Gardening · Party Posts · Recipe Roundup

Tuesday Treats

We’ve had some exciting new recipes lately and a few older favorites. With my schedule stabilizing, I have been able to do a bit more meal planning, along with adding an “on your own” day permanently into the rotation. That has been super helpful for Wednesdays or Thursdays. The Husband has been requesting more dishes too, which helps. Today we had chicken pot pie over noodles, which we haven’t had in a while. I was hungry, so forgot to take a full picture!

I loudly and snottily announced that I was going out to the garden to pick fresh herbs and the Husband laughed at me, but then told me that I should probably be Instagramming the whole experience. I was the one laughing then. Silly Husband! I was not Instagram dressed! They did look really pretty cooking down with the onions though.

The potpie was made with leftover chicken from this dinner:

Herb Butter Baked Chicken Breasts with Stovetop Stuffing and roasted carrots. I used the Sandwich Sprinkle on the carrots (seriously, I need a bigger jar of it) and fresh garden herbs for the butter.

Rosemary, thyme, sage, basil, and oregano were all included. I actually used some lemon thyme and basil in my strawberry shortcake, which we had for dessert.

This was the lemon thyme batch. It needed a little more herb in it, but it had a subtle lemony taste. The basil one came out much stronger, but basil is a stronger herb in general. I’ve been eating that one over yogurt too and it’s delicious!

So why all the strawberry things, you might ask? I dragged the Husband (yes, dragged, he doesn’t enjoy it) picking with me on Sunday after a panic moment of “what if they run out?!” We may have helped with that. We picked in between 12-13 pounds!

We tried a new farm, but didn’t like it as much, so will stick with the old one if we go together again. I might go on my own one more time, but I can also just pick some up from the farm market. I have a back quartered for eating or jam, and a batch left whole in the freezer. We have some to eat fresh in the fridge and some as shortcake. The shortcake ones will probably be made into jam, as they need to be used up quickly.

I also made this:

Is your mouth watering yet? No? Here, try this picture instead:

MMMMMMM! This recipe is soo good! I found it online at Pumpkin Inn Spice. There were lots of delicious looking recipes, but this one said it was one bowl and that was good enough for me! I finally used the Bundt pan that Mom got me for Christmas.

I have a Strawberry Cheesecake Pie in the fridge that I’m super excited about too. I tasted the filling and man, oh man! I could have eaten it like a pudding! I’m looking forward to trying it tomorrow after it has set.

I’m still plotting what to do with the jam strawberries. I know I want to make Strawberry Rhubarb and I want to try an InstantPot Jam recipe too. We’ll see how ambitious I get.

We had a mental health professional game night this week and I forgot to get any pictures! We were having too much fun! I did make some things for it. We had a Caramelized Onion dip ( and pico. K brought a Chicken Bacon Ranch Dip. Of course, we had a veggie tray for the hummus, but no pickles. It wasn’t a formal party, Mom! I didn’t need the pickles! I made sure to tell everyone that I had some though, if they wanted them… 😉 I also made Chocolate Fondue for a dessert dip. We ended up just talking instead of playing the second game, which I think says a lot about the group of friends we have. 🙂

Oh, I did get a picture of the drink I made for the party the next day. I used the basil to make Basil Lemonade from Southern Living: Little Jars, Big Flavors. I have wanted to make that since I got the book, but my basil did not do well last year. You make a simple syrup infused with basil and then make up the lemonade.

It was deliciously tart and then mellowed over the course of the day. I will definitely be making more. You could taste the basil, but it wasn’t super overwhelming, which can happen with basil. It was so good!

We had cream sauce over pasta this week too. Since the Husband has convinced me that I can use up the half gallon of cream from Costco, I have been using it a lot more to be my go to meal.

Mine had asparagus added, but the Husband had the plain one mushrooms and the Sandwich Sprinkle. Gosh, I might need a spice intervention here! It’s just so useful! It has Italian herbs, salt, pepper, and garlic! Basically everything that runs in my cooking veins, I think. Eventually, I promise to use it on an actual sandwich! Knowing how things go, I’ll probably end up hating it in a sandwich. 🙂

I forgot to share this recipe, I think. Pardon me, if I have done so before. This is Balela Salad from Reluctant Entertainer.

