Gardening · Recipe Roundup

Monday Munchies

Sorry for missing Simple Sunday. I had a very bad migraine and screens were making my vision double, so I couldn’t concentrate enough to pick a topic or see to find quotes. I’ll do a Wordy Wednesday post with some pictures and quotes later this week.

I was going through my food pictures though and realized that we have been having a lot of delicious meals. The featured picture is Fancy at our dinner tonight. She was very hopeful that she would get some and was very sad to only get her own dinner. We both seem to be out of our food funk, so even though meal planning has been haphazard, we have made it work.

Tonight, for example, we were supposed to eat yesterday, but the Husband had to go into work. Apparently bad things happen to electronics if the power goes out? 😉 He had to go make sure everything turned on okay. I knew there was no way I was going to make this just for me, so we had a very fancy dinner on a Monday. May I present Garlic and Rosemary Crusted Rack of Lamb?

Rosemary from the garden, olive oil, and garlic made up the crust. I completely forgot salt and pepper and neither of us noticed. Here is the recipe I used.

It was very good. Sometimes I don’t enjoy lamb, but this one was much milder than normal and tasted more of herbs than the gamey taste it can get. I think I cooked it just to done, not overly done too, so that was good. We had cheddar biscuits from the Red Lobster mix and I had asparagus as well. I also tried mango sprinkled with Pico De Fruita from Penzey’s.

It’s a spicy seasoning for fresh juicy fruits like mango and peaches. It has a surprising bite, but did give another layer of flavor. I might try this in a fruit salad with mangos and strawberries and see how it is. I think it would be good on grilled pineapple too, which I do plan on making this summer.

Side note, how is it suddenly summer? I still haven’t managed to completely switch my heavier clothes out of my drawers and have realized how many tank tops I need, but don’t have! Luckily, I have a couple of patterns to try, but that’s another story. Back to food!

We have grilled again this last week, on the one day it didn’t rain! Now that I’m home earlier on Monday and Tuesday, dinner can be a little more fun. We had grilled steak kebabs!

I would say I followed a recipe, but my parents told me never to lie. 😉 I did use the cook time in a Food Network magazine, but used our own ingredients and spices. They were seasoned with Sandwich Sprinkle from Penzey’s, which I have used on approximately 10 things, none of which are sandwiches… It’s basically Italian Seasoning, garlic, salt and pepper, if you wanted to try to recreate it. My kebabs were the ones with tomatoes and peppers. The Husband had manly kebabs- no veggies allowed, just meat and starch. They were delicious! We will definitely be making them again. Kebab all the things!

We have had a couple of fancier breakfasts too, not just dinners! I made the sour cream muffins from a couple of weeks ago with blueberries instead of chocolate chips.

They were good, but I think I liked the chocolate chip ones better. The Husband tried the blueberry ones and did like them. He’s not a huge breakfast eater.

I made these egg cups this morning in an effort to eat more protein to ward off migraines. Newsflash, it didn’t work, but they were a good breakfast. They would be a good lunch too.

They are filled with chicken breakfast sausage, red peppers, green onions, mushrooms, and fresh parsley, oregano, and basil. I forgot to add cheese and any spices, including salt and pepper. My brain was having fits this morning. They’re still pretty tasty though. The Husband will hopefully help me eat them. I had them with cinnamon toast, but had eaten in stages this morning, so no pictures.

We had a few standbys: Shells and Cheese with veggies and chicken sausage, Creamy Shrimp Pasta, and Instant Pot Korean Beef.

The Husband had the Korean beef sauce on country style pork ribs in the crockpot, but they messed with his stomach, so I don’t think he ate them all. Too fatty, I think. We haven’t had them in forever, since it seemed like too much for him to eat on his own. He said they tasted good though, just regretted it in the morning.

We did enjoy lettuce wraps too and I had the leftover meat on a salad the next day, which was pretty delicious.

We discovered that the Husband likes Boston lettuce better that romaine, so we might switch to that. Chef’s salad is more appealing in the summer sometimes.

Another really fun new thing I tried was Pineapple Sage Lemonade!

My pineapple sage is growing like crazy and I know you can make it into tea, but the hot tea wasn’t sounding appealing in 80 degree weather, so I made lemonade instead. I looked at a recipe, which I cannot find, but in the end, just made something up. I didn’t think to grab fresh lemons at the store, so I mixed about an 1/8 th cup of lemonade concentrate with water and then added sugar to taste. I bruised and ripped up five or six pineapple sage leaves and threw them in and let it sit for a while. It turned out to be very good! There was a subtle taste of the pineapple sage and it went really well with the lemons. I am planning on trying some cocktails too. Here’s some websites if you’re interested!

And some food recipes too!

I have used the lemon thyme in my water too, which gives it a lovely flavor. I’m excited to investigate other ways to use the herbs this year, since they are all growing so well!

Fancy is being super weird about the windows. We think there’s a small animal out there taunting her, but we haven’t smelled skunk yet. I’d better go distract her before she attempts to exit the house through the window. Have a lovely (non-smelly) night!

