
Nature Center Walk

A group of us got together to go to a nature center for a walk to celebrate K2’s birthday. We had originally planned to go to a botanical garden, but they were closed for an event, so we went here instead. Unfortunately, we’d had some severe storms in the days before and we ended up getting blocked on a couple trails at the nature center and the park we went next because of flooding. We all agreed that it was more about the company than the event, so were happy spending time together. We also had absolutely delicious Mexican food after our two failed walks.

This nature center was small, but really well done. They had a lot of really nice taxidermy specimens and very nicely organized exhibits. They had a small viewing area with information on local birds and a kids section with things you could play with and magnification stations that you could use to examine things.

There were also some live animals, which seemed very happy! Most of them were active which was cool to see. The Husband and I are trying to get back to having regular dates. We missed each other during theater season and I think that some of the nature centers would be really cool and generally free to visit.

Here are some of the things we saw at the nature center.

This is the little pond was in the atrium when you walked in. The turtles all wanted the warming light and we didn’t see any frogs. There were signs to make sure to look down to avoid stepping on frog or turtle friends.

This wasp nest was really big! I get scared by wasps, but their nests are so cool looking!

Look, a beaver! We always joke that the beavers at the Zoo are “theoretical beavers” because you never see them unless you’re there for the late events. K2 says that they have, in fact, the beavers at the zoo. This one was posed very nicely. Behind the beaver you can see the fish and turtle tank.

There were signs saying “Don’t forget to look up!” So we did and were greeted by this happy little possum who looked like he was going to jump on us! There were some birds and racoons too, but some of the animals were hard to take a picture of. There were a lot of fun nature photographs too. Those always inspire me to get a really good camera and go exploring.

There were some interesting animal skeletons too. I really liked the curviness of this snake skeleton.

I didn’t see what kind of bird this was, but how cool is it to see the wings and everything? I feel like this is an interesting piece that you don’t normally see. I appreciated the different perspective.

Alright, the last few picture are snakes, so if you don’t want to see them, scroll away! I believe this was an albino corn snake. It apparently needs a lot of humidity, as the tank was very misty, as you can see. The humidifier in the tank was Olaf from Frozen, which made us all laugh.

I don’t remember what kind of snakes these were, but they were pretty active.

The last one was a hognose snake and K2 was sweet talking it. I told her Piggy might be jealous if she said the snake was her favorite Piggy, so she made sure to give her extra love when we came home. He was lovely and very interested in what was going on in the room.

I don’t mind snakes. I don’t know that I’d want to hold them or have them near me not in a tank, but they don’t freak me out as much as spiders or wasps. *shudders

Overall, it was a fun little visit! We had a good time at dinner and after dinner we just hung out at our house. I really liked that part of the night too. The Husband and I want our friends to feel comfy just coming over so it was neat to be able to do that again.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the write up. It’s been a really, really hard year for me and a lot of my creativity suffered for it, including writing. I’m hoping to get back into writing up short posts at least. Hopefully our date nights will be full of fun picture opportunities as well!

I hope you can get out and enjoy some nature this week!

Simple Sundays

Simple Sunday- Learning

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.”-Albert Einstein

“My mother said I must always be intolerant of ignorance but understanding of illiteracy. That some people, unable to go to school, were more educated and more intelligent than college professors.”-Maya Angelou

“I speak not for myself but for those without voice… those who have fought for their rights… their right to live in peace, their right to be treated with dignity, their right to equality of opportunity, their right to be educated.”-Malala Yousafzai

“The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change.”-Carl Rogers

“I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn’t learn something from him.”-Galileo Galilei

Simple Sundays

Simple Sunday- Learning

“Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.”-Zora Neale Hurston

“I don’t love studying. I hate studying. I like learning. Learning is beautiful.”-Natalie Portman

“Have you learned the lessons only of those who admired you, and were tender with you, and stood aside for you? Have you not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against you, and disputed passage with you?”-Walt Whitman

“Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and diligence.”-Abigail Adams

“The beautiful thing about learning is nobody can take it away from you.”-B. B. King

Crafty · Life Posts · Sewing

Sewing Expo- Things Bought and Learned

I thought I should share what I learned from the Sewing Expo, now that my brain has had a chance to absorb it all. I hadn’t been to an expo like this before, so it was a bit overwhelming. The classes were all over the expo center an occasionally difficult to find, but I did manage with some help from other attendees. The featured picture is this fantastic little stand that had all batik jersey and rayon fabrics. I really wanted to just roll up in them and nap, but I thought it might be frowned upon. Sadly, they were a little too pricey for my budget. 

This next picture was taken in the exhibit hall. Such a dangerous place with all the pretties! There were also multiple quilt exhibits with different themes. Those are the pictures I’ve been posting. 

I took two classses and attended a fashion show. I had a free class for bringing a friend, but my brain was too tired, somI skipped it to shop instead. 😄

The first class K and I took together and it was a pants fitting class with Cynthia Guffey.  She was an excellent instructor,  but a little terrifying. She had several tips for us, including how to readjust waists- basically rip off the existing waist and make a yoke that fit instead. She adjusted a participant’s in front of the class and it was amazing to see how it fit much better. 

She also told us that the smiles or frown lines in pants points to the parts that needs to be adjusted and how to adjust those parts as needed. We covered a ton of material in an hour. I’m glad there were two of us in the class because I’m sure I would have never gotten all the material on my own. 

The second class was a notions class and I now have an even bigger list of helpful things to use that would help with sewing. A couple of the neatest ones were a heat safe ruler, scallop maler, and prarie point maker. There were also some glue pens and this fantasitc glue you can iron. I had learned about that previously at a vendor stall and almost fell over when she stuck her iron right down over the wet glue. That might actually make me want to appliqué! 

Here are some of the notions I picked up. 

The famous glue, a washable tracing pen, and a glue pen for thin lines. I didn’t see the heat proof ruler at the notions stall because I got distracted by the next picture. 

There were two baskets of wide lace on the counter for $4 and $6 a yard! Since this type of lace would normally be around $15 (at the cheapest) a yard at Joann’s, I snapped up a bunch of two yard pieces. I may get brave enough to try undergarments! (Don’t worry, those won’t get posted on the blog!) I stuck to stretch lace as it will be more useful, but really I wanted all of them! 

I also found a lovely set of batiks and some Christmas fabrics. The batiks were from a shop that is close to my work. The ladies were very nice! 

The Christmas ones were from a variety of places. 

And these hearts were 25% off and too cute to pass up. The white has triangles and other geometric shapes. 

These were also from a mix of stalls. I’m going to use some of the dinos to make dino tea wallets. The white tone on tones are music and checkers. It can be hard to find whote fabrics that aren’t floral, so I’m always on the hunt for them. 

K and I made people crack up wherever we went, as we kept finding the “perfect” fabrics for each other that we absolutely had to have. And then blaming each other for our totals. 🙂 These were from Vogue fabrics. There was so much fabrkc there I think my brain simply shut down at one point. 

We also planned out what patterns we were going to use for each fabric and it made a lot of the vendors very happy to see “nice youg ladies” sewing. These adorable owl buttons are going to go on a cowl neck sweater, hopefully soon. 

The snowman is coming with me on our Christmas trip for something to do in the car, or on a quiet evening. 

There were a lot of interesting things there and I’m very glad we went. Next year, if it’s back, I might plan to just take two classes. 

We did see a fashion show featuring Kentaro from Project Runway, but alas, I am short and all my pictures had another lady’s poofy hair in them. It was pretty neat to see the details up close though. 

We saw a really cool new technique for quilting sith chenille yarn and learned about a very interesting new kind of leather, which I’m going to do a full post on later. 

Here’s a picture of the chenille quilting. 

I have to head out to work, but I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into the Sewing Expo! Have a great day!