Party Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Wordless Wednesday- Halloween and Harry Potter Decor

Spooky flamingos and pumpkins

The mantle is spooky classroom themed.


Winged keys and a golden snitch.

Honeydukes! The candy store from the wizard town.

Potions classroom.

Fancy inspecting the newest addition to the flamingo flock.


Weekend Sewing

I couldn’t sleep on Saturday or Sunday morning, so I ended up sewing on Sunday. Fancy couldn’t decide if she should steal my spot or sleep on the couch downstairs, so she spent most of the morning at the top of the stairs. She would occasionally heave a very big sigh and stare down at me with sad eyes.

I set up a test table for my vending events. I thought it needed more height to draw people in. Here is what I came up with. Please excuse the basement. I didn’t want to haul the table upstairs as I am still using it to sew on. What do you think?

I picked up some more table accessories, such as the shelves and baskets, for under $20 at thrift stores and Target. Most of it was on school clearance. I also padded by pouches with plastic bags to make them poof out. They can get a little droopy otherwise. I didn’t use interfacing, as I wanted them to be flexible, but after sitting for a while, they can deflate. I also added the tea pot to help set the stage for tea wallets. I will have a couple of sets with the a tea wallet in a mug with a honey stick for sale too, but didn’t have everything for the test run.

I made four new hip skirts. I want to keep almost all of them, but will have to sell them. Here’s a picture of all four:

There is one with tassels and three with just trim. I will be making a couple more with tassels before I vend, but have a lot with tassels already made too.

This piece was supposed to be skull tea wallets, but the employee at the cutting counter cut it crooked, so it already had a slight hip skirt curve to it. I figured it was meant to be. It was either that, or get really annoyed. It’s backed with black and has a flouncy little fringe trim on it.

This is the tassel one. It’s grey and black houndstooth, with a purple back. It’s very plain because of the tassels. I love this combination of colors and the purple ribbons were from our wedding.

If this one doesn’t sell, I’m keeping it. The trim got sewn a little uneven by accident, so I could justify keeping it now, but I will be good. It is backed with a black and white diamond fabric.

This purple with grey just makes me happy. The purple accent is a beaded belt that I got from Salvation Army. I sewed in between the beaded parts so that it would drape nicely while it is on. The silver trim is some trim from Joann’s. It’s got little grey and black loops.

I’m in the middle of trying to decide what I’m taking with me to vend and what I need to make more of. I think I need to make some more hair flowers in all the sizes and in darker colors.

I don’t know that I will bring a lot of bags with me. I sometimes sell one, but for a bellydance event, it makes more sense to focus on costume elements. I’ll leave my veils home, I think. They are all much lighter colors.

I have some Halloween fabrics that could be turned into bags. I should be set on hip skirts, but might make a few more with the black and white fabric. I am very well prepared with tea wallets.

My own costume is still up for debate. I am using black Isis wings, which are wings with sticks in the end, so hair and jewelry should be kept simple so that the wings don’t catch on anything. I may wear a belly covering costume too, but haven’t decided completely. That gorgeous peacock fabric I bought really wants to be a vest, so I may make that up to see how it looks.

There is certainly enough to keep me busy in the next month or two. Hopefully I can get a bunch done before the event. Send productive thoughts my way!


Things I Could Have Been Doing Instead of Paperwork

Paperwork… Terrible, easily forgotten paperwork. Cause of Fancy’s dismay and tendonitis. I got very behind on paperwork at one of my offices and it was not good. It ate up all my Fancy play time and all my crafting time.

Fancy started pushing the computer off of my lap after a certain amount of time, or trying to sit on top of it. The picture is from one of those nights. I did finish the paperwork and will definitely not let it get that bad again.

I did manage to get some new tea wallets done. I swear I will make other things too. These were the final part of the Hawthorne and Vine order. I also need to make some college themed ones, but they are not there yet.

Here’s picture of the new tea wallets. The Husband picked out the candy corn.

The insides are a mix of black and orange fabrics. And the second row. This one has ones from the last post, but also a picture of the darling pumpkin button I found in my stash. How perfect is that for a Halloween tea wallet?

I also finished the first part of the second office picture. It needs the words still, but I left those at work today by accident. I have some time tomorrow to try to finish it.

The red fabric for the Rainbow Snowball Quilt got washed as well. I have plans for this long weekend when I can use the table to tie it. Then it can be delivered!

Now for the things from my ever-growing project list that I wanted to be doing instead of paperwork…

These sets of bellydance hip wraps.

Finishing these bags…

The top one is one of the 6 pocket bags. The bottom is a market tote that I may have sewn the handles wrong. It’s been in the UFO tote for long enough that I think I need to get another set of directions. There are many more projects waiting as well, but these would be a good start.

I am looking at recipes for tea blends for a ladies’ only tea making party on Sunday the 3rd. I have a few friends coming and need to dry some herbs and get some tea.

Now that my paperwork is done, I can get back to sewing and hopefully have a few more things done before my next review.

Fancy will hopefully stop giving me the look of betrayal soon for neglecting her while finishing notes. It’s quite sad, I’m sure you will agree. I’ve had to give her extra cuddles to make up for it.