Crafty · Gardening

Garden Woes and Crafty Happiness

This past weekend was so busy! I woke up today thinking it was Saturday. Sometimes I think I need a weekend to recover from my weekend.

I worked my last shift at my third job yesterday and now plan on using the extra weekend time to garden. We picked up our pallet of cinder blocks for the raised bed on Friday and while I was vending, he started tilling the space up. We had planned to dig down about 8 inches and put the first row of cinder blocks in the hole itself. Unfortunately, he found 3 buried cable lines and a huge tree root that was very shallow and goes diagonally across the entire garden spot.

Fancy was very pleased with the new hole to play in. She was too hot outside and it was nice and cool. The orange cord is the extension cord for the tiller.

We are going to have a container garden again this year instead, while we figure out what we can do to make the raised beds work. It is a huge disappointment for both of us, but the containers worked well last year. We’ll just have to buy a few more bushels of tomatoes to can is all. Hopefully we can get it started soon.

My list hasn’t changed for what I want to grow, just maybe scaled down a bit. Tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, squash, and peppers.

In crafty news, I did have fun vending this weekend. It was a great workshop and fun people. I wasn’t able to go to the show. I ended up with a migraine and had to stay home. I had a few repeat customers and got good reports on the things that they had previously bought, which is always a good thing.

I also made some new items. The flowers I made a while ago are in the featured picture. I made a set of cute fabric trays with boats. I want to make this into a set of four with a 14 inch tray in there as well. The 10 inch seems a bit too small.

I have a few more cut out to finish and I’m going to post both the flowers and trays on Etsy.

The trays I made for my office are working out well. I want to make a box for my puppets too, but may end up buying one. I haven’t figured out quite what I want to do yet.

Now I have to go finish clearing off the table and make something. I have a whole day to be productive, but so far I’ve just walked the dog and cleared the table. She is currently napping and it’s hard to resist joining her.


Free Fabric (and Fancy’s reaction)!

I know, I know! I should be saying “no new fabric,” but our friend Katy came to stay with us for a few days with her dog Moose, and brought a whole lot of free fabric from the costume shop. How could I say no to that?!

We did make an agreement though. The fabric I won’t use, I can donate or get rid of. I have the same arrangement with my Mom when she gives me fabric and I’ve been pretty good about it. Katy wasn’t sure what was in the bags, so it was lots of fun to go through them and see what could be discovered.

This may have been Fancy’s reaction to seeing all the new fabric. I think she thought I was going to take over her toy closet.

Here are a few more pictures of some of the fun fabrics.

This is a cotton fabric. I’m thinking about making a bellydance hip wrap, as it is long and a little too narrow for bags.

Red sparkly bow ties. I believe these are hand sewn. The stitches are very neat and orderly. They are also a cotton material.

Stretchy fabrics! The polka dot one is a very odd shaped remnant and is a pretty thick poly material. The yellow poly is in two slightly bigger pieces and is thinner. I’m kind of fascinated with it, but have no idea what to make. It should be enough to cover a dance bra though and would be quite sparkly on stage.

Olive Green jersey. There isn’t a lot of this and it is bottom weight, or heavier, so I am going to try to make a pair of sleep shorts or a casual skirt. It feels nice and smooth. I forgot to take the pin out, so that’s not a hole.

Stretch poly. This is very thick and makes my texture issues go wild, so I may not keep it. There is a bunch of it though and it’s very shiny. I’ll see how I feel about it in a month or so.

There were a ton of other fabrics too, some lace pieces, a bunch of blue satiny stuff, and some solid color broadcloth. There was also a full bag of little scrap pieces of all kinds of material, which might come to the office with me to be part of my art kit.

Speaking of the office, I have discovered that the totes I bought to store things in were not quite all that I needed. I’m constantly switching what I put where depending on what I am using at the time. I had thought that I might need to make some containers and I was right. I need a pencil trays for colored pencils, a container or two for my loose games, and a big basket for my puppets that I just acquired.

I went looking for what might work the best and found a few tutorials. I think I’m going to go with the fabric trays, as being able to see what is in things would be good. I am going to use fabrics I’ve been saving, primarily in blues and browns to go with the color scheme, but a few flamingos might slip in there as well.

Here is the website I used, in case, you might find something useful as well.

