Crafty · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Nerdy Embroidery

Because of course, I immediately found all the nerdy embroidery files I could.


Dice box!

I need rivets to finish this and a few other things. I have them, just haven’t fixed them yet.

Live Long And Prosper!

Adventures · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Jim Henson Exhibit

We went to see this exhibit at the Henry Ford forever ago, but I kept having other pictures up instead of these. It was so long ago in fact, that I’m not even going to try to write about it, just show you some of the pictures. I hope you enjoy them!

Simple Sundays

Simple Sunday- Play

“Playing a game together actually builds up bonds and trust and cooperation. We actually build stronger social relationships as a result.”- Jane McGonigal, Game designer

“We shouldn’t stick too close to everyday reality but give room to the reality of the heart, of the mind, and of the imagination. Those things can help us in life.”-Hayao Miyazaki

“Creative people are curious, flexible, persistent, and independent with a tremendous spirit of adventure and a love of play.”-Henri Matisse

“The playing adult steps sideward into another reality; the playing child advances forward to new stages of mastery.”-Erik H. Erikson

Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will bring few regrets, and life will become a beautiful success.”
― Louisa May AlcottLittle Women

Simple Sundays

Simple Sunday- Happy Birthday To Me!

“Let us never know what old age is. Let us know the happiness time brings, not count the years.”- Ausonius

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”-Oprah Winfrey

“Cakes are special. Every birthday, every celebration ends with something sweet, a cake, and people remember. It’s all about the memories.”- Buddy Valastro

“It takes a long time to become young.”-Pablo Picasso

“There are three hundred and sixty-four days when you might get un-birthday presents, and only one for birthday presents, you know.”-Lewis Carroll

“I think, at a child’s birth, if a mother could ask a fairy godmother to endow it with the most useful gift, that gift should be curiosity.”-Eleanor Roosevelt


Handmade Presents

Hello again! Now that everyone has finally gotten their gifts, I can finally share what I sewed this year. It took forever for our Christmas presents to reach people this year. It’s a good thing we celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas! The Husband said he was told at the post office that the building had been so full of packages that you couldn’t actually walk inside! Crazy times we live in!

Here’s some hats I made. The one with the hippo was for my Dad and the plain red one was for my friend.

My dad one year when I was little, kept singing the song “All I want for Christmas is a Hippopotamus” and we ended up finding him a clay hippo statue at the local thrift store which made us all giggle. I thought it was time for him to have a nice warm hippo hat to remember his daughter. The hat for my friend is lined, although I forget what I lined it with. I think a dbp maybe? He’s outside a lot and I made neck warmers last year for him, so I thought a hat would also be useful. He is married to K1.

For K1, I made a nice Cocoon Cardi and I might have to make a matching one for me. It’s so elegant looking! I did forget pockets though, although sometimes they don’t look nice in dbp if it pulls funny.

The boys got Viking shirts, which was really fun! I had virtual tea with both Ks today and the older boy was wearing his. It warmed my heart!

My younger brother got another set of pjs. This one had flannel pants with food puns and a plain blue raglan shirt.

I made the pun pants in memory of my Grandpa Ollie, who could clear the room with a few well placed puns. My brother says they both fit nicely and are very warm.

Everyone got microwave bowl cozies and a soup mix from Motown Soups. They were a hit! When we had our family zoom with my inlaws and sister in law, the inlaws opened theirs first and my sister in law was so impressed that I had to suggest she not go looking for any until her package actually got there. 🙂 The inlaws got bowling pin fabric. These two below are my parents’ set and my sister in law, I believe. My aunt got lemons and my brother got the same “basgetti” ones that we have. I really need to make a couple more to take to work as they would be extremely helpful there.

The Husband also got one of the pj pants that I have said I’d make him and then didn’t… Whoops! In my defense, the pattern I used first was not comfortable and I couldn’t find another one for a while. Since I’ve found a good pattern now, I can hopefully catch up. This pair has bears in sweaters. The Husband has a thing for bears in sweaters.

Piggy got a few handmade presents as well, although not by me. My inlaws made her some adorable bandanas and a little coat that will need some adjustments. She is still a chonky one.

She also got food treats from K1 when we got our cookies and gets so excited for them!

It’s so funny because she is so little on the face and then opens her mouth and it’s like you can see to Australia! I’ve actually compared it to a Tardis from Dr. Who- much bigger on the inside. 😉

I made these cute ornaments from toilet paper and paper towel tubes, because 2020 may have been sh*t, but I could at least make something pretty with it. 🙂

Behind it you can sort of see the Lego Christmas Village, which has a new home in the china cabinet. What? You mean other people actually display their china in the china cabinet? That’s some small imagination right there it is! Legos look much better there!

We missed the Lego Christmas Village set this year, unfortunately, but did get a really cool A Christmas Carol Lego book, which will look very neat in the village next year.

For my work people, I made a few spa things- peppermint sugar scrubs and green tea peppermint bath salts. I don’t have pictures, but they were both super cute. I packaged them in a zipper pouches. My parents got fun masks too. My dad got a soaring eagle and my mom got pianos that she can wear while teaching.

Although I didn’t make as much as I wanted to make this year, I’m pretty happy with what I did get done. The bowl cozies were super well liked and I gave a lot of people books too. I hope to start earlier this year and make more of Christmas handmade.