I had this first at Trader Joes and liked it so much that I decided to make my own. Lo and behold, I had actually pinned a recipe a long time ago! I used fresh parsley and basil in this. I didn’t have mint, so left it out. I had this at my sewing day with a friend and it was yummy! I would definitely make this again.

We had slow cooker BBQ flank steak tacos this week. I had them the second time as tostados, but I think I really wanted puffy tacos instead. For the leftovers, I added green enchilada sauce in a skillet and rewarmed it basically. We liked the meat. It was nice and tender. I was at work the first night, so only have a picture of the tostados. The Husband stuck with tacos.

I didn’t use a recipe for either dish, just threw things in the slow cooker or pan and added a few spices. Surprisingly, not the Sandwich Sprinkle! 😉

I think that’s all the foods since the last food post. Stay tuned for more strawberry recipes soon. I still have a bunch to use up!

With that, I’m off to dream strawberry dreams! Have a sweet night!

Recipe Roundup

The Spice Must Flow

I’m such a dork. In other news, we’ve been using a lot of spice mixes lately and I thought you might be interested in hearing more about them. Most of them have been from Penzey’s. They have excellent spices and had a super good sale and now my spice cupboard is full of Penzey’s.

I’m using them though and it’s helped me get over my food funk. This isn’t a sponsored post, by the way. I’m just discovering new things to try and cook.

A couple of them have been good enough that the Husband has requested them “on everything.” 😁 The Galena Street rub was one of them. We had that on the chicken drumsticks. The chili powder was in the veggie chili that I made while the Husband was gone.

We had Mural of Flavor on the turkey pot pie for Pi Day. It had a stuffing crust on the bottom and top.

I knew it was a winner when the Husband said, when I walked in the door “We have a problem. You have to stop making such delicious food.”

We also had Cookies and Cream Pie for Pi Day from Icebox Pies by Lauren Chattman.

It was kind of a cheater pie. I mixed vanilla ice cream with crushed Oreos and used a store bought Oreo crust! But it was still delicious!

The Husband suggested this steak seasoning over the weekend. He had tried some as a sample at Costco and it was very good. I didn’t ruin the steak! It was actually very tender and juicy.

There were also roasted potatoes with paprika, garlic, seasoned salt, and pepper and a roasted carrot recipe from the Guarnaschelli book. (Pretty sure you could play a nice drinking game with how much I’ve been referencing that cookbook…) I was surprised the Husband liked the carrots. They had honey, cumin, coriander, and s+p on them. They were pretty good, although I forgot the finish of red wine vinegar, which would have cut through the sweetness nicely.

Fancy was mad that she couldn’t have the steak or the carrots. She drooled on my foot the whole time.

I made some things for our game night too, but of course, forgot to take pictures. We had chocolate covered strawberries, almond flour brownies, and chocolate chip cookies for sweets. Savory things included crab stuffed mushrooms, cheeses and sausage, and Firebreather salsa.

We’ve decided we’re done with winter, so last night had panko crusted shrimp with cilantro rice and homemade peach salsa. I also had a Moscow Mule and some tropical fruit.

I made lemon strawberry muffins (with lemon peel from Penzey’s) this morning too, since I was still craving spring.

I have been doing some sewing too, but not necessarily things I can post. I finally tried a bra pattern, but am quite sure my Dad doesn’t want to see it. 😂 So I’ll figure out a way to update the sewing posts soon.

The latest issue of Food Network included 100 Recipes for Butter Lovers and I got all starry eyed with a pitted patter heartbeat. Possibly from the thought of ingesting all the butter recipes! I can feel it calling my name too, so am going to go pick out some recipes.

Fancy is quite content at the moment, being adorable in her blanket. Any time she gets up, it gets stuck on her tail and she walks it all over the house.

We discovered tonight that she lives up to her name. She will not eat regular oranges or apples, but happily accepts blood oranges and Honeycrisp. Fancy, indeed!

Well, bad jokes aside, I hope this post gave you some ideas to spice up your cooking!

Party Posts · Recipe Roundup

Catching Up- Lunar New Year Party

I had good intentions to write this post for the last couple days and then had very bad news at work and a couple of migraines. I’m feeling better today, luckily.

Our Lunar New Year Party was lots of fun! We had planned to watch Crazy Rich Asians, but I went a little large on the guest list and we just don’t have comfy seating for 13 people! So we’ll have to watch it another time.

