Party Posts · Recipe Roundup

Food Is Love- Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day

Hello! Such a belated post, but I still wanted to share. I’ll combine Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day, since we celebrated them on the same weekend. We had a small game night with some friends this year for Lunar New Year which turned out to be super fun! I think part of the reason I enjoyed it so much was that I was finally able to relax because I only cooked a couple of things and tried really hard not to beat myself up over not making everything. We held it potluck style, so everyone brought something. That way we got to try a bunch of different dishes, but I wasn’t chained to the stove all night. I ended up developing a really awful migraine the day of the party and so spent two hours attempting to nap it off and lost a lot of prep time. But the world didn’t end and everyone got enough to eat.

I was so busy eating and having fun that I forgot to take a picture of the whole table, but I’ll tell you what we had at least. We had: Egg Drop Soup, Fried Rice- veggie and chicken, veggie lo mein, and fortune cookies, of course. I made bao- pork and chicken and 5 spice fried donuts. There were also egg rolls, but they were pork, and we had enough food, so didn’t end up serving them.

These were baked chicken bao. A friend asked me for the recipe on social media and I had to laugh because I made my own chicken filling and used a steamed bun dough, but then baked it, guessing at the time and heat. They turned out really good! If I was going to follow a recipe though (ha! but it could happen!) I would use the Woks of Life recipe. They have a veggie recipe and a chicken one too, I think on the website. Here’s the baked pork bun recipe though, to get you started.

I made traditional steamed pork buns as well. Some of our friends have an exchange student currently and he made my little Scandi heart just burst because he looked so excited about all the food and just ate everything. He’s very fun to cook for! I also found out that he knows the krumkaker recipe and since a friend from work gave me a set to make them, I’m totally stealing him one day to help me learn to make them. (So excited!)

Here’s a picture of our mantel decorations. It’s really fun to try to make them cool without repeating too much. I think I’m going to have to get some more décor soon. My paper lanterns are looking a bit shabby and we can’t have that! It’s bad luck! The little hanging lanterns in the picture are thick felt actually, with little gold paper scrolls in the middle. I had ordered a felt dragon too, but I didn’t get it until the day after, so we will have something fun and new next year. We forgot to get singles from the bank for the red pockets, so we used $1.50 in quarters (because 6 is a lucky number) instead. I’m sure my younger brother appreciated it at least. That’s at least part of a laundry load!

Here’s a picture of some of my plants! We had the Lego piece up near by, but I forgot to grab a picture. The white plant stake in the cactus is a serotonin molecule. 🙂 Everyone needs a little extra some time. The winter themed table runner is one I made and I love how it turned out. It just needs two little snowflake buttons. K brought me the little plant in the pink pot for Valentine’s Day and it is still alive!

So on to Valentine’s Day! We typically don’t do much, although this year, we did get each other presents. The Husband gave me a really cool canvas garden tote this year with tools that were so fancy I had to look them up to see what they were. Of course, I was super excited about them, but paused, looked at him and said suspiciously “This is so I stop leaving my tools over in the garden overnight, isn’t it?”

“It was part of the reason,” he said, but mostly it was so I would have proper tools to work in the garden. We have hand me down tools from a relative which work great, but I don’t have that many and we definitely needed duplicates of a few. I gave him a book of weird maps. There’s a bunch about video gaming and how far it’s spread, another about the internet, and all sorts of other ones. It’s very fun to look at!

Since Valentine’s Day was on a Monday this year, we both worked a full day, and both of us completely forgot what we had planned for dinner. We had canned soup and biscuits because we were both forgetful. I did try to get the cheese biscuits to have hearts on them at least!

The next day, I made our Valentine’s day steak dinner with butter herb noodles and stir fried bok choy, carrots, and mushrooms with Asian seasonings. It was really good!

We had heart shaped lava cakes for dessert! They came with raspberry sauce, but I would have liked a little more of the sauce. Excuse the terrible picture. We were probably playing our game at the times.

Well, I hope these pictures made you smile! Have a great day!

Simple Sundays

Simple Sunday- Chinese Proverbs

If you are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.

If your strength is small, don’t carry heavy burdens. If your words are worthless, don’t give advice.

If you must play, decide upon three things at the start: the rules of the game, the stakes, and the quitting time.

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.

