Simple Sundays

Simple Sunday- Snarky/Funny Quotes

These are from a book called “The Book of Poisonous Quotes.” I found it at a book sale pre-Covid. These are from the Film section of the book.

“Movies are just another form of merchandising- we have our factory which is called the stage; we make a product, we color it, we title it, and we ship it out in cans.” -Cary Grant

“The length of the film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.” – Alfred Hitchcock

“You can’t find true affection in Hollywood because everyone does the fake affection so well.”- Carrie Fisher

“Hollywood is where they write the alibis before they write the story.”- Carole Lombard

“It seems the moment anyone gets a hold of an exclamation mark these days, he sits down and writes a musical show around it.” – George Jean Nathan

Simple Sundays

Simple Sundays- Pixar/Disney Quotes

“There are those who say fate is something beyond our command. That destiny is not our own. But I know better. Our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it.” — Merida, Brave

“Your only limit is your soul.” — Gusteau, Ratatoullie

“Adventure is out there!” — Ellie, Up

“I am your wife! I’m the greatest good you’re ever gonna get.” – Frozone’s Wife, The Incredibles

“I never look back, darling. It distracts me from the now.” — Edna Mode, The Incredibles

“We only have a short time on this planet. You want to become the person that you were born to be. Don’t waste your time on all the junk of life. Spend your precious hours doing what will bring out the real you. The brilliant passionate you, that’s ready to contribute to something meaningful into this world.” ~ Joe, Soul