We had a Dim Sum theme this year and didn’t have a big main dish, just a bunch of smaller ones. But there was still lots of food. I went to the Asian market and got huge bags of produce, which we are now eating in everything to use up. I foisted some off on my in-laws today though, so hopefully we can finish off the rest of it.

We did have some store bought things this year. I’ve given up trying to make egg rolls or spring rolls. They just aren’t worth the work for me and never seem to come out right. We bought veggie spring rolls from Costco this time.

I also used these rice packet things from the Asian market. We get these for Dim Sum, but I can’t eat them because of the pork sausage that is in them. These ones just had dried shrimp, so I picked them up. They have some lovely spices too and were nice for lunch. They are wrapped in tea leaves, so you only eat the inside.

Another Dim Sum favorite of mine is the steamed Chinese Broccoli, or Gai Lan. It’s very much like broccoli in taste, but has leaves instead of the the florets. I’m sure I was the only one to eat it, but it made my heart happy. 🙂

I did make two kinds of bao, although these are just the pork ones. I had 5 spice chicken bao as well, but they got eaten up quick. These were both made up recipes, although I did use a recipe for the Bao dough from The Food of China. I think I posted the recipe last year in the party post, but can repost it if you’d like it.

I roasted a whole pork loin in thinned out char sai sauce (Chinese bbq sauce) and chopped that for the pork filling. The chicken filling was ground chicken, sauces, bamboo shoots, garlic, and scallions in them.

We had pork shao mai, which was from the Husband’s family recipe book! According to the Husband, his mom and dad may have collected the recipes from his paternal grandma. Most of them are typed, but there are a couple that are handwritten. The shao mai were eaten before I started taking pictures.

The crab stuffed mushrooms were also from the book and were delicious! They called for a “creamy white sauce” so I made one to go in it. Fake crab was used. We’ve discovered that we don’t always need real crab. It was exciting to use it and there will certainly be some dinners from there as well.

The lettuce wraps look a little sad in this picture, as we had eaten most of them. These were made with ground turkey. These were my own recipe, meaning I threw a bunch of sauces and sauce ingredients at them until the filling tasted good. 🙂

A new recipe, that I may not make again, was fried pork ribs. I texted the Husband from the Asian Market and he was very enthusiastic. I was, of course, thinking I didn’t have enough pork and would need one more dish. I was told they were good, but only fried half of them. They spit at me a lot and burned me.

The Husband baked the rest of them for dinner during the week and said that worked too. They marinated for a long time in a 5 spice based marinade and were then battered and fried, or baked. These were from the Food of China.

We had Clementine Cakes from The Woks of Life.

I highly recommend this website, as it has so many recipes and information on it for all your Asian culinary dreams. Someday I’ll get brave enough to make the coconut buns!

Back to the cakes though. I used blood oranges. The clementines were hard to find and I didn’t want to use them. I also didn’t glaze them and intended to make a frosting, but they didn’t get frosted. I did use super cute silicone cupcake molds though that had fortunes on the bottom!

Traditional almond cookies were also served. I used the recipe from my Food of China book and didn’t have blanched almonds and just left them off the tops. These didn’t brown, except on the bottoms, so be aware of that if you make them.

I think that was all the food! We didn’t manage a picture of the whole table, but I do have a picture of a table to share!

I found this Lego version of a Lunar New Year Dinner on Amazon really randomly while looking for the lucky coins we gave as favors this year. It was only available in Malaysia, but was somehow being sold by a toy company in New Jersey. I had no idea of any of this, the Husband found out after I gave it to him. 🙂 One of his superpowers is research. It was perfect for us though! It even has the Chinese broccoli!!

Here’s a close up of the table.

We also have started collecting the Lego zodiac sets, so here’s last year’s dog and this year’s pig.

I’ll leave you with some other pretty pictures of our decor. I nerded out a little and made the bookshelf display Firefly themed. I couldn’t help myself!

It was very fun and next year we’ll have to do some experimenting with how we want to run it. I made all of the fillings ahead of time, which helped, but I still need to rethink how we do this party. I end up making everyone feel awkward, I think, while I’m racing around trying to finish things. When I suggested a potluck idea to the Husband, he said “I’m surprised you can even say those words!” Ha.. Ha.. Ha..