Recipe Roundup

Recipe Roundup

The weather here cannot make up its mind about what to do. All our snow melted in a day after getting several inches and now it’s freezing again. We’re supposed to get 4-6 inches by tomorrow. Fancy has spent most of the last couple of days curled up on the bed, or by the heating vent. She’s currently keeping my feet warm with occasional breaks to bark at the neighbors.

We had a good amount of variety in our meals this week. For dinner tonight, it will be “clean out the fridge.” I think all we have left is the chicken divan though, so that will be easy to finish off.

We had a pre-seasoned boneless lamb leg on Sunday, with mashed potatoes and fancy carrots from a Food Network magazine.

I consulted a couple of different recipes for the lamb, mainly just for tempature. It turned out really good. Herb-Roasted Lamb By Ina Garten

I think this is the one I finally settled on. The link is being weird and linking back to the app instead of the webpage, so if it gives you trouble, search the Food Network site.

The lamb was delicious! We will definitely be doing this again. The Husband was super happy with it. I liked it. It masked the lamb gameyness and had a bit of a kick to it.

The carrots were from Food Network April 2015, Herbed Green Beans and Carrots. I only used carrots and I used a cranberry-pear white balsamic vinegar. I did reduce the sugar a little in the recipe. I julienned the carrots, feeling very fancy while cutting them.

We also had chicken divan. I accidentally mixed the cheese in and forgot the bread crumbs, so it was a little bit different. I also didn’t measure and under seasoned it. It still tasted alright though.

I made another muffin recipe. Blood Orange Pomegranate Muffins from Food Network, Jan/Feb 2018. 

They browned up a bit more than I was expecting. They have two full sticks of butter in them… The pomegranate arils were supposed to go on top, but I accidentally mixed them in. I didn’t make the glaze. I typically don’t like it. These were good. Slightly over baked, I think. They also made a full 24, when the recipe only said it would make 18. I’m not sure what size muffins they thought I was making…

I had chocolate chip banana waffles for breakfast one night. It had been a rough day, so they were a nice treat.

I had them with butter and lingonberry jam. Mmm… I would make these again. The Husband was out for the night, so I didn’t have to share. I would make these again. I reduced the sugar a little and would do so again. The chocolate chips and jam made these sweet enough.

Last night I used the lamb to make a lamb stew, loosely based off a recipe in A Taste of Lebanon by Mary Salloum.

It was spicy from the lamb seasoning and warming from the cinnamon. We had cheese biscuits with it. We ate most of it last night. I would make this again if we have leftover lamb.

In other news, I started an Instagram account for the blog, with the same name- Notso50shousewife. If you have an account, feel free to follow along.

Stay tuned on Monday for my monthly review! I’m starting pretty strong on sewing projects this year.

Recipe Roundup

Recipe Roundup

So I frequently get an email from my Dad after he reads the blog, but this latest one contained a shocking revelation about St. Urho.

First, he was from Finland, not Norway, and here’s the shocking part….He was made up by some old Finnish guy who was mad about all those Irish people celebrating St. Patrick’s day!

I’ve gone all of my life thinking he was real! Dad swears up and down that he told me he wasn’t real, but I don’t think anyone did. My Grandma Shirley celebrated him too, which is where I got Norway from instead of Finland. She was Norwegian. I was shocked!

Here’s a link to the Wiki page about how the legend got started.

Fancy was shocked and sad that my own father could have tricked me like that. This is her disappointed face. 😉

Regardless of my whole life being rocked by this revelation, I did make a bunch of new dishes this week.

I psyched myself up last Sunday and made Instant Pot Lamb Pho from Chef de Home.

It was a little off-putting smell-wise. I loathe the smell of raw lamb to begin with. It makes me gag every time and we don’t have it often because of that. The Husband walked into the kitchen as the stem was being let out and said “It smells like lamb mixed with feet…” I’m having trouble eating meat at the moment (texture issue) and still had the raw lamb smell stuck in my brain, so it wasn’t as successful as it could have been.

That being said, it tasted much milder than it smelled. It actually tasted pretty good and I just avoided most of the meat. We had all sorts of things to put in it. I ended up eating two bowls of it. Not pictured are the rice noodles and the pickled ginger, which is the pink stuff in the bowl above. It had a ton of spices and we had black cardamom, which was new for us. We might try it again with beef.

We also had apple pie with cinnamon ice cream that night. The pie recipe was from our Pie Contest kit and was supposedly an award- winning pie. I’m not trying the throw a lot of shade at the original pie maker, but it was pretty much a complete failure…

It called for 1 1/3 cups sugar, which is more than the ice cream had in it. That is way too much sugar for an apple pie. It was so watery! I had it in for an hour and it just soaked the bottom crust. There was no flour or anything to absorb the liquid. I used the Better Homes pie crust and it also didn’t cooperate. I ended up rolling out small circles of dough because it was too thick. It looked pretty, but was not nice.

The ice cream though… I tried it after it was churned and I’m pretty sure I almost cried, it was so good. Creamy, silky, rich, not too sweet, perfect hint of cinnamon. Mmmmm…. Updated: Here’s the link for Pinch My Salt.

