
Nature Center Walk

A group of us got together to go to a nature center for a walk to celebrate K2’s birthday. We had originally planned to go to a botanical garden, but they were closed for an event, so we went here instead. Unfortunately, we’d had some severe storms in the days before and we ended up getting blocked on a couple trails at the nature center and the park we went next because of flooding. We all agreed that it was more about the company than the event, so were happy spending time together. We also had absolutely delicious Mexican food after our two failed walks.

This nature center was small, but really well done. They had a lot of really nice taxidermy specimens and very nicely organized exhibits. They had a small viewing area with information on local birds and a kids section with things you could play with and magnification stations that you could use to examine things.

There were also some live animals, which seemed very happy! Most of them were active which was cool to see. The Husband and I are trying to get back to having regular dates. We missed each other during theater season and I think that some of the nature centers would be really cool and generally free to visit.

Here are some of the things we saw at the nature center.

This is the little pond was in the atrium when you walked in. The turtles all wanted the warming light and we didn’t see any frogs. There were signs to make sure to look down to avoid stepping on frog or turtle friends.

This wasp nest was really big! I get scared by wasps, but their nests are so cool looking!

Look, a beaver! We always joke that the beavers at the Zoo are “theoretical beavers” because you never see them unless you’re there for the late events. K2 says that they have, in fact, the beavers at the zoo. This one was posed very nicely. Behind the beaver you can see the fish and turtle tank.

There were signs saying “Don’t forget to look up!” So we did and were greeted by this happy little possum who looked like he was going to jump on us! There were some birds and racoons too, but some of the animals were hard to take a picture of. There were a lot of fun nature photographs too. Those always inspire me to get a really good camera and go exploring.

There were some interesting animal skeletons too. I really liked the curviness of this snake skeleton.

I didn’t see what kind of bird this was, but how cool is it to see the wings and everything? I feel like this is an interesting piece that you don’t normally see. I appreciated the different perspective.

Alright, the last few picture are snakes, so if you don’t want to see them, scroll away! I believe this was an albino corn snake. It apparently needs a lot of humidity, as the tank was very misty, as you can see. The humidifier in the tank was Olaf from Frozen, which made us all laugh.

I don’t remember what kind of snakes these were, but they were pretty active.

The last one was a hognose snake and K2 was sweet talking it. I told her Piggy might be jealous if she said the snake was her favorite Piggy, so she made sure to give her extra love when we came home. He was lovely and very interested in what was going on in the room.

I don’t mind snakes. I don’t know that I’d want to hold them or have them near me not in a tank, but they don’t freak me out as much as spiders or wasps. *shudders

Overall, it was a fun little visit! We had a good time at dinner and after dinner we just hung out at our house. I really liked that part of the night too. The Husband and I want our friends to feel comfy just coming over so it was neat to be able to do that again.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures and the write up. It’s been a really, really hard year for me and a lot of my creativity suffered for it, including writing. I’m hoping to get back into writing up short posts at least. Hopefully our date nights will be full of fun picture opportunities as well!

I hope you can get out and enjoy some nature this week!


Sarett Nature Center

We went to the Sarett Nature Center when we went to the west side of Michigan for Memorial Day. I just haven’t found the time to post about it yet. It was small, but had some really cool trails. There was even a small low ropes course in the woods! Here’s the website and some pictures.

We were greeted by the animal tracks from the featured picture, a loud bullfrog, and two buckets of carnivorous plants. (Listen, no matter what the Husband says, I was not attempting to push him into the bucket of carnivorous plants. He just happened to be standing next to it.) These were a type of pitcher plant. I think maybe we need to plant some around our house to eat all the mosquitos.

These were different tree rings from Michigan trees. The one at the bottom showed the age of the tree when historical events happened. It was really big!

These were Indigenous artifacts used by the tribes in the area. They had a nice display about the tribes and land they occupied.

They also had some skulls and other things. These were a moose and a white tailed deer.

There was an owl suspended from the ceiling in the bird and butterfly viewing area, which startled me a little. It kept turning, so it was hard to get a good picture. I enjoyed learning about the native birds and the ecosystem.

There were also some creatures! This is a chameleon and they had some turtles, frogs, and other lizards, as well as bugs.

Look at the long legs on that turtle on the right! Who knew they were so leggy? Kinda freaks me out, if I’m honest.

This iguana was super grumpy and judgy. I think I messed up his nap or something. 🙂 He had a very distinguished name that I now can’t remember, so maybe that’s just his normal resting face.

We even got to play in the woods before walking the trails! They had a cute little ropes course along the side of the trail that we climbed on. I’m super paranoid about poison ivy after getting it last year, so I wasn’t as brave as I could have been, but I kept seeing it along the side. The parts I did go on were really fun though!

We had a really good time. You’ll see some more pictures from the Nature Center in a tree picture post shortly too, but I hope you’ve enjoyed seeing these. It’s definitely motivated me to find some more nature centers and see what they have to offer!