I’ll let you know how it turns out. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

Life Posts · Party Posts · Recipe Roundup

Party Food And Other Culinary Adventures

I’m slowly adjusting to regular life again and I may at some point write up a food and craft review for 2018, but it’s much more fun to talk about parties! Although I did completed an astonishing 145 sewing/craft projects! I will probably write about those for sure.

We had our annual Epiphany party on January 5 and it was our most successful one yet! We had about 20- 25 people come and it was lovely to see all of them. There was a mini craft night takeover, when I think four or five of the craft night people were here. I half expected them to break out into boughts of knitting! 🙂 The party is always an interesting mix of people since we tend to invite pretty much everyone we know who is local, and it’s fun to watch and see how much people have in common or what they end up talking about. My favorite time, of course, is when I don’t have to guide any of the conversations; they all just happen naturally! The tablecloth gained many signatures this year and it made my heart full and happy. This year there were several children in attendance and Fancy was super happy. At one point there were children on all sides and she was soaking it all in. She was, of course, exhausted that night and the rest of the next day. Silly girl.

But enough of the guest talk, I’m sure you really are much more interested in the food!

I promised a friend I would share the rulle recipe and was able to get permission from my Dad, although he seemed a bit reluctant… I sweet talked him into it though. 🙂

Ideally, you want a better swirl than this, but I was impatient and scaring the dog while trying to get the flank steak thinner.

So here’s the Arten Family Rulle Recipe- from Great Grandma Asta. Hopefully if I get it too wrong, one of my parents will let me know. 🙂


1 flank steak, trimmed and pounded thin, 1-2 pork chops chopped finely, 1 medium onion, chopped finely, salt, pepper, “too much allspice.” Maybe start with a half tablespoon of allspice. I normally make a layer of allspice thick enough that the meat looks dark. Obviously, when I make it, I don’t use pork. My parents used veal this year and it was pretty good, but I think you can safely just use the flank steak and it will be fine.


Cut a long piece of kitchen twine. (Longer than you think you’ll need, because you really don’t want to be messing around trying to cut kitchen twine covered in steak germs and allspice. Ask me how I know that one. ) After pounding out the flank steak, lay flat and add the pork chops, onions, salt, pepper, and allspice. Starting with the long side, roll the flank steak as tightly as you can around the other ingrediants, attempting to keep as much in as possible. Tie the twine as tightly as possible around the meat tying off the ends. It will shrink while cooking, so you want it extra tight.

Put the meat roll into a large pot of salted water and bring to a boil, then simmer for 2-3 hours until it smells delicous and you really want to eat it all right then. Let it cool and then put it into a bowl of saltwater brine. I figure out the brine ratio by adding salt to my bowl until it is cloudy and won’t absorb more salt. While in the beinw, the meat needs to be completely submerged, so take a jar or something with a cap, fill it with water, and put it on top of a plate or bowl that can compress it underwater. Leave it in the brine for 3-7 days.

There was some debate on this question this year and I made the rulle on New Year’s Day and it was perfect, so around 4 days. The family recipe doesn’t specify brining time, much to our suprise. The day you want to serve it, drain the meat roll and cut off the twine. Using a serrated knife, cut thin slices. Cooks get to “test” all the bits that come off while cutting and you can hoard them from other people if you want. 🙂 Put the rulle on thin sliced, buttered bread. My parents use rye, but I don’t enjoy the little cocktail rye bread, so prefer to use french bread. Let me know if you make it!

We had crab dip and the family meatballs, as well as a cheese and meat tray. I didn’t get to eat the Christmas Eve meatballs at my parents’ house this year and was surprised by how much I missed them. There wasn’t time to make a porkless batch before my parents’ party. Their table looked like this:

Just in case you were wondering where I get my crazy ideas of appropriate amounts of party food from. That’s the family tablecloth, which has been in our family since the 60’s. There was moose on the table, thanks to my younger brother’s girlfriend and her dad. Apparently this moose was trying to stomp on his sled dogs, so he had some extra meat for the winter.

So Scadinavian tradition says you should have 7 different kinds of cookies and a filled cake, but I was short on the cake part. I did have 8 kinds of cookies though, so I figured it worked. A lot of the cookies on our table this year were not the traditional ones from my childhood. We decided that on the years we go up to visit for Christmas, I maybe don’t need to make as many. This year, there were three cookie recipes that were repeated and the rest were new.