Recipe Roundup

Lunar New Year and Blood Orange Dishes

Believe me, I’m just as shocked as you are that it’s already February! Lunar New Year snuck up on me again. We did celebrate by having baked beef buns made from leftover Crockpot Mongolian Beef. I added a side of stir fried Brussels sprouts and bok choy and the Husband had chicken wonton soup as his side. The veggies were too green.

The buns were really, really good! I used the dough recipe from the Woks of Life, but substituted the leftover beef cooked down in the cooking liquid for the filling. I added chicken stock and rice wine to give it a little more moisture for the buns. Also, some extra shallots and garlic. Here’s the bun recipe: ns-cha-siu-bao/

Here’s the original Six Sister’s recipe for the Mongolian Beef:

I also made traditional almond cookies from The Foods Of China and it worked out much better than the first time I made them. They are addicting and I may hoard them like a cookie dragon.

I’ve been actually using my blood oranges this year for Lunar New Year inspired foods. Oranges are considered lucky, as is the color red, and I feel like we could definitely use some extra luck this year. A note, you may be able to find blood oranges as “Raspberry Oranges.” A friend of mine got some and I think they just rebranded them.

So far, I’ve made both sweet and savory items with them for a couple of different meals. I used them in this Winter Citrus Salad with Avocado.

It’s really not a thing you need a recipe for. Even the dressing was just blood orange juice, olive oil, and salt and pepper. I added iceberg, romaine, cucumbers, red peppers, carrots, crispy jalepenos, cheese, sliced almonds, and avocado to mine. It was very refreshing. I think It would be excellent with arugula too, but I didn’t have any on hand. I’m ordering some in our next grocery order though, so will probably make this for work one day.

I also made overnight oats topped with blood oranges. Recipe is here:

I would also like to try the donuts in that link as well, but haven’t made them yet and am running out of oranges. I’m not super fond of these. I have to add a lot of sweeter and heat them to get past the texture and at that point, I may as well just make regular oatmeal.

I was very fond of these Blood Orange Coconut muffins though, although I wish the glaze had been pinker.

They were quite delicious! I subbed pumpkin protein powder for a quarter cup of the flour to give them an added boost. The recipe is here:

I also made dark chocolate chunk orange scones, but ate them before taking a picture. I also apparently forgot to actually save the recipe I used… I do have one that I am intending to try as it uses Spelt flour and I have some that my older brother gave me for Christmas to try.

This Blood Orange Rosewater Mocktail was interesting. I think I would reduce the rosewater by half next time. It was a bit over powering. I did use ginger ale instead of sparkling water, as it was what I had open.

Probably my favorite two recipes were the Blood Orange Amaretto Sour and the Orange Cardamom Cake.

Isn’t it so pretty? The Husband actually had one with me, but he couldn’t finish his. He doesn’t drink often and this was pretty stiff even after I dropped the booze by two ounces. I thought it was lovely! Not overly sweet like they sometimes are, but not super tart either. Also, it’s just amaretto, lemon, and orange juice over ice. One of the simplest recipes I found so far.

Now the cake. Oh My Gosh. This was so dreamy and delicious. Extremely aromatic from the orange and especially the cardamom. The glaze wasn’t as thick as the recipe, so it didn’t look as pretty but it made up for it in taste. I think my eyes crossed when it came out of the oven because it smelled so good. I brought it into work and you could smell it every time you walked by it. Torture, sure, but such delicious torture! It got rave reviews from my coworkers too. I brought a whole cake minus a piece to work and brought back half a cake.

Do yourself a favor and make this cake, even if you don’t have blood oranges. You can thank me later. Recipe is here:

Here are a few more of the recipes I didn’t get to try yet. Hopefully I can make a few more of them before I can’t find blood oranges anymore.

I’ll leave you with a picture of a spring roll wrapped Piggy. Someone gets a little cold during naps. 🙂 May your new year be full of peace, luck, prosperity, and joy!

Party Posts · Recipe Roundup

Catching Up- Lunar New Year Party

I had good intentions to write this post for the last couple days and then had very bad news at work and a couple of migraines. I’m feeling better today, luckily.

Our Lunar New Year Party was lots of fun! We had planned to watch Crazy Rich Asians, but I went a little large on the guest list and we just don’t have comfy seating for 13 people! So we’ll have to watch it another time.

