Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Color Palette Fun

Most of the fabric sites have mystery boxes based on pictures of gorgeous color palettes inspirations. I thought it might be fun to create my own with my stash. All pictures by me, unless otherwise noted. If you’re so inclined to share pictures, I probably have fabric to match. 🤓

I hope you enjoy them!

Henry Ford Classic Car show
Mom’s harpsichord
Hens and chicks.
Stormy evening sky outside my work
Picture credit- K2, Meijer Gardens
Wordless Wednesdays

Almost Wordless Wednesday- Stash Shopping

The Husband brought me a new sewing table from his work, as they were going to get rid of it in their building move. It inspired some more organization and I took some pictures of some of my stash. Enjoy!

Terrors of the Deep! Will be octopus leggings (probably) and a shark shirt for Fancy
All woven- ends are poly rayon faile and the middle is hand batiked rayon. I had to stare down an older lady at the Expo who tried to take the bolt out of my arms and repeatedly petted it while it was clasped to my chest protectively. Ask K 2- she was there!
Cotton voile for a shift dress, ombre chiffon for a dance veil, rayon challis for a dress.
Future sewing themed quilt or sewn travel organizer
fabrics that are not primarily blue or black to expand my wardrobe. L to r: maxi skirt, sweatshirt, tank top, dress
Utterly gorgeous DBP. Was supposed to be leggings to sell, but I cannot part with it. It will be a dress for me.
Two future maxi skirts and a dress, all are ITY, so super slinky and cool to the touch.

Organization Progress and Fabric Stash

I did some late night organizing yesterday, but was too tired to post about it. I did remember to take pictures though!

I was able to clear two small blue totes that had a very odd mix of kitchen stuff in them. One of the things I found was this thing, which I was told was a device to make bread in the crockpot. A former coworker brought it to me and said “you like weird kitchen stuff, right?” I’ve never used it and haven’t been able to find out much information about it, so I think it will be donated. Unless, of course, someone can tell me how it works, or wants it.

I also found our King of Sweden mugs, which we bought at a very odd rummage sale last year, or maybe the year before. They say “By appointment of His Majesty, the King of Sweden.” We thought they were kind of funny.

The third tote was storing larger pieces of fabric that had been pulled from the fat quarter trunk. They are now refolded and have been added to the tote that holds my 1/2 yard to 1 yard pieces.

I also cleared and reorganized my pattern stash and found 2 patterns to give away. 

The raised, under the bust waistline on both of these patterns is not a good look for me and I haven’t made either one. The one on the left is one of the first patterns I ever bought and it’s been long enough that I don’t remember when that was. Now, my patterns are in one small blue tote. I do have a few pulled out, so I’m not sure if they will stay in this box or not. They were exploding out of the other box they were in.

There is also a small stack of (brace yourselves!) fabric that is headed for the giveaway pile. I’m seeing a sewing friend this weekend, so I am going to see if she wants any if it, but after that it goes away. I haven’t done a true fabric purge in at least two years, so it’s definitely time. I was pretty ruthless too. If I couldn’t think of a project to use it for, or someone that needed something made from it, it was gone.

This fabric has been in my stash for at least three years and is a nice turquoise linen, but I can’t figure out what to do with it and don’t have anything that matches. (Sorry for the terrible lighting. I was on a roll in the basement and didn’t want to stop to bring it upstairs.)

I’m not even sure if there’s enough to make anything useful out of it. That darn remnant basket got me again with this one. All those little pieces of fabric, sadly contemplating the end of their usefulness, desperately hoping someone would take them home… I must save them all! (This would be why I am not allowed to be unsupervised in Joann Fabrics, or any quilt store.)

Our next giveaway contender is sparkly cloud fabric. When am I going to use sparkly cloud fabric, you may ask? I have no idea either. I kept it for the sheer novelty of it, but obviously haven’t done anything with it. Take my word for it, it is very sparkly.

I also found a bunch of fun fabrics that I had maybe forgotten about. Some of them have specific projects linked to them and some were just too cute to pass up. I try to have a rule that I need to have a project in mind for any of the fabric I buy, but sometimes things slip by. These are all staying in my stash.

This one was bought with the intention to make a mixer cover. It matches my KitchenAid! I have a mixer cover tutorial hanging around somewhere, but of course, can’t find it. I’ll have to look up another one. How cute is this fabric though?

The next fabric was bought for a project when I was younger. I think I was making ballerina wall hangings. I know I have one waiting to be finished in the UFO box. If there is enough left after making it, I will use the rest with some pink fabric to make a child-sized tote bag for Etsy.

This one has been used for a few bags, but should probably be an apron for a friend of mine. Her kitchen is all blues and yellows and she loves tea. (I don’t think she reads the blog, but if so, just forget about this post.)

And here are the fabrics that I have no idea what to do with, I just liked them.

Sandra Boyton jersey. It’s really thin and pretty see through, but there are hippos. This and the eyelet were free from a fellow crafter, so I don’t feel as bad. I mean, there’s a hippo riding a unicycle! Really, that should be reason enough. I could maybe pair it with fleece or something and make a baby blanket.

This one was just adorable and a half a yard leapt into my basket of its own free will. That’s my story at least. The Husband doesn’t believe me.

This fabric was in a Christmas box from Mom, I think. It’s a little odd, but charming, and I’m not sure what to use it for. I have quite a bit of it. Any ideas?

Also, bears. I may have kept this one for either my brother, or the Husband, but now I can’t remember why. There isn’t much of this one. This one was a gift as well.

There’s more of course, but I’ve got to save something  for another post. My fabric stash has some seriously weird stuff in it. I’ll try to take some pictures of the weirder fabrics to share, as well as the cool ones too.

For now though, I’ll share the newly organized 1 yard totes.

Don’t worry, I’m sure this second tote won’t be empty for long. There is still fabric everywhere downstairs. I swear it breeds when I’m not looking.

Tonight I have plans to iron and cut scraps down into usable sizes. I only do this when I have a built-in distraction. It bores me to tears otherwise. I’m hosting my craft group finally, after not being able to attend for what seems like forever, due to work.

Depending on Fancy’s behavior, I may or may not get anything done. I’m not serving cheese, so I’m hoping she will stay off the table. I’ll freeze her treat dispenser with peanut butter and other lovely things in it and that should help too.

I’ve started a Pinterest account for the blog to keep track of recipes and projects. Feel free to follow along if you are a Pinterest person. It’s under Not So 50’s Housewife.

I hope your Tuesday is as interesting as my fabric stash, just without the random bears and strange looking clouds. 🙂