Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Gifts for Piggy

And here are all the gifts Piggy thinks she doesn’t have, but regularly gets.

Outside Time

All The Blankets

New Smells


Heat Vents

All The Toys


And above all- Love

Crafty · Sewing · Uncategorized

Scrappy Sewing and Spring Cleaning

Hello! This weekend was a very productive one. I deep cleaned the stainless steel kitchen island. A certain Piggy has been very interested in the bottom shelves lately. It’s nice to have it all shiny and organized again! Here’s the pictures.


The Husband and I tackled the pantry shelving, which was sloppily built into the walls and had a distinct tilt to the front. I was honestly waiting for it to fall over in the middle of the night. Eek! Also, apparently, that’s where all the spiders were coming from. Blech! I made the Husband deal with that part. Here’s some before and after.


To be fair, he did the pulling down of all the shelves and I helped organize and take things out to the recycling after breaking them down. We have these metal shelves for my craft stuff too and they are good shelves. There’s space for one more shelf next to the wall too, so there should be extra storage space. I worked on my sewing spot while he was pulling shelves off the wall.

Speaking of my sewing space, I made something fun for the week where the theme was to sew something other than fabric. It was inspired by someone in the button week who made a picture like it for her sewing room. I haven’t decided exactly what I’m going to do with mine, but it’s super cute.

Isn’t it adorable? I used the leaf stitch on card stock and then backed it with translucent vellum and purple card stock. It was fun to to make. I made a water one too, but it wasn’t as successful. The buttons are hand sewn. I do have a button feature on my machine, but wasn’t in the mood to mess with it.

This wallet was made for the sewing challenge too. It’s not quite where I’d like it to be and I was reminded how much I hate making wallets while I was making it. They’re so fiddly and ridiculous. This pattern is the Demi Wallet from Linds Handmade. The pattern and instructions are fine, but my spatial reasoning and not wanting to take a couple extra minutes to interface did me in. It’s cute though and works well for the most part. I do think it’s a little chunkier than I’d like and the card slots got a little wonky, but that was due to user error/impatience, not the pattern.

This week, my entry was this cute tote bag in the same fabric for an extra Secret Garak swap present. Garak is a character in Star Trek: DS9 and is supposedly “just a simple tailor.” There’s a set of Star Trek groups on FB that are lovely and the craft group is called Garak’s Craftiers. They do a gift swap every year and I was able to join this year. This was the extra gift, as they needed an emergency gift. I’m going to make a little zip pouch to go with it too.

This was the amazing gift I received! It fits perfectly into my office decor.

This was the gift I sent. I was mostly pleased with it and my giftee said he liked it very much. There’s glow in the dark paint around the ship and for stars. I was excited to find black canvas to put it on. The ship is a vinyl sticker purchased from Etsy. I thought it was a cool angle. You don’t often see a front view.

I’m still lucky enough that my friend and her boys still happily wear the things I make. I made this tunic dress for her birthday. No pockets because they lay funny in this thinner dbp.

The boys got woodland shirts and these Baby Bear Joggers in a french terry. I have seen pictures that they are slightly too large for them and so look ridiculously cute.

I have a matching shirt. 😁

Here are two more shirts in my drawer. A neurotransmitter shirt for Valentine’s Day! Also, for work, because it’s the perfect therapy shirt. It’s got black bands and back and is the Sunkissed Tee.

This is another new pattern that I used for the challenge. It’s a Green Tee by Greenstyle Patterns. It’s free with a code from the FB group. I messed up the v neck, so it’s an around the house or under a sweater kind of tee, but it’s pretty comfy. The pattern comes with a scoop neck too.

Last, but not least, I made this super cute quilt for a friend from the office. She happens to like gnomes and rainbows and this quilt needed a good home!

I used the Accuquilt machine to cut the fabric for both blocks. The Patchwork block is a Snail’s Trail and the gnomes were fused and then machine sewn to the white blocks. Here are some close ups.

She really like it and has gotten many compliments on it. It makes me smile when I see it in the office. I’m definitely making one for myself at some point too. The Husband will complain for sure, but he can just deal with it. My love of gnomes isn’t going anywhere, after all.

Well, that’s all my exciting sewing and crafting for now. Piggy and I are both super tired and look like her picture below, so I should say good night. May your dreams be as cozy and comforting as a warm puppy!