I want to make more right now. I also want to use the custard base with other flavors. I may have found my perfect custard recipe. It only has two whole eggs in it too, so it doesn’t leave me with wasted bits of egg.

Fancy loves cinnamon. We could put cinnamon on cardboard and she would eat it. Okay, she would at least gnaw on the cardboard anyway, but still. I make her sweet potato fries with cinnamon and they are her favorite treat. This was her whenever I was eating the ice cream. (I’m not sure why it looks like I have three legs…I assure you, I’ve got the normal two. I must have been sitting cross legged.)

Maybe I’ll make her some banana “ice cream” with cinnamon.

We tried a new turkey recipe too. It was Parmesan Crusted Turkey Tenderloins from Ginger and Oregano. We had roasted carrots and I had roasted zucchini and summer squash. I broiled it for a few minutes to get a crispier crust. It was a tiny bit salty, even for the Husband. Now he wants everything Parmesan crusted. 🙂

I think that’s it. I’ve made yogurt as well, but just the regular recipe. I have a sweet potato to make Fancy more treats, but am feeling lazy tonight. Maybe tomorrow. I hope your Friday night is treating you right and you’re relaxing as well. 🙂

Recipe Roundup

Recipe Roundup

It has been a busy week! I used eight new recipes. It was lovely to have an extra few days to relax and play. Fancy was so excited that we were home and is now sad when we go back to work.

We finally pulled out the grill. My in-laws gave it to us last year, but haven’t used it at all this year, or even last year. The Husband was the grill master and I provided the ingredients and recipes. I’ll start with those recipes.

1- Grilled Chicken and Peaches from The Taste of Home Market Fresh Cookbook. Section: Cornucopia

Modifications: I didn’t have peach “spreadable fruit,” or any peach jam, so I used the rhubarb marmalade. I also used thigh pieces instead of breast pieces and marinated the chicken in the spice mixture minus the jam before grilling it. I used the jam as a glaze when it was on the grill.

Oh my gosh, this was delicious! The chicken thighs were beautifully tender, the marinade was just spicy enough, and the jam added just a little bit of sweetness.

The peaches were something that I have really wanted to try, and they turned out wonderful. I want to make more and serve them over ice cream with amaretto or brandy. We only had one small hiccup. We think the Husband may be allergic to rhubarb. He had a nasty reaction to the chicken on the second day and the rhubarb is the only thing that he hasn’t had before. If this is true, we are going to have a lot of extra bbq sauce up for grabs.

2- Grilled New Potatoes, recipe by me!

I cut up some new potatoes and tossed them with fresh rosemary, garlic powder, salt, pepper, and olive oil. We put them in foil and found out that you can indeed burn potatoes on the grill. Only a few though, the rest were just right.

3-Grilled Asparagus with Gremolata from Food Network Magazine, June 2016. V. 9, N. 5

Modifications: I reduced the recipe quite a bit. I used garlic powder instead of grated garlic. It was good and made me feel fancy while eating it. I didn’t get pictures of the completed dish by itself, but you can see it on the grill and on the plate above.

4- Meat Pies from A Taste of Lebanon by Mary Salloum. Section: Savory Pastries and Breads. 

Modifications: The recipe called for lamb. It was a good thing to find a new recipe for lamb. I left out the diced tomatoes. It called for fresh and I didn’t have any. These were pretty good. They made tiny little pies though. Next time I will use a bigger circle. I think these will freeze well.

5-Savory Pie Dough from the same cookbook. No modifications made. I think it would also make a fantastic thin crust pizza. It’s a nice, soft dough with a mild flavor.

6- Smoky Spanish Roasted Chicken from Food Network Magazine, April 2016. V.9, N.3.

Modifications: I cut the spice rub recipe in half, as it was for two chickens. It was not as flavorful as I would like. I didn’t pull up the skin to put the spices under it and I probably should have. It called for 2 whole heads of garlic! One which was added to the inside of the chicken and one was baked with the chicken and the bread. It was still very good. We ate the bread with the rosted garlic too. Mmmmm… We had carrots as well and fruit.

7- Pasta Shells with Smoked Chicken in a Garlic Cream Sauce from Garlic by Janet Hazen.

Modifications: I had just made ice cream, so I used a cup of 2% milk along with the rest of the cream. It took a little bit longer to thicken up. I substituted zucchini, as the Husband tolerates that, but doesn’t like broccoli.

It was good and I would make it again. This was a cheat recipe, it’s the second recipe from the entree section. I suspect I may never going to top the duck from the same cookbook, but I couldn’t resist this recipe when I had the smoky chicken already.

8- Vanilla Bean Ice Cream from

Modifications: None made. This was unbelievably silky smooth and rich. We had it for the special 4th of July breakfast md it was amazing! The Husband took a bite and said “Now this is ice cream!” We’re going to try chocolate next. I have plans to make meringues with the egg whites, but am still deciding what kind of meringues to make.

We’ve got another busy weekend planned. Fancy has recovered from the fireworks. This was her last night. She is such a lady…

The garden has provided four more tomatoes and two more strawberries. We keep eating them before I can take pictures. There are four more that just need one more day, so if I can get to them before the squirrel does, I’ll take a picture.