Canning and Preserving · Gardening

It’s Alive-Gardening Update

Not only is the garden alive, but it is thriving! The cucumber plant is even bigger today that in the picture. The picture was taken on Saturday and it now covers the longer stake.

I am so pleased with it and am mostly just watering it routinely. My Mammoth Jalapeño isn’t looking ll that massive yet, but the Poblano  peppers may end up being the same size anyway.  The jalapeño is in the yellow pot, poblano is in the purple pot.

My zucchini has another blossom and there is a tiny squash starting!

I picked three strawberries today and there are a bunch of green ones still on the plants. I still have ants in one of the pots, but I put cinnamon on it and it seems to be helping a little. The plant itself doesn’t seem to be too affected by them.

My herbs are getting big. I’m going to use the basil tomorrow for Caprese salad when I host craft night.

The pineapple sage has gotten very big as well. I should probably be thinking about drying some for my tea party.

The mints are growing like crazy, of course. The chocolate mint is sending out all sorts of runners, but it’s nowhere near the soil, or we’d have mint everywhere!

The lime basil and oregano are also doing well. The basil keeps insisting on flowering, so I have to prune it pretty consistently. I used the parsley, thyme, and rosemary in scones yesterday for a belated Father’s Day dinner.

There are lots of buds and flowers on my tomato plants. One of them has a little cluster of tomatoes, but it is hard to get a picture of.


I found ants in the kitchen on Friday and between organizing and cleaning, wasn’t able to get anything sewn. My cupboard looks beautiful though. All my spices fit and I wiped everything with vinegar and put out new bay leaves preventively. I hate bugs.

I also canned rhubarb marmalade. It looks so pretty and I had some on yogurt this morning.

Fancy has been enjoying the nice weather and loves playing in the hose when I water my plants. She’s been looking like this a lot outside when she’s not barking at the neighbors.

We met another neighbor on our walk today who forgave her for barking when she sat on his feet for pets. 🙂

Well, I am off to water the plants and hopefully, not the dog too much. Have a lovely, sunshiny day!

Crafty · Gardening

Crafty Weekend

It was too hot to work in the garden, but everything is still alive! I’ve been watering frequently and the zucchini grows every time I look away. We have buds on the strawberry plants and a few of the tomato plants. I’ve used some of the oregano and the rosemary in a pot roast recipe and it was delicious.

I did some work in the basement and cut some more scraps down into squares and strips. I cut them into squares and strips measuring 2 inches, 2 1/2 inches, and 3 1/2 inches. Then I store them in baggies separated by measurements. Those bags are in suitcases. The theory is that I can then pull them out of the bag and have scrap quilts go together quickly. Most of the time it works. The quilts I’ve been working on lately have all been scrappy quilts, so I haven’t had to use them. My bags of 2 and 2 1/2 inch strips are currently overflowing, so I should find a quilt that needs those measurements.

I also cut out some new tea wallet pieces and made four tea wallets over the weekend. They just need their buttons to be completely done.

I tend to work on tea wallets in batches. It’s easier to chain piece them like you would a quilt square. I sort them into colors too, so this batch needed black thread. Two of these wallets have plain black fabric for the inside and two have black music print fabric, which doesn’t photograph well at all. It has treble clefs printed in black on a slightly darker black background.

It felt good to get some more scraps cut. I need to make some more tea wallets again. I changed out my order at the floral store and now have many more for Christmas, but not a lot of generic ones. I also need to figure out some more masculine fabrics. I figured the circle ones could go to either gender and I have more plaid and gun fabric I can use. I have a lot of floral wallets and pastel colors at the moment.

More fat quarter pieces got folded and added to the trunk. It still looks I did absolutely nothing down there, despite working for a couple of hours. My latest Netflix/fabric sorting show is called The Dr. Blake Mysteries. It’s set in 1959 in Australia. My Netflix watching gets progressively weirder the more fabric I want to cut. It’s pretty good. A bit laid back, but has social justice themes and murder, so what’s not to like?

We had people over this Sunday. My friend needed help with a bellydance costume and her husband plays video games, so is friends with my Husband. There was supposed to be an Atari marathon, but our TV is too new and they ended up playing Lord of the Rings in the Wii. I am atrocious at those games, so I was glad that the Husband had someone to play with who was actually good.

We had a new recipe for pot roast and a huge salad for lunch. It was lots of fun. My friend took some of my give away fabric too, which made the Husband very happy and her husband not so much. 🙂

Fancy was extremely excited to see them. They give her lots of love, because of course, the Husband and I never pet her…

This was Fancy shortly after they left. She was tuckered out.

In other news, I am getting ready to use my yogurt maker. It just came in the mail today. I’ve made my own yogurt in the past, but the texture wasn’t quite right. I need a plain starter yogurt and will be getting that tomorrow. I’ll let you all know how it works out. I’m excited to be making it again. My yogurt habit was getting expensive and one of the Food Network magazines has a “50 Things To Make With Yogurt” booklet in it. I see tastiness in my future!


Garden Start and Canning list

Fancy has been doing a lot of napping to recover from the weekend. She got to go up to the cabin on the lake, had her first boat ride, and discovered the joys of digging in the sand. She was a very good dog and has even been invited back. I took a bunch of pictures of her and have a special lake dog Wordless Wednesday planned.