Handmade Presents

Hello again! Now that everyone has finally gotten their gifts, I can finally share what I sewed this year. It took forever for our Christmas presents to reach people this year. It’s a good thing we celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas! The Husband said he was told at the post office that the building had been so full of packages that you couldn’t actually walk inside! Crazy times we live in!

Here’s some hats I made. The one with the hippo was for my Dad and the plain red one was for my friend.

My dad one year when I was little, kept singing the song “All I want for Christmas is a Hippopotamus” and we ended up finding him a clay hippo statue at the local thrift store which made us all giggle. I thought it was time for him to have a nice warm hippo hat to remember his daughter. The hat for my friend is lined, although I forget what I lined it with. I think a dbp maybe? He’s outside a lot and I made neck warmers last year for him, so I thought a hat would also be useful. He is married to K1.

For K1, I made a nice Cocoon Cardi and I might have to make a matching one for me. It’s so elegant looking! I did forget pockets though, although sometimes they don’t look nice in dbp if it pulls funny.

The boys got Viking shirts, which was really fun! I had virtual tea with both Ks today and the older boy was wearing his. It warmed my heart!

My younger brother got another set of pjs. This one had flannel pants with food puns and a plain blue raglan shirt.

I made the pun pants in memory of my Grandpa Ollie, who could clear the room with a few well placed puns. My brother says they both fit nicely and are very warm.

Everyone got microwave bowl cozies and a soup mix from Motown Soups. They were a hit! When we had our family zoom with my inlaws and sister in law, the inlaws opened theirs first and my sister in law was so impressed that I had to suggest she not go looking for any until her package actually got there. 🙂 The inlaws got bowling pin fabric. These two below are my parents’ set and my sister in law, I believe. My aunt got lemons and my brother got the same “basgetti” ones that we have. I really need to make a couple more to take to work as they would be extremely helpful there.

The Husband also got one of the pj pants that I have said I’d make him and then didn’t… Whoops! In my defense, the pattern I used first was not comfortable and I couldn’t find another one for a while. Since I’ve found a good pattern now, I can hopefully catch up. This pair has bears in sweaters. The Husband has a thing for bears in sweaters.

Piggy got a few handmade presents as well, although not by me. My inlaws made her some adorable bandanas and a little coat that will need some adjustments. She is still a chonky one.

She also got food treats from K1 when we got our cookies and gets so excited for them!

It’s so funny because she is so little on the face and then opens her mouth and it’s like you can see to Australia! I’ve actually compared it to a Tardis from Dr. Who- much bigger on the inside. 😉

I made these cute ornaments from toilet paper and paper towel tubes, because 2020 may have been sh*t, but I could at least make something pretty with it. 🙂

Behind it you can sort of see the Lego Christmas Village, which has a new home in the china cabinet. What? You mean other people actually display their china in the china cabinet? That’s some small imagination right there it is! Legos look much better there!

We missed the Lego Christmas Village set this year, unfortunately, but did get a really cool A Christmas Carol Lego book, which will look very neat in the village next year.

For my work people, I made a few spa things- peppermint sugar scrubs and green tea peppermint bath salts. I don’t have pictures, but they were both super cute. I packaged them in a zipper pouches. My parents got fun masks too. My dad got a soaring eagle and my mom got pianos that she can wear while teaching.

Although I didn’t make as much as I wanted to make this year, I’m pretty happy with what I did get done. The bowl cozies were super well liked and I gave a lot of people books too. I hope to start earlier this year and make more of Christmas handmade.

For now, I’ll leave you with a peaceful Piggy picture. I don’t know about you, but I could certainly use some extra peace on Mondays!

Crafty · Life Posts · Monthly Review · Sewing

Christmas Gifts And Review

Well, hello there! Glad to see you’re still around. I went through a bit of a busy time and got a little out of practice from blogging. I did just pay for three more years of the blog though, so you’re stuck with me for at least that long. 🙂

It has been a whirlwind and I did learn a few things over the past year in terms of sewing. I love my serger! My MIL was right when she said it would be a game changer. I’m sewing things I never would have dared to sew before, including hoodies!

I’ve experimented with more fancy stitches, new patterns, and traveled with my serger! I started making A wardrobe for my office dolls, which has been surprisingly fun and stress relieving. Here are my latest creations. The top two are the Riley tank dress from Made for Mermaids and the bottom right are Kelli Kimono Robes, also from M4M. The bubble dresses are the Vada’s Bubble Dress from CKC patterns. I’ve been enjoying using them to try new techniques in a less stressful way.

