanics of it to write a good story. The cowboys were confusing me to and I got really bored with my characters and the storyline. The Husband suggested I write the original one and so far it’s going well.

We went to a wedding on Saturday that had dragons. 🙂 I woke up with a cold then, so brought my own box of tissues and hand sanitizer and tried not to hug or breathe on too many people.

It was a really cool wedding.  Beautiful decorations and just a hint of nerdiness. 🙂 The sign says “One ring to bring and into marriage bind them.” The bride looked like a princess and the groom was her very handsome prince.

We got to see a whole bunch of college friends and the Husband’s music fraternity serenaded the bride, which is my favorite part of a PMA (Phi Mu Alpha) wedding. There was a serenade at our wedding too and it, of course, made me cry.

It’s time for another dose of cold meds, so I’ll leave you. Hopefully I will start to feel better this week. We have our Elevensies party on Sunday and I have a lot of food to make. Send me healthy prayers please!