For now, I’ll leave you with a peaceful Piggy picture. I don’t know about you, but I could certainly use some extra peace on Mondays!

Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Charcuterie Chalet Challenge

So we did something ridiculous, as per usual. We challenged our friends and family to a Charcuterie Chalet Challenge where we built houses out of charcuterie materials instead of gingerbread houses. It was wacky fun! I hope you enjoy the pictures and are inspired to create your own fun events!

Our Log Cabin
The aftermath! It definitely fell apart shortly after the first picture.
K2’s Log Cabin
A’s Meat Tent
K’s House For A Hobbit

And finally The Winner! Title: Frosty’s Getaway. Look at the amount of intricate detailing. The chimney! The path! The snowman!! The pepperchini trees! The tiled salami roof!

K1’s mom made it, so I will be sending her a fun homemade prize after Christmas.

Life Posts

Game Night! Sort of..

While chatting with a friend the other night about what to write about as a blog post, she suggested the Train Game, which we had just played online. Full disclosure, she kicks my butt at it all the time! But it’s still fun to play. I know I’ve talked about having game nights with friends pre- pandemic, but not about the actual games we play. Fair warning, our game nights are normally with a bunch of social workers or counselors, their partners, and whoever else is brave enough to join us, so it can be a bit dark, humor wise. Here are some of my favorite games

Ticket to Ride, or the Train Game will go first as it’s a favorite among a bunch of us. The main point of the game is to make a train go from one place to another. There are a bunch of different boards, including a Nordic route, India, Pennsylvania, Europe, and a couple different US route boards. Each board has different bonus cards. We have just the original, US board. It’s set in 1913 or thereabouts, I think, so it’s got a cool vintage feel.

You can play this online too, which is how I’ve been playing it recently. The Husband is very competitive and will block people if he figures out where they are going, which has taught me to do some circular route taking to prevent it. Darn logical minded man. My friends who play online are generally nicer. Game play is typically around 45 minutes.

Carcassonne is one of my favorite games and I really should look it up online, as the Husband claims it is too complicated and refuses to play often. Mainly because I win, I think. 🙂 My friend who taught me this game in college played absolutely cutthroat and I got tired of losing, so learned all the weird little tricks to win. To win, you build the biggest castles, get the most land, and acquire the most resources. I think it isn’t as complicated as Caatan, but it does have a learning curve.

Game play can range from anywhere from 45- 90 minutes, depending on how many people you’re playing with. I have three of the expansion packs and they add some different rules and pieces. I taught it to my younger brother and he really enjoyed playing it as well.

My Mom gave my MIL and I the game Quilt Show for Christmas one year and we played it while we were at the cabin with my sewing friend K2.

In this game, you have to “make” quilts with different blocks. You can make smaller or bigger projects and then show them in a Quilt Show to get points. The person with the most points at the end wins. There are different configurations of how to set up the quilts, by pattern, color, etc.

It took a minute to see how it worked, but it was pretty fun! I would like to play it again some time. I would say plan probably an hour to play.

We have three Firefly games, but not enough of our game night friends like Firefly, so we haven’t played them often. (This would be Joss Whedon’s TV show Firefly and movie Serenity, if you didn’t know.)

The game, Firefly, is super complicated it seems, so I think we’re still a little intimidated by it. Tall Card is kind of based on poker and is a quicker game. And of course, Monopoly, can be a hit. That is if someone doesn’t flip the board out of frustration like my younger brother did one summer. I believe Monopoly was banned for a week after that.

The other games we play most frequently are card based and have essentially the same game play, just different themes and cards. I’ll start with the newest one we bought- New Phone, Who Dis?

Regular game nighters brought it with them one time and we loved it! Basically, you have a main card that you all get to see and pair it with one from your hand that you think is the funniest, most ridiculous, or in some cases hilariously offensive. Then you put them face down and the person who’s judging reads them all and picks their favorite. For example:

The first one to a certain number of agreed upon points wins. The next games follow the same format.

Cards Against Humanity probably ties with Joking Hazard as the most likely to offend people. When you’re playing against mental health workers, the gallows humor abounds. Not all the cards are terrible though. There are some innocuous ones like “Lunchables” and “Bees?”

Joking Hazard is by the author of the comic Cyanide and Happiness, which as you can probably tell by the name, is generally pretty dark. In this game, you make your own comic strip to go with the main card and the judge picks their favorite. This one is especially cool because the whole strip could be wordless. It’s fun, although sometimes cringe worthy, to see what people come up with!

Jobstacles is a pretty tame game, comparatively speaking, so I thought I should end with it. Perhaps then you won’t think we’re too terrible. 😉 In this game the judge puts down a card of a person they need to hire and you add a candidate card and a card that can either hurt or help the candidate card. This game is fun because you get to see what other people think. None of the people normally fit the job, so you’re really having to pick from the best of the worst of the combinations. It’s a very quick playing game and is best with a smaller crowd as you can run through cards pretty quickly.

So those are some of the games we like to play and hopefully will be able to play again at some point. Speaking of game playing, Piggy is currently sitting like this on the couch because I started typing and not petting her, like she thinks I should. I’d better go try and cheer her up. Can’t have the world’s most pathetic dog around the house. It’s killing the game night spirit!