Crafty · Life Posts · Sewing

Sewing Confessions

I have no one to blame but myself for this spree. I had told Kayla about the magical discount fabric store where everything is $2.99 a yard and we finally managed to go on Friday. It coincided neatly with a pattern sale at Joann’s and the rest is history.

Here are the patterns I bought:

L to R top: Dress with shawl collar, sweetheart neckline with button accents, tunic and cardigan

L to R bottom: Peter Pan collar for my dragon dress (fabric is the featured pic,) Wrap dress that wraps from the back to the side. It looked so interesting, I had to get it. Plus, the Simplicity patterns were all .99.

The good news is that I have plans for the fabrics I got from the discount store and it will hopefully help me get more comfortable with knits. I have an irrational fear of them, but also several different knits waiting for projects already.

Kayla was very excited once we got there. She and I both had projects in mind. I want some more tunics and she wanted some raglan shirts. It was fun to introduce her to the store. They had moved recently into an even bigger place.

The Husband knew I was going and when I came home with black fabric with tiny beach umbrellas on it, he said “Well, of course, you needed that. You can make a sundress with it.” Oddly enough, that’s exactly what it is going to be.

How cute is that?! I tried to resist, but it lured me in. I sort of have a style in mind for it, just have to find the pattern.

This lace for $2.99? I probably should have gotten more of it. I got 3 yards to make an overlay on a dress. I got grey material, which I thought would work underneath, but I think I accidentally got rain poncho fabric, which is fine. I need a rain poncho.

I think this is the back of the lace, but I like the grey part showing.

This is apparently double knit. I have no idea what that means, except that it has another knit on the back. The owner was excited by it while she was cutting it. I’ll have to do some research. It was going to be a casual, kind of slouchy tunic.

Navy polka dot knit. I resisted buying a $42 dollar maxi skirt from a semi-famous fancy clothing company last summer and have been on the hunt for a polka dotted fabric ever since. This will be a $4 maxi skirt, which I’d say is a win.

Tunic! It’s hard to see, but it has little shadows of the colors in it. I like it and it will be a very nice tunic.

This will be a dress like the strawberry dress. It’s actually a deep Kelly green and a deep navy. They are both very vibrant colors, but got washed out when I took the picture. I think it’s a cotton rayon blend. It’s got nice body and drape and is slightly heavier.

We will be going back, I’m sure, but not for me at least, until I get some more projects done. I have probably three or four more knit fabrics downstairs waiting to be made into something useful.

Lest you think I frittered my time away unwisely in a grand shopping spree, I’ll show you the projects I have finished lately.

Christmas Lily zippered Pouch for Etsy/Twinflower Fancies.

Two tea wallets because I had black thread loaded.

These were from a random Halloween batch that didn’t get finished. I have a couple more too, but am waiting to see what I get back from what I had at Hawthorne and Vine. Obviously, I still need to get the threads cut and a button added to the cats.

I self-drafted this curved hem on the tunic. I used a familiar shirt pattern and extended it. The sides are split and turned under. The neck and sleeves are finished with a thick black bias tape. I’ll add a tiny bit more room if I use cotton again. Knits would be fine with the same dimensions. It’s got a cute silver sun or starburst pattern.

Here is an in process shot of the fabric:

I also finished my castle shirt!

This is the fabric I ordered with the dragon fabric. I made the sides flare a little and added some more pleats to the neckline and back. The original line is too wide for me, but I need it that size elsewhere. I gathered the sleeves, so they look a little better. I kept thinking I had put them in upside down, but they just needed to be poufier.

I’ve also been organizing up a storm. We got a nightstand for my side of the bed yesterday and I was able to clear out some of my dresser. I was pretty ruthless with my closet stuff too. I put several things in the giveaway pile. My winter sweaters are now hanging in the closet in a sweater hanger thing. I’ve still got a bunch to do, but at least it’s a start.

Fancy is giving me this look and whining. We are 15 minutes past her bedtime and she is terribly unhappy. I’d better go put her to bed.

Hope you enjoyed seeing all the sewing! I’ve got a pretty good momentum going that I would like to keep up. I’ve got to beat my 67 project record, after all. 🙂

Party Posts · Recipe Roundup · Simple Sundays

Party Post and Recipes!

We had a lovely party! Some friends who hadn’t been to our house before came and we got to show off our lovely flamingo kitchen. The previous owner was an artist and we have a flamingo mural in the kitchen, a vineyard scene in the hallway, and the guest room  has fish everywhere.

We love them all, but my favorite are the flamingos, of course. My love of flamingos is pretty well-known. We got two flamingo themed cards and several flamingo items as gifts. The Husband has accepted his fate of living in a mildly flamingo themed house well so far. He’s even bought me a few himself. Granted, I tend to like the less cheesy flamingos better, so that probably helps.  Our house isn’t the subject of the post though, the party foods are!