We had a Dim Sum theme this year and didn’t have a big main dish, just a bunch of smaller ones. But there was still lots of food. I went to the Asian market and got huge bags of produce, which we are now eating in everything to use up. I foisted some off on my in-laws today though, so hopefully we can finish off the rest of it.

We did have some store bought things this year. I’ve given up trying to make egg rolls or spring rolls. They just aren’t worth the work for me and never seem to come out right. We bought veggie spring rolls from Costco this time.

I also used these rice packet things from the Asian market. We get these for Dim Sum, but I can’t eat them because of the pork sausage that is in them. These ones just had dried shrimp, so I picked them up. They have some lovely spices too and were nice for lunch. They are wrapped in tea leaves, so you only eat the inside.

Another Dim Sum favorite of mine is the steamed Chinese Broccoli, or Gai Lan. It’s very much like broccoli in taste, but has leaves instead of the the florets. I’m sure I was the only one to eat it, but it made my heart happy. 🙂

I did make two kinds of bao, although these are just the pork ones. I had 5 spice chicken bao as well, but they got eaten up quick. These were both made up recipes, although I did use a recipe for the Bao dough from The Food of China. I think I posted the recipe last year in the party post, but can repost it if you’d like it.

I roasted a whole pork loin in thinned out char sai sauce (Chinese bbq sauce) and chopped that for the pork filling. The chicken filling was ground chicken, sauces, bamboo shoots, garlic, and scallions in them.

We had pork shao mai, which was from the Husband’s family recipe book! According to the Husband, his mom and dad may have collected the recipes from his paternal grandma. Most of them are typed, but there are a couple that are handwritten. The shao mai were eaten before I started taking pictures.

The crab stuffed mushrooms were also from the book and were delicious! They called for a “creamy white sauce” so I made one to go in it. Fake crab was used. We’ve discovered that we don’t always need real crab. It was exciting to use it and there will certainly be some dinners from there as well.

The lettuce wraps look a little sad in this picture, as we had eaten most of them. These were made with ground turkey. These were my own recipe, meaning I threw a bunch of sauces and sauce ingredients at them until the filling tasted good. 🙂

A new recipe, that I may not make again, was fried pork ribs. I texted the Husband from the Asian Market and he was very enthusiastic. I was, of course, thinking I didn’t have enough pork and would need one more dish. I was told they were good, but only fried half of them. They spit at me a lot and burned me.

The Husband baked the rest of them for dinner during the week and said that worked too. They marinated for a long time in a 5 spice based marinade and were then battered and fried, or baked. These were from the Food of China.

We had Clementine Cakes from The Woks of Life.

I highly recommend this website, as it has so many recipes and information on it for all your Asian culinary dreams. Someday I’ll get brave enough to make the coconut buns!

Back to the cakes though. I used blood oranges. The clementines were hard to find and I didn’t want to use them. I also didn’t glaze them and intended to make a frosting, but they didn’t get frosted. I did use super cute silicone cupcake molds though that had fortunes on the bottom!

Traditional almond cookies were also served. I used the recipe from my Food of China book and didn’t have blanched almonds and just left them off the tops. These didn’t brown, except on the bottoms, so be aware of that if you make them.

I think that was all the food! We didn’t manage a picture of the whole table, but I do have a picture of a table to share!

I found this Lego version of a Lunar New Year Dinner on Amazon really randomly while looking for the lucky coins we gave as favors this year. It was only available in Malaysia, but was somehow being sold by a toy company in New Jersey. I had no idea of any of this, the Husband found out after I gave it to him. 🙂 One of his superpowers is research. It was perfect for us though! It even has the Chinese broccoli!!

Here’s a close up of the table.

We also have started collecting the Lego zodiac sets, so here’s last year’s dog and this year’s pig.

I’ll leave you with some other pretty pictures of our decor. I nerded out a little and made the bookshelf display Firefly themed. I couldn’t help myself!

It was very fun and next year we’ll have to do some experimenting with how we want to run it. I made all of the fillings ahead of time, which helped, but I still need to rethink how we do this party. I end up making everyone feel awkward, I think, while I’m racing around trying to finish things. When I suggested a potluck idea to the Husband, he said “I’m surprised you can even say those words!” Ha.. Ha.. Ha..

I’ll let you know how it turns out. 🙂 Have a great weekend!