Chewy Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Peppermint Cookies, and Apple Pie Tassies

The Husband enjoys chewy chocolate chip cookies the most, so these have been the best recipe we have found so far. It’s from a Food Network instert book of 50 Chocolate Chip Cookies. I have no idea which edition it came from.

The Chocolate Peppermint Cookies were awful. Dry as a dessert, not enough mint flavor and I ended up throwing probably half the dough away. Far too many unladylike words were coming out of my mouth. The directions were confusing too and the dough would not roll out evenly no matter what I did. I actually think you need an industrial asphalt roller to make it work. They were from this year’s Christmas Cookie Edition of Food Network- December 2018.

The Apple Pie Tassies were from December 2017. They were definitely a hit. I accidentally used the whole block of cream cheese, instead of just 6 oz, but I think it made it better. The dough starts with cream cheese and two sticks of butter, so hard to mess up. I would make these again, but make the shells smaller, so that the filling to shell ratio was more even.

Brownie Cookies, Maple Snickerdoodles

These were both from December 2018 FN too. The maple snickerdoodles were from a gift idea page in the front. I was a bit disappointed in the lack of aple flavor. It called for maple sugar and I probably should have used the maple syrup substitution instead. We have the delicious syrup from our friends’ Sugarbush that I would like to try. They tasted good though, just not enough maple.

The Brownie cookies are fantastic! I made a different recipe in the UP and that one was not as fudgy and delicious. This one tastes pretty much like the middle of a brownie, which is my very favorite part. The Husband might like these almost as much as the chocolate chip ones, so they will definitely go on my rotation. It makes a smaller batch too, so less chance of leftovers. Not that you’ll have leftovers.

We had to have PB balls, of course. They were one of the traditional things on the table and I think have ruined me for Reese’s! I mean, these aren’t that complicated and are sooooo much better!

One of our friends brought us a Japanese cheesecake to try and it was really good. I was especially excited to try it, as I had wanted to make one for the cheesecake battle. It was a bit more like cake in texture than cheesecake, but was still delicious. There is a possibility that I ate it for breakfast.

We had a pickle tray with many homemade pickles on it, including some of the squash pickles that made my Dad eat zucchini. Apparently besides using it as a bazooka, pickles are the only way to eat that particular squash. 🙂 My Mom graciously gave me a bigger pickle tray this year, so we used that and it made them look even prettier.

Storebought gherkins, Garlic Hot Pickles, and Squash pickles. The hot ones made my Dad hiccup and surpised quite a few other people as well.

These lemon cookies were dairy and gluten free and were suprisingly good. I’ve not had a lot of luck with gluten free cookies that aren’t grainy, but these were fluffy and light. They are from this website:

Everyone enjoyed them, especially the people with some dietary restrictions. Made with margarine, they end up being vegan too, I believe.

We had so many people at the party that when our close friends came later in the party, I cornered K and reported that I was almost out of cheese and there were only three brownie cookies left. She talked me down and we enjoyed the rest of the party, but let’s assume I had some pretty crazy eyes going on there.

In exciting, non-party culinary adventures, we had friends over for pjs, Pixar movies, and fancy foods on New Year’s eve. I made Scallops, but they were not pretty, so no pictures. We had lobster Mac and Cheese from the October 2018 FN, I think. It’s a Pioneer Woman recipe, if you want to look it up on the FN website. We enjoyed it and used lobster tails so I wouldn’t freak out as much about cooking a whole lobster.

It’s hard to see, but it’s Christmas pas

K brought a Pioneer Woman Twice Baked Potato that was divine! She also brought veggies and a cheese and cracker selection. You know, because the four of us became an army overnight and needed additional foodstuffs… That’s probably a big reason we’re such good friends.

For New Year’s Day breakfast, we had homemade Sour Cream Doughnuts from Voracious by Cara Nicoletti. They were delicious and mostly had hearts in the middle. We made cinnamon sugar and glazed doughnuts. The glaze in the book was a terrible one and just soaked into the doughnuts and made them soggy. We ended up just making our own with milk and powdered sugar. We had eggs and chicken apple sausages too to counteract the sugar.

But even before our exciting New Year foods, we did something even crazier. I made a molten lava cake in the Instant Pot to go along with a very nicely grilled steak. It was all the Husband’s fault because he looked so shocked that you could make a lava cake in the Instant Pot. I would use a bittersweet chocolate next time. The semi sweet was not decadent enough.