Today though, I thought I would share our garden progress. We did end up going with containers and there’s a chance I lost all self-control while picking things out.

It was originally just about 10 pots, but that wasn’t enough. Now I have strawberries, ancho/poblano  peppers, red bell peppers, cucumber, zucchini, romaine lettuce, and a “Mammoth Jalapeño.” That last one I got by accident. I thought it was a dragon cayenne pepper, but didn’t read the tag. I will be very disappointed if the peppers aren’t huge!

The tomatoes have to be listed separately, as I got seduced by all the tomatoey goodness and couldn’t stop myself. I have a cherry tomato plant , a Roma plant, a “Cherokee” heirloom, a “Golden Jubilee” heirloom, and a “Brandywine” heirloom.  I planted them sideways in the containers, as it was my Grandpa Ed’s secret for excellent tomatoes and added plant food as well. I hadn’t known that trick, but had trouble with spindly tomato plants last year and thought I would try it. My Dad reminded me if it when I was telling him about the garden.

The blueberry bushes both look like dry sticks, but I watered them and put them in the sun, as one of them had some new leaves. Hopefully they will come back.

I also have a ton of herbs: Sage, rosemary, parsley, German thyme, Italian oregano, and basil.

I decided to grow my own tea herbs this year, since I know a lot of tea drinkers. (They should probably forget about this post, if they read it, or at least act surprised when I give them tea for Christmas.) For that project, I purchased peppermint, chocolate mint, Lime basil, and pineapple sage. I’m planning a tea making party in either July or August, depending on when people can come. I thought about getting some edible flower plants too, but was in a rush. I may get some of those later.

Yes, those are the cinder blocks for the raised bed. I figured while they were not being used, I would use them to keep the smaller pots out of the shadows.

I also started planning my canning list last night when we got back. It’s very long, so it will be fun to pick the things I am actually going to do. I’m through two of the books and have 2 1/2 pages of things to make already. The Husband will be glad the canning jars are finally leaving the kitchen shelf. He’s been telling me to can “all the things!” for a few months now. In my defense, there just wasn’t time last summer and they make great storage containers.

I have four canning books and magazines, two Ball books, one called “The Art of Preserving,” and a Taste of Home Canning magazine. I had to resist the urge to get a new Ball magazine at the store today, reminding myself that I had four already. Plus, there is my Pinterest list as well. I want to try to do other types of preserving this year, including some different pickles (yes, Mom, for my pickle tray) and some fruit lemonade concentrates. We’re always buying the fancy lemonades and it would be handy to make our own.

Right now I have definite plans for Roasted Tomatillo- Chipotle Salsa, mango raspberry jam, Thai Sweet Hot Garlic Dipping Sauce, homemade Rotel, cardamom fig jam, and a Spicy Wine Honey Jelly. Tomato products of all shapes and sizes will be canned as well; diced, crushed, sauce, and paste.

Hopefully, if my canning plans work out, I can have lots of homemade Christmas presents. I always get silly and nervous about giving people homemade presents. Perhaps this year will be the year I can squash that and make a new tradition.

Right now though, I’m off to work and to dream up new canning plans. Wish me luck with everything in the garden. I think it’s the biggest I have made on my own before!

Crafty · Gardening

Garden Woes and Crafty Happiness

This past weekend was so busy! I woke up today thinking it was Saturday. Sometimes I think I need a weekend to recover from my weekend.

I worked my last shift at my third job yesterday and now plan on using the extra weekend time to garden. We picked up our pallet of cinder blocks for the raised bed on Friday and while I was vending, he started tilling the space up. We had planned to dig down about 8 inches and put the first row of cinder blocks in the hole itself. Unfortunately, he found 3 buried cable lines and a huge tree root that was very shallow and goes diagonally across the entire garden spot.

Fancy was very pleased with the new hole to play in. She was too hot outside and it was nice and cool. The orange cord is the extension cord for the tiller.

We are going to have a container garden again this year instead, while we figure out what we can do to make the raised beds work. It is a huge disappointment for both of us, but the containers worked well last year. We’ll just have to buy a few more bushels of tomatoes to can is all. Hopefully we can get it started soon.

My list hasn’t changed for what I want to grow, just maybe scaled down a bit. Tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs, squash, and peppers.

In crafty news, I did have fun vending this weekend. It was a great workshop and fun people. I wasn’t able to go to the show. I ended up with a migraine and had to stay home. I had a few repeat customers and got good reports on the things that they had previously bought, which is always a good thing.

I also made some new items. The flowers I made a while ago are in the featured picture. I made a set of cute fabric trays with boats. I want to make this into a set of four with a 14 inch tray in there as well. The 10 inch seems a bit too small.

I have a few more cut out to finish and I’m going to post both the flowers and trays on Etsy.

The trays I made for my office are working out well. I want to make a box for my puppets too, but may end up buying one. I haven’t figured out quite what I want to do yet.

Now I have to go finish clearing off the table and make something. I have a whole day to be productive, but so far I’ve just walked the dog and cleared the table. She is currently napping and it’s hard to resist joining her.