Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Gifts for Piggy

And here are all the gifts Piggy thinks she doesn’t have, but regularly gets.

Outside Time

All The Blankets

New Smells


Heat Vents

All The Toys


And above all- Love

Wordless Wednesdays

Portraits- Piggy Denied

I hope you enjoy these silly pictures of Piggy. Rest assured, despite her claims otherwise, she is well loved and taken care of.

Portrait Of A Dog Denied Advenure

Portrait Of A Dog Denied Companionship

Please note that to take this picture, I had to be sitting next to her. 😂

Portrait Of A Dog Denied (My) Dinner

Portrait Of A Dog Denied Rest (UPS Arrival)

Portrait Of A Dog Denied Kisses

Portrait Of A Dog Denied Couch Spots

And my favorite: Portrait Of A Dog Denied Dignity


Sewing Up A Storm

My dresser drawers are getting full of clothing I’ve made and I’m finding myself being in me made outfits from head to toe more often than not. Today it was about half and half for work. I still have nice store bought pants and sweaters that are in the rotation, but I wear so many me made things now that everyone at work just assumes I made whatever I have on. 🙂

Speaking of work, one of the biggest things I’ve sewn lately has been this quilt that I essentially finished in a weekend for my director, who got married! She’s always elegant, so I thought this color palette would be nice and not overly girly for her husband and family. I’ve been told that everyone loves it, even the dogs! 🙂

It’s a little wrinkly from being wrapped up. This is the second Jellyroll Serger Quilt I’ve made, after taking the class in the winter at Decorative Stitch with my MIL. This time, I remembered to add the sashing! I think it turned out super cool. I have enough leftover fabric to make a baby quilt to gift when needed. The featured picture is a close up of one of the unicorn squares. Had to have a little whimsy, after all. Isn’t it so vibrant? The quilt was actually inspired by the fleece blanket that I used for the back. I had bought one of those no sew fleece blanket kits, but hate how the fleeces feel when you tie them and they are the perfect size for quilt backs.

I’ve been batch sewing a bunch of Lago tanks lately, as they are my absolute favorite tank so far. I have pictures of three of them, but have made two more too, a purple one and a long one for a night gown. The night gown used the rest of the black skull and hearts fabric from my purple skort. Here’s the ones I do have pictures of in a handy collage.

The pink one is a little, very soft and cool feeling, rayon spandex night shirt. The bicycle one is also mostly for sleep, as it can be a little more sheer than I’d like, but could be worn for every day too. The mint one was for my friend with the little boys. I’ve had this fabric since last year for her, but couldn’t figure out what I wanted to make for her with it. She liked this one a lot, so I think I made the right choice. It’s tunic length, so could also be a sleep shirt.

The Husband was traveling for work near where our friends live, so he was able to drop off a little box for them and get us two pints of the best (and pretty much only) maple syrup I will eat. There may have been some nerdy LOTR references made when she told me we could get it in pints. 😉 Yum!

I made a Patterns for Pirates Sweet Tee for her as well.

I was pleased with how this one turned out. I have a couple of Sweet Tees myself, so was pretty sure she’d like it.

The boys got shark themed outfits for Shark Week, which is coming up August 9-16th. I mean, we all know what I’ll be doing that week, but now the boys and I can match!

I hope the boys like their outfits! I made sure to send pants this time, as the older boy last time was slightly perturbed that he had only a shirt. 🙂

I made some more doll clothes for the office, but have pictures of just a few of them. The rest are at work and have been used already by the littles.

The button shirts have been seen before, but the snaps all came out, so I used velcro or snap tape the second time around.

Masks are not freaking me out as much to make currently, although they do hurt my hand, no matter which tool I use to cut them out. I have a bunch of pet themed ones started to do a fundraiser for Fancy and Piggy’s rescue. I found the most ridiculous cat dating site fabric for some of them and it cracks me right up. I’ll be sure to take a close up picture of that one. In the meantime, here are some of them.

The flamingo with the camper mask is staying with me, of course.

A few of these are going to work with me too, for anyone who wants to take them. The papery masks make me itchy and are super uncomfortable, so I wanted to offer them if other people were having the same issues. I figure if I get a set number of them ready, I won’t be inundated by requests and will be able to calmly get them out. I’m not taking custom requests or selling more than I have made up.