Look at those grill marks!

I think I finally decided what to do with the food portion of the blog this year. The Husband got me Alex Guarnaschelli’s The Home Cook   for Christmas and there are so many good recipes that it made me think I should take some time and really focus individually on my cookbooks. I made it through most of them, but there are still a bunch of recipes in each I would like to try. So for the next little while, I will be taking a closer look at each book. I’m still not sure how my posts will be structured, but hopefully it will be interesting.

Not surprisingly, the first one will be the Guarnaschelli cookbook. I have several dishes from it planned for this week, along with some old favorites too.

For now though, I should probably go to bed, before the thought of all those recipes makes me hungry again! Have a good night!

Party Posts · Recipe Roundup

Battle Cheesecake- Party Pictures And Recipes

Battle Cheesecake was the most delicious battle I have ever been in! It was lots of fun. Fancy was completely worn out, as you can see.

The votes broke down to K winning the fruit and unusual category and I won the chocolate. Overall, it was a tie though. There was a tied vote on the fruit category. Here are all the cheesecakes.

I was a little distracted and didn’t get close-ups of K’s cheesecakes. They are the top ones.

I just want to take a moment to brag that I fit 6 full size cheesecakes in the fridge. 🙂 Who knew my stackable cooling racks would be so handy?

We had seven people attend. We cut tiny slices and put the three categories together. K brought meatballs and we had a salad from the garden lettuce which exploded into growth. Everyone voted anonymously and a friend counted the votes for us. I had a lovely set of kitchen towels and some rubber spatulas for prizes. I kept the jar of jam which was the third prize. 🙂

Here are K’s recipes. She made a Death By Chocolate from, a Thimbleberry (with four Yoopers in the room, she totally won this one,) based on the Blueberry recipe from Rae-Gun Ramblings, and a tiramisu one from Allrecipes. 

She took out the white chocolate and subbed thimbleberry jam for the homemade blueberry jam in the recipe. Also had a thimbleberry mousse on top.

Her cheesecakes were softer than mine, more mousse texture. They were all delicious and I think her chocolate one was definitely smoother than mine. I had lumps! 😳

Here are my cheesecake recipes. I tried to find some in my cookbooks, but am apparently low on baking cookbooks.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough from

The Husband casually sent me this recipe on a list and there was a strong suggestion that I try it. 🙂 He enjoyed it, but felt it was missing something. This cheesecake must have weighed 5 pounds.

Raspberry Swirl from Martha Stewart.

The raspberry puree doesn’t go deep enough for me. It was softer, possibly slightly under baked. Pretty good though. I would make it again.

Kahlua Chocolate Cheesecake by Baker By Nature.

I used homemade kahlua from my Mom. It was good, but not as smooth as I would like. It was topped with a bittersweet chocolate ganache. Mmmm…. chocolate.

It was fun and I would totally do cooking challenges again. We think the Husbands were a little more serious about it than we were. I think we both used mostly new recipes. It was a fun excuse to have a smaller party and have quality friend time.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, it’s Shark Week and The Great White Abyss is on. Have a great night!

Party Posts

Chinese New Year Party Post

We had a lovely smaller Chinese New Year party this year. This party we tend to keep to around 6-8 people. It gets too crazy otherwise. I’m still occasionally weird about asking people to make or bring foods.

Fancy even got into the spirit, since it’s the Year of the Dog. I made her a little bow for her party harness. This picture was taken after the party. She was so sleepy!

Fancy got some beef scraps and a large amount of carrots. She my have even gotten her pets and belly rubs quota filled, although she would tell you otherwise.

I made a pretty table runner for us, but forgot to take a picture of the table. It currently is waiting to be washed, as it got some cheesecake on it. Whoops! You can see a little of it in the featured picture.

We completely forgot to give out red packets! Traditionally they contain money, but we filled them with other things as well. I may mail them out, or just use it as an excuse to go see people again. 🙂

Now, on to the food!

We had a beef hotpot for the main. We had a bunch of veggies out and then cooked the meat in the broth. I added keffir lime leaves, lemon grass, garlic powder, white pepper, and soy sauce to chicken broth. The meat was marinated with sesame oil, soy sauce, and sