Wordless Wednesdays

Almost Wordless Wednesday- Stash Shopping

The Husband brought me a new sewing table from his work, as they were going to get rid of it in their building move. It inspired some more organization and I took some pictures of some of my stash. Enjoy!

Terrors of the Deep! Will be octopus leggings (probably) and a shark shirt for Fancy
All woven- ends are poly rayon faile and the middle is hand batiked rayon. I had to stare down an older lady at the Expo who tried to take the bolt out of my arms and repeatedly petted it while it was clasped to my chest protectively. Ask K 2- she was there!
Cotton voile for a shift dress, ombre chiffon for a dance veil, rayon challis for a dress.
Future sewing themed quilt or sewn travel organizer
fabrics that are not primarily blue or black to expand my wardrobe. L to r: maxi skirt, sweatshirt, tank top, dress
Utterly gorgeous DBP. Was supposed to be leggings to sell, but I cannot part with it. It will be a dress for me.
Two future maxi skirts and a dress, all are ITY, so super slinky and cool to the touch.