I used the camper/flamingo fabric to make Linen Lounger shorts, but need to go back and add a taller waistband, as I forgot to increase the back rise. I added pretty pink lace though and think they are super cute. I added pockets too.

Another victim of not enough rise, are these pants. At least I think that’s what’s happening? They’re also a weird length, hence the sad face.

I need new capri’s and pants though, so I’ll keep trying things out. I did make knit shorts from this cool zipper pattern cotton lycra. They’re very comfy and have pockets. I used the Solar Flares pattern by RAD patterns. The theme last week for the sewing challenge was Pants or Shorts.

I also made another skort! This book fabric was a custom fabric from Peekaboo Fabrics and they don’t have any more. I had just a half yard of it and it worked out perfectly. The shorts underneath are a blue anti-microbial athletic fabric that apparently runs easily. I may switch it out for a plain cotton lycra at some point. It is very comfy though and looks tidy enough that I do wear it to work on days when I have mostly kids.

Well, that’s all the sewing I have pictures of, so I guess I’ll sign off for the night! I’m definitely relaxing in my zipper shorts tonight. The house got pretty warm when we were all out of it. I’ll leave you with this picture of Piggy, because if it doesn’t make you smile, I’m not sure what will.

Sweet Dreams!

Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Life Lessons from Fancy

It’s important to stop and smell this tree.

And this blade of grass.

And this bush.

Maintain proper stretching techniques.

Hug your friends (although try not to chew his head off.)

Behave at parties so you get invited back.

Be aware of your surroundings.

Listen to others.

Never stop learning!

Be goofy.

But above all… Take good naps!

Simple Sundays

Simple Sunday- Dog Edition

“My fashion philosophy is, if you’re not covered in dog hair, your life is empty.” – Elayne Boosler

“Because of the dog’s joyfulness, our own is increased. It is no small gift. It is not the least reason why we should honor as well as love the dog of our own life, and the dog down the street, and all the dogs not yet born. What would the world be like without music or rivers or the green and tender grass? What would this world be like without dogs?” ― Mary OliverDog Songs

“The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too.” – Samuel Butler

“Nothing is so lovely as a quietly snoring dog and some evening Brahms, as you sit in a comfortably overstuffed chair with your feet on the footstool.” 
― Ann Beattie

Crafty · Life Posts · Sewing

Fancy and Sewing

Fancy has decided to monitor my sewing and bedtime in a more active capacity lately. She decided the quilt in the quilting hoop was actually a dog tent and a wonderful place to nap.

She doesn’t try to bite it or anything, so I thought it was funny, but then she decided napping on my lap wasn’t good enough and proceeded to climb up my torso until she was tucked in under my chin. That made it very hard to keep quilting, so I just had to stop and cuddle the dog. This quilt is a secret, so I can’t show much of it yet. Oddly, it matched my leggings perfectly. 🙂

Last night, I was quilting again and she decided that 11:30 pm was too late and I should be sleeping, so she did this. It’s a little blurry, because she was moving, but she kept pawing at me until I put down the quilt and then she took over my lap and wouldn’t move.

She will also hang out by my sewing machine, especially when the Husband was out of town. I thought the machine might be scary for her, but even my Grandma’s machine doesn’t seem to faze her. This was her from last week.

Luckily, she didn’t try to guard the pedal.

I got the fabrics for all the quilt tops I need to finish last Friday and since we were dogless, I was able to get the two bigger ones pinned. Here is the second one.

I have started putting the Rainbow Rail Fence quilt together. It’s on the machine, so no pictures yet.

Fancy is currently snuggled up next to me on the couch with her paws draped over my feet, so I can’t get up. 🙂 She’s snoring as usual.

I’ve been working hard on these couple of quilts and haven’t really sewn anything else. I did get grey satiny fabric to go with my grey and purple lace. I think I might make that into a dress for the wedding. I have enough for a fancy slim fitting dress.

In other news, I’m excited to say that I was included in a roundup post about sewing and mental health on the Sewcialists blog. I have been reading the blog for a little while now and when they put out a call for stories of how sewing has helped your mental health, I knew I had to write my story. Check it out if you are interested! There are some inspiring stories out there. I’m planning on writing a longer post about this issue as well.  https://sewcialists.wordpress.com/2018/03/12/who-we-are-sewing-with-and-for-mental-health/

Now, I’ve got to get some quilting done before work. It’s my late night at work, so I won’t have a lot of time tonight. Have a great day!