Recipe Roundup

Almost Forgotten Food

I keep forgetting to take pictures of our dinners! They haven’t been super exciting lately, so maybe that’s why. We’re both back in the office as well, so they are later than usual. I’m normally really hungry when dinner time rolls around (Ha! Pun intended!) Last week, while playing Scattergories with a client, almost all of my words were food related, for example. 😁

I do have a few pictures of things we’ve eaten though. We had quesadillas with turkey taco meat one night. We’ve discovered all our garden salsa is super spicy. I am trying to find a mild recipe to make some more. The cheese and tortilla helped calm it down some.

I made a hash of sorts with potatoes, chicken andouille sausage, garden zukes, peppers, mushrooms, and onions all fried up together. It was simple and yummy. I believe I used garlic and some paprika based seasoning blend on it.

Pot roast made an appearance. It was quite good, although we both like it better from the stovetop than the crockpot. But crockpot was what I had time for that day, so that’s what it turned out to be.

While picking peppers, I discovered that I had planted some Swiss chard seeds near the peppers and they got covered up by the monster squash plants. So I sautéd them up with some garden tomatoes, garlic, and some spinach and arugula salad mix. It was served alongside ocean creature themed mac and cheese, as we’d been doing far too many adult responsibilities that day. 😆 I couldn’t find my breadcrumbs, so used crushed up Ritz crackers instead. It was yummy!

We had leftover noodles from spaghetti earlier in the week that we fried (Forgot the pictures, but it wasn’t pretty. Too runny from the freezer.) I made some veggies to go over it and we looked up a recipe for a basic Chinese white sauce. We also had store bought egg rolls because I loathe making egg rolls. The noodles didn’t work as well because they were too thick, but it was good to use up the leftovers for once!

We had this Mexican Chicken with Cheese Sauce from the blog Every Day Made Fresh, but I cheated and used a Spanish Rice packaged side. It was actually really good! I would definitely make this again. Here’s the recipe:

And we had tacos one night, that I don’t have a picture of, but on the weekend we had enchiladas, which I do have the picture of.

We had fruit and I had veggies as a side, but they weren’t on the plate, obviously. These were also super spicy, but tamed with the sauce so didn’t make us cry as much. We had our friends over with their Norwegian exchange student and he also enjoyed the enchiladas. I had been going to make ham and cheese Stromboli and a pesto and cheese Stromboli, but when I opened up the ham, it had suspicious spots on it. So we had pesto cheese bread, salad, and some of us had enchiladas too. I served the cardamom sugar cookies again and they were a hit!

I shall leave you tonight with a picture of my actually organized snack/lunch drawer at work, because I was impressed I got all of this to fit! Ignore the pharmacy in the top. 😳 Isn’t it a thing of beauty?

I hope it inspires your own snack drawer! Have a great day!

Recipe Roundup

Thankful Cooking

One of the things that I have noticed myself being grateful for is the ability to get and cook food. My cooking confidence has definitely grown and this year I was confident enough to make a turkey! It was lovely and golden brown, but of course, I forgot to take a picture of the whole turkey. Here’s the full Thanksgiving plate with turkey!

We had a basic herb and butter basted turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and roasted rainbow carrots from the garden!

We also had Ranch deviled eggs and the white chocolate snack mix for snacks before dinner.

K2 made this amazing sweet potato pie with this absolutely scrumptious mile high meringue with a hint of orange. It was so smooth!

The Husband requested this raspberry Jello salad dessert which is lovely as well. I accidentally forgot to add the Cool Whip with the cream cheese and ended up using two packs of cream cheese with the filling ingredients and had the Cool Whip on top. It was still really good! Recipe is here:

Of course, I made homemade cranberry sauce. This time I used oranges, 5 spice, sugar, and water. It was so yummy! It was a lovely Thanksgiving dinner. We used our fancy china and goblets that were my great aunt’s. Aren’t they pretty?

We enjoyed these English muffin pizzas with homemade sauce and a salad side. We used ham, peppers, mushrooms, and onions. They are a super quick dinner and quite good.

I accidentally made a buttermilk batter instead of a dredge for these chicken tenders, but they turned out pretty good. I ended up making onion rings a week or so later with some more buttermilk. I don’t think I have that picture loaded yet, so it’ll come later.

A quick, but yummy dinner was these stuffed chicken breasts. We get them frozen from the store, because I don’t have time to make them from scratch.

I’ll leave you with a picture of my pasties! We used beef, potatoes, and onions, since I can’t eat pork. They were really good! I haven’t made them in quite a while, so it was nice to do it again. We even have some in the freezer. One of my friends said I must be really grown up, because I served it with a salad, or in my case, green beans. Mmmm. That makes me hungry again!

I hope you have had some delicious meals with treasured family or friends lately. I do think food has a unique ability to bring people together and we could all use a few more connections right now. So enjoy!