If the trays work out, I may put some on Etsy. I want to diversify my bag options a little more. If not, all I will be out is some fabric. I’ve got all the materials already.

I have a vending event this week, which is a local one, so it should be good. We’re also picking up the cinder blocks for the garden, which should be exciting. . Then, this coming Sunday is the second to last day of my third job! I’m excited to focus on growing my caseload and more on Etsy and the blog.

Tomorrow I plan to make one of the trays with some octopus fabric and some fabric that looks like sand. I’m hoping it turns out as cute as I think it will. If I can get it done on time, maybe I will post a picture on Wednesday. For now though, I’ll go dream of new fabric ideas.


More Crafty Organization

I made a skirt! I finally got around to using my gift certificate for a new fabric store that I received from my in-laws at Christmas and it was glorious.

I’m very inspired and the ladies there were so nice. The store is also trying to start a garment sewing guild and I am excited about the possibility of learning how to do things properly. I think it will force me to start reconsidering cutting corners and will be a good place to learn the things that I’m struggling with learning out of books.

I got clothes fabric there, as I’m trying to use mostly scraps for quilts, but I did find a cute fabric with inspirational quotes that will be a pillow for my new office.

This skirt is made from one of the fabrics I bought. Batiks are my weakness. I can’t seem to pass them up. You’ll see more of them, I’m sure.

The skirt has an elastic waistband and two in seam pockets. It had the same hexagons on both sides of the fabric, so I split it down the middle, added a casing for the elastic, gathered the skirt around the elastic and sewed it up. Since I used the selvege edges, I didn’t even have to hem it.

It is a full yard of fabric, so it’s very poofy and it seems to wrinkle quite a lot. I wore it twice, and didn’t want to iron any messy things in it, so that’s why it’s so wrinkly in the pictures. It’s also quite saucy in wind. I’ll probably always wear this with full leggings or shorts, as I don’t trust it to stay well-behaved. It’s much brighter in real lighting. It has yellow, pink, blue, and purple in it.

I have plans to make two more skirts, a tunic style shirt, and two dresses from the other fabrics.

The green one in the picture changes colors from green to blue in different lights. There was exactly 2 yards of it left, so I think it will have to be a simple sleeveless shift dress, but I think it will be a good summer dress. I may end up making it into a tunic, or adding a contrasting band on the bottom if I can’t fit the pattern on it.  I’m not normally glad that I’m short, but in this case, I’ll take it. One of the ladies at the quilt store was very jealous that I was buying the last of the bolt.

In other crafty news, while I was waiting for my new fabrics to wash, I finished my fat quarter trunk project. All the fat quarters are now neatly sorted and in their own boxes. I might need to find bigger boxes for some of them, if I find anymore of the colors, but they are all done and it looks nice.

It’s not the perfect solution, but it’s getting better. I won’t get any sewing done today, most likely, as I work until late. My birthday is tomorrow though and after my one appointment in the morning, I am free to sew away!

I have plans to make the middle lighter blue fabric into a sundress. It has an ombre effect from light blue to dark blue and if I can get it done in time, I can wear it to my birthday dinner! I’ll be sure to post pictures when it’s done.

It felt good to sew again and I’m spending some time re-ordering my priorities. I really need to finish the wedding quilts I owe people, so I think that I am going to make a push to get those done first, with a sprinkling of new projects in there as well.

Now I have to go get the dog back inside before I leave for work. We have a fenced in yard and lately she has been very interested in napping in the sunny driveway. She tends to give me a look when I suggest that she come in that’s very similar to this one:

Wish me luck!


Crafty Storage Progress Update

I wanted to wait to post until Tuesday so that I could report more progress, but now it’s already Wednesday, so this post won’t be wordless, but I’ll post some extra pretty pictures in a separate post later. I have discovered all the lovely spring flowers in my yard. Fancy has rediscovered the joy of rolling in wet grass. She’s helping me find all the flowers and chasing the huge squirrel out of the yard.

I did make something crafty this week for my new counseling office, but got so excited to take it there, that I forgot to take pictures. I will have to get pictures  of it on Thursday when I am there again. My office is shades of cream and brown with blue accents. I already have one candle holder that is brown and needed a blue one. This one is a blue Ball canning jar with brown and white twine and bronze tone scrapbooking charms hanging on it and it’s filled with blue glass beads. I need some more of the beads as I realized I can’t reach the votive without tipping the jar. I am using the fake battery candles, definitely not real candles, but it’s still sad. I have some brown fish tank gravel that may work for it as well, so I may try to use a mixture of the two.

So I started sorting out my fabric in my big cream colored trunk this week. It is something I can do in pieces, as the fat quarters in the trunk are in separate boxes. I can just pull one box out at a time. I haven’t really gone through it with a realistic eye for what I’m actually going to use in a while. It was buried in the storage unit at the last apartment and I let it get messy.

So far I have a little pile of fabric that is a yard or more, which needs a new home, and another pile to get rid of. I have donated to the church quilting ladies in the past, but may try to spread this around. I could probably donate a bunch of my scraps to a local community art center for their materials box as well, or see if my friend’s girl scout troop needs them. I could also add them to my therapy art supplies, which I may do, if I have a lot of clients who like art.

I sorted through my pinks, purples, reds, and blues, and am in the middle of my browns, yellows, and black fat quarters. The reds, pinks, and purples fit in one container for right now with some room to expand. I know I have some more of each if these colors in various places which will be added as I find them. I tried to fold everything the same width so that they would all fit neatly and did a pretty good job. The container is the top tray for a different container holding my interfacing. I have a second one as well that currently holds pot lids in the kitchen. This might be viable and neater storage solution than the random collection of boxes I have now, but I’m not sure If I’ve seen too many sturdy trays like this lately.

Here is the blue box, which will probably need to be switched out when I get all my blue pieces together again. You can see it’s already bowing out in the middle and blue is my favorite color.

I have more motivation now to actually get things cleaned up. I have a couple of projects for other people to finish and have found a place to donate most of my finished quilt projects. My friend, who is an occupational therapist in a hospital, has a sensory room with lots of things that quilts could be used for. I would rather have my quilts go to a place or person that I know can and will use them. Not to say that the national charities I was looking at couldn’t or wouldn’t use them, but I’ve been looking for ways to help locally, either geographically, or with those I know personally. My goal is to spread as much kindness as I can and use my stash as much as I can to counteract the negatives. Do you have any favorite charities or causes that might need fabric for projects, or completed quilts? If so, please let me know!

Well, that’s it for this post. I have a whole day of errands planned for tomorrow, but will make some time for more cleaning and organizing.

Monthly Review

Monthly Review

It’s that time again! It’s been one more month of this crazy idea of mine, so I thought it was time to review my progress. Lately I’ve felt rushed and not very crafty, so it was good to sit down and see what I actually accomplished. I was tempted to hold off on writing this until I could maybe finish one more craft project, but decided honesty was best.

The thing I’ve learned most this month is to really focus on being more productive with the time I have. I’ve had to shift my dinner prep time to the mornings, or lean more on the Husband to help get it done, which has forced me to be more prepared.

I’ve also reset my alarm to be 15 minutes earlier, so that on mornings I have less time, I can still get things done. I have had some episodes of insomnia and have been able to get things done when I would normally be sleeping. It’s not an ideal situation, I’d rather have the sleep, but at least I can be a little productive. This morning was one of those mornings. Fancy woke me up at 5:30 am to go outside and I couldn’t fall back to sleep, so I’ve washed two cast iron pans, made taco meat for dinner, and made eggs and bacon for breakfast. Now I just want a nap, of course.

So on the the review:

23 new recipes, 5 of them were family/my recipes. I used six new cookbooks, Market Fresh, Bacon 24/7, Icebox Pies, Nancy Drew, Garlic, and the Food of China.

The hits for the month were definitely the Thai Spiced Duck from Garlic, and the Pasta Carbonara from Bacon 24/7. The Husband also liked the Smothered Pork Chops from the Nancy Drew cookbook. Pretty much everything is a make again. We didn’t have a whole lot of misses. I’ve been going with my gut for seasoning and adding more spices if I think they might be necessary. I’ve also had the Husband do more with actually making the dinner and it’s worked well.

I’ve realized that I should remember that I don’t have to make a new recipe every day, especially on days where I have to work late. Canned soup, leftovers, or things from the freezer are also good options. The Husband assures me that he can actually feed himself if he needs to.

We are getting better about meal planning and I’m trying to use what we have. Making more things, like the crescent dough and flour tortillas for dinner tonight is also theoretically helping our food budget. We’re terrible at sticking to one when we go to the store, so if I can automatically take some of the items off the list, it will help. It can be super annoying sometimes. Lately all it seems I’ve been doing is cooking and it leaves no time for crafting or sewing. Hopefully I can make a better balance with those two things.

Speaking of crafting, I did nowhere near as well as I wanted to with finishing projects. The Snowball quilt top is still not ironed and folded in a pile and I haven’t finished any other big projects either. I mostly made Etsy or vending items, which I need to take better pictures of so I can post them. I’m going to run a sale on my Etsy store in the next week, but want to get some more items up first.

The finished craft list is 4 tea wallets, Kanzashi pins, and two hip wraps, a black and gold one and a grey and black wrap. Granted, I was out of power for a few days and have had extra work, but it’s still a little disappointing. I started it to get motivated to finish things, not let them sit half finished.

I get antsy and cranky though when I haven’t had a good crafting session or a good book to read, so I know I need to fit it in. I’m a counselor, for goodness sake! I tell my clients all the time that they need to find the time for self-care and for things that make them happy. You’d think I’d be able to make myself follow my own therapeutic goals… I should have some time on Wednesday and Thursday to buckle down and clear out a space to sew in. I’ll try to decide later tonight what project for me I’ll work on this week. Normally the decision of what to make is half the battle. I did straighten up my craft space bookshelf and find several more craft/sewing books as well.

Also, a confession… The Husband and I went to the thrift store to see if we could find a dog gate because Fancy is getting too pushy around his computers. We didn’t find a gate, but did come home with three new cookbooks… I couldn’t help myself, and he enabled me. 🙂 One is a slow cooker book, which is good, the one we have has not been terribly impressive. The second one is a Lebanese cookbook and has five separate kibbe recipes in it. I was introduced to fried kibbe last year and it is amazing. There’s lots of lamb recipes too, which the Husband was excited about. The third one is a home cheese making cookbook! It has recipes for homemade cheeses and how to use them.

I know, I shouldn’t have even looked, but I did and somehow the books just leaped into my hands and came with me to the checkout. And now that they are here, I have to add them into the rotation.

So my goals for this next month will be to stay away from the cookbook section in any stores, finish at least two big craft projects, and use at least two new cookbooks. I think it’s doable.

In the meantime, I have a dog dancing a jig because she wants to go for a walk and tortillas to finish.

Stay tuned this week for my new favorite picture of my Fancy pup and thanks for reading along.






Hello? Organization Fairy?

I haven’t been doing much crafting lately, due in part to scheduling, but mostly because everything is such a mess and all over the place that it frustrates me to try and find anything. When we moved into the house, the basement was where all of my crafting things went, since it was where I was going to be sewing. I kept saying “oh, I’ll organize this later.” Then we got a dog, had dinner parties, vending events happened, Christmas gifts were made, and I now work three part-time jobs. (I told my Mom the other day “I thought it was supposed to be easy when you got your dream job.” She just laughed and laughed.)

Regardless of life events, I’ve let my craft area get out of hand. It’s more like a craft/fabric dumping ground. I also found more fabric in boxes that were packed from our last apartment, which really means they had been packed in a hurry and never unpacked from the previous living situation. Gosh..

I don’t even want to take pictures because it’s too embarrassing. I have three scrap boxes that are overflowing and I keep finding projects and thread in unexpected places. I had a hole punch, sharpies, and paper scraps in my dance bag from who knows how long.

Here’s what the table looks like when I’ve been on a sewing spree:

I’ve been looking at fun ideas to organize using fancy boxes and bins, cute revamped dressers, and even filing cabinets for fabric which all seem like they would like life so much easier and prettier. Here is a link to one of the sites I like to dream about using all these ideas.

I’ve come to the conclusion, however, that I might need my own sewing store set up, just to contain it all.

I currently use a mix of old suitcases, cardboard boxes,  randomly sized Rubbermaid totes, and some smaller baskets. Mason jars and tins hold my buttons and smaller things. I have some wheeled drawer carts and a two shelf thing with dividers in the shelves, making it into four thin shelves. I have a three shelf bookshelf and a 2 shelf metal shelf that is questionably sturdy.

Oh, and the huge old wooden trunk that tried to kill my husband by sliding into the driver’s seat of my old van while he was driving. He hates that trunk, but it works pretty well to hold my fat quarters and I borrowed it (with no intention of giving it back) from my parents so I can’t really give it up. Plus, I would have to replace it with another option to store fat quarters anyway.

I think that I need a more standardized set of storage containers and at least one more sturdy metal shelf. My crafting and sewing books take up almost all the small bookshelf and I still have some magazines to add to it, so I don’t really have that as an option. We have some nice IKEA shelves in the kitchen that I think would work well down in the basement too.

I’ve seen people who leave their fabric wrapped up on comic book boards in a bookshelf and think that it looks adorable. I don’t want to leave my fabric exposed though, since it is all stored in the basement. I am going to use the cardboard from our moving boxes to make my own comic book boards for fabric, but they will be in totes. All my totes right now are different colors and I may want clear ones so I can see what is in it. The other option to avoid having to spend money is to divide the totes by type of fabric or by how much, such as all cottons, all apparel fabrics, or by 2 yard, 3 yard, etc. That is sort of how they are now, but it is still a mess. Having the cardboard should help everything stay in the right shape and make things easier to store hopefully.

I’m not giving up my suitcases though. I love the way it looks to store things in them and it makes it look a little more personalized instead of all totes. I have a cool vintage 60’s one that has my already cut squares in it, and another one that has already cut strips in it. If you’re interested in seeing that scrap saving system, I used Bonnie Hunter’s guidelines from her site Quiltville. It works really well to get me going through scrap boxes, but lately I have not been good about using it.

I also want to do something different with the scrap boxes and color code them. Most of the time with scraps, I’m looking for a specific color and have to sort through ridiculous amounts of fabric to find them. I have two sets of clear plastic drawer carts with three drawers each that if I can move things around, I can use them. Some of the colors can be put together, like yellow and orange, so that might work. They also sit next to my sewing space, so it would be very convenient for scrap quilting.

So those are some of my ideas. If you have any other ones that work for you, let me know! Hopefully one day soonish my craft area will be lovely and well-organized space to work in. I’ll post some progress pictures along the way to keep myself motivated.

Crafty · Recipe Roundup

Cooking and Crafting Musings

Whew! I am glad last week is over. It was crazy busy and I worked late each night.  We didn’t have many recipes to talk bout because we had canned soup one night, pizza for 2 nights, and I had the Husband bake his own chicken another night. The only two things I actually made were a Milk Chocolate Cherry Pie and more of a method for the chicken. I did make new recipe last night and attempted to make something on Sunday after I came home from my trip, but the Husband convinced me to have rotisserie chicken, salad, and bread instead. It was probably a much better idea, I was so sleepy and loopy from driving.

I’ll start with the recipes first and then talk about the crafts.

1- Milk Chocolate Cherry Pie from Icebox Pies: 100 Scrumptious Recipes for No-Bake No-Fail Pies by Lauren Chattman. Section: Chocolate Dream Pies

Modifications: None, I followed the recipe! We liked it, but it was very rich and we weren’t able to finish all of it ourselves. I think I would make it again for a party where there were more people to eat it.

2- Italian Marinated Chicken Drumsticks. Method by me: Throw chicken parts in a zip bag and add Italian Dressing, salt, pepper, oregano, basil, and garlic powder. Zip the bag and roll the chicken legs round in it. Bake at 375 for about an hour, depending on how frozen the chicken still is. Serve with a salad and bread. No pictures, I wasn’t home until after it was eaten.

3- Crossword Cipher Chicken from The Nancy Drew Cookbook by Carolyn Keene. Section: Picnic and Patio Get-Togethers

Modifications: I used butter instead of margarine. One, I didn’t have any, and Two, I don’t believe in margarine generally. I have one recipe that I use it in and that’s about it. We used garlic butter Ritz crackers for the breading and it was pretty good. The breading didn’t stick on very well in spots, until I started pushing the crumbs more firmly into the meat. We had garlic bread, raspberries, and roasted carrots with it. I don’t have a picture of the finished project, but did take a picture of the chicken before it was baked.

I was working on my vending items all week, but did squeeze in one more project from my list. I made some Kanzashi-Style Hair Clips from the book Button and Stitch by Kristen Rask. I made them into pins as I have misplaced my hair clips. I’ve made something similar before, but this time I decided to sew a back on and sew the whole thing instead of hot glue. I think it looks neater and It was a good project to do while out of power.  Eventually they will go into  my vending stash, once I have worked out the kinks. I like doing the little projects like this, as it’s lots of fun to pick out the perfect buttons for it. It also helps me use up my already cut squares. My 2 inch square bag is currently overflowing. I want to try them with my bigger squares too for a different look.

Vending is a funny thing for me. I always get anxious about it, even though I have a lot of product. I’ve been trying to branch put from my preferred colors and patterns into more things that might appeal to others. I vend at bellydance events, mostly local, as I bellydance myself. Since I also have my Etsy store, it can be a good way to get my Twinflower Fancies brand to be more well-known. It can be disappointing though, when my table gets passed over or I don’t seem to be in the right genre. This weekend inspired me to work more on my Etsy store and see if I can develop better style and pictures online. Hopefully my next events will be a little less discouraging. I definitely came home from this weekend not understanding what was wrong and struggling with the motivation to make more items to sell.

I might take a break from making Etsy or vending items for a few weeks and make a few things just for me. I am reading a bunch of sewing blogs that are inspiring me to work on my clothes goals, including working with my serger. Hopefully I’ll have more clothes pictures to show you next week.


The Importance of Ironing

I think I’ve said this before, but I hate ironing fabrics while sewing. I understand that it makes things flat and without it your project will turn into a wobbly, wavy, disaster, but I just can’t stand it. My mother in law’s first question when I ask her for help is “did you iron it?” My Mom says things like “I’m not mad, just disappointed,” and my craft group threatens to take away my sewing privileges and my good scissors, but it generally seems like a terrible chore. I have been known to set up marathons of really terrible action movies along with my ironing board and try to get as much done as I can before starting to twitch. (I won’t even start discussing washing fabrics first, which is my other least favorite task.)

There are times though, where even I admit that it would have worked out much better if I ironed first and sewed later. Don’t get me wrong, I will iron fabrics for clothes, since that is a much different prospect, but scrap quilts are a whole other story. It’s hard to take the time to stop and press things while just wanting to chain piece my little heart out. I’m never happier than covered in threads from a long day of sewing.

This latest scrap quilt that I started has been a lesson in what I should have done differently. It got a little frustrating actually and is currently in a bag until after my vending event is done.  The pattern is called “Razzle Dazzle” and it’s from a book called Bright and Beautiful Quilts. It’s a beautiful and fun crazy quilt and log cabin mix up. It perfectly suits my need to use up scraps and not having to be precise. I also thought I had the same fish fabric that the book sample uses, but looking more closely, I have a smaller version of a similar print that is probably not quite right for this.

First off, I fussy cut the center pieces too close to the fish themselves, so bits of the poor fishies keep getting cut off in the seams. Then I pulled my usual “I’m sure I can just press this at the end” trick, completely disregarding the specific notes about pressing while sewing to avoid stretching and distorting the block seams.

Here’s an example of one of the two unusable blocks before I admitted that I needed an iron for the seams.

And here is a picture of a nice flat block that I pressed between each seam. There is a huge difference.

This is where the Husband started saying “And what did you learn?” As he so often does when I admit I should iron things properly…

Now you were supposed to cut various shapes out around the center pieces with at least 5 sides, but some of my sides seem to disappear as I sew, leaving me with giant pieces of scrap fabrics that will just end up cut off and not used. I try to make new angles or follow the old ones, but it’s not entirely working. I’m supposed to make 24 Blocks for a full twin sized quilt, but I may see if I have coordinating fabric to make big sashing strips for a smaller quilt. The squares will eventually be cut down to 10 1/2 inches.

I think it will be pretty fun. It was a trip down memory lane to go through my scrap box. I tried to use the smaller box first. I currently have three boxes and need a better method of sorting them. It looks like a tornado went through when I go through them.

Thanks for reading my ironing rant. I was a little embarrassed to post it, but figured I should be honest about my successes and failures in crafting adventures. Otherwise how will I learn anything?

Now I have to go get my Husband off the floor. He passed out from shock when I admitted my need to iron things.