Of course, there were some negatives. I developed tendinitis from scissor use, had quilt fails, and added some more projects to the WIP and naughty bin. Oh, and I trashed my iron very well. Tripped over the cord and whipped it point down into the floor. Apparently irons aren’t meant to show their insides like that…

Overall, the positives outweighed the negatives though, so that’s always good.

I have a couple of goals this year. Making pants is one of them, as is figuring out undergarment patterns (don’t worry Dad, I won’t put pictures of the finished products on the blog.)

I joined the 52 Week Sewing Challenge on Facebook, which gives you a different theme or idea to sew each week. Each week is sponsored by a couple of different sewing related shops and when you post what you’ve sewn, you’re entered to win the giveaway from the sponsor that week. The cool thing is as long as you post something finished, you’re entered to win, so if you desperately need to finish a specific project, you have that option. The Week 1 challenge was to organize your sewing space and it was fun to see all the different ideas people had. Here is my before and after of my sewing table. The rest of the space is still a work in progress.

If you’re interested and on Facebook, you can look it up by that name and join the group. You have to answer some questions to join, but they’re all basic. It’s been fun so far. This week was UFO/WIP finishing week and I finished the owl quilt I was working on starting at New Year’s Eve.

It is from the book Rainbow Quilts For Scrap Lovers by Judy Gautier and is called “Owls Well That Ends Well.” Isn’t it cute? These are all from scraps, except the white, which needed to be from yardage. I used up a whole bunch of fabrics in it though. It’s backed with a purple and blue tye dye batik and gave me a bit of trouble. My sewing machine tension is off somewhere and the thread is misbehaving severely. The quilt looks cute though, just don’t look at the back seam…

I made a lot of our Christmas presents this year and it has been ridiculously hard to keep them a secret. Since the summer, I had been working on a traditional Finnish Costume for my Mom and will share that in another post as it was very interesting to do. It was my dad’s idea, but the whole family was in on it. 🙂

Another present I made for my Mom was this quilt, which I have been working on since last Christmas. I have enough fabric to make one for myself as well.

Here’s some pictures.

It’s a modified Shining Star pattern from one of my scrap quilts books. I added sashing too it, as I thought it needed a little something extra. It’s tied with buttons and the background of the squares is music fabric. The backing is a plain red and the binding is a glittery white and gold plaid fabric. I got super fancy and made my own bias binding.

Here’s some more closeups of my favorite stars.

I have heard that she likes it! 🙂

My friend K used the fish leather from the Quilt Expo last year to make a wallet for her dad. She said it was pretty easy to work with, so I decided to be brave and got some to play with this year. The end result were two little belt bags for my younger brother and his girlfriend! They are both salmon leather and from Fiskur Leather. The owners were super helpful in helping me figure out what would work best to sew it- polyester thread and a leather needle. I’m pretty proud of them. They’re meant to look a little rustic to match their characters. I used frog clasps to close them.

Their unit colors are purple and black, so I thought that this combo would be cool. I have also heard that they liked their things as well. The fish leather was pretty easy to sew with. It was more complicated to figure out the pouches with no pattern and with limited amounts of the leather. Sewed together fine though.

One of my goals for this year is to use up some more fabric. To that end, I used up my smaller fleece scraps by sewing up mittens and ear warmers for an organization called Night Angels. They work with victims of human trafficking and have a community outreach program. My work was making some Christmas bags for this program, so these were added to the presents. Here’s the prettiest ones:

I did buy some fleece remnants to make sure I would have enough, but they have all been used up. I used the last bits to make sleeping bags for the office dolls. Someone requested beds for them, but I don’t have room for furniture.

I painted these ornaments for my boss and the administrative staff at work. They each got a little set of three ornaments. I don’t have the best picture of them, but here is one of them.

I was gifted this lovely set by my MIL, who made it in one of her embroidery classes. It includes an apron, a pot holder, and a kitchen towel.

I’m sure to be sewing a bunch more things this year and am going to be taking on a few of my sewing fears, so it would be an interesting time. Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to learn about!

Have a creative year!

Crafty · Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Quilty Goodness

Kim’s quilt- backed with French landmarks on black fabric

Beth and Matt- backed with red fleece

Stacie and Dan- backed with fall leaves