I had a few recipes from the week too, although not that many. We had a lot of late nights and leftovers. I did make a crockpot pot roast, beef fajitas, and a mushroom/squash/onion goat cheese tart.

1- Crockpot Pot Roast with Gravy from No. 2 Pencil.

Modifications: I used one can of soup and added potatoes and carrots under the roast. I also threw in half a can of water. I was concerned that the veggies wouldn’t cook. The Husband liked this more than me, but I dislike the cream soups in general. No pictures.

2- Beef Fajitas from Freezer Meals by Julianna Sweeney. 

Modifications: I think I added more spices than it called for. This was very good and we have two bags of  the mix in the freezer for later dinners.

3- Veggie Goat Cheese Tart, recipe by me.

I used puff pastry for the base and sautéed mushrooms, zucchini, and red onion over goat cheese and Asiago cheese pieces. It was delicious.

Now, on to the party recipes!

1- Rosemary Bundt Cake from Cooking From the Gourmet’s Garden by Coralie Castle and Robert Kourik. Section: Rosemary

Modifications: I didn’t have rosewater, so left it out. I also made the cake the same day, not realizing it recommended making it the day before. It tasted delicious and held up well for slicing. I made it in my dragon bundt pan. I’ve had it for about 2 years and been too afraid to use it. I decided our 5th Anniversary was enough of a big deal though and it turned out really well. I used way too much flour in the pan being nervous about it sticking. I know for next time now.

The back of the cake:

The front of the cake:

We’re going to have an Elevensies party again this year and I’ll be making another dragon cake for that too.

2- Raspberry Chocolate Cake from A Quilter’s Christmas Cookbook by  Louise Stoltzfus and Dawn Ranck. Section: Cakes

Modifications: I used a regular buttercream recipe, as I didn’t have a pan or the time to melt everything for the frosting in the book. I think I had less puree than called for and it kind of sunk right into the cake, but it still tastes good. I used a Love Bar with dark chocolate and freeze-dried rasberries for the cake. It was a tiny bit over-baked, so it’s not as moist as I would like.

3- Goat Cheese Truffles from The Vintage Tea Party Year by Angel Adoree. Section: Coming of Age Tea Party.

Modifications: None. These were just goat cheese balls dipped in various toppings. I used toasted sesame seeds, paprika, poppy seeds, and dried parsley. They look very elegant, but were the easiest thing to make.

4- Crab Dip. I originally used a recipe online, I think from Our Best Bites, but I can’t remember. For this batch, I used a block of cream cheese, 8 oz of real crab meat, about 1/4-1/2 cup sour cream, 1/4 c. Mayo, garlic powder, onion powder, a pinch of cayenne pepper, salt and pepper, 4 chopped scallions, and about half a bag of a shredded 5 cheese Italian blend.

Mix it all together, top with more shredded cheese and bake at 350 for about half an hour or until the edges are brown and bubbly. I normally use greek yogurt in place of the sour cream, but didn’t have any. The Husband decided he likes it better with fake crab. 🙂 He always requests it for parties.

We also had an ice cream bar with all sorts of toppings, homemade chocolate ganache and Saunder’s caramel sauce. We have so much ice cream left over.

Pico and chips and a veggie and pickle tray rounded out our table.

I sent this picture to my Mom, since she was making snarky remarks about how many pickles made up a pickle tray. According to her, there had to be more than one pickle at the party…

Rest assured, there were actually 3 types of pickles. These are the sweet and spicy pickles and there were mini dill gherkins, and my homemade pickle chips.

The homemade ones were a surprising hit. My in-laws and two of our friends with Polish heritage hoarded the pickle chips and polished off the entire jar. 🙂 I had two cloves of garlic in that jar and it was a very good idea. They do need a little more dill, but I think I’ll keep that recipe in my back pocket.

Some friends also brought treats. We had Bailey’s mousse, which was delicious, but could possibly be contributing to my headache today. We also had delicious lemon bars with a pomegranate glaze. Fancy licked an entire row of these before we could get to her… Terrible dog.

Fancy always has fun at parties. She has had an exciting couple of days. She met a new possible friend, a Malamute named Blaze, on Friday and then got to see so many people at the party. By the end of the night she was zonked out on the couch. She and I may need many naps today to recover. Here’s a picture of her last night.

My friend came wearing a dress she had made with flamingos on it and it has motivated me to try to make some more dresses. I did not mug her for her dress, even though I could have given her something else to wear. I wore my strawberry dress to the party and got lots of compliments, so if I can figure out which pattern it is, I will have to make some more.

Hopefully after some more water and dog snuggles, I can go play in my craft space and come up with something to post about tomorrow!

I’ll leave you with a quote that we got on a picture frame from friend yesterday.

“It’s not where you go or what you do, it’s who is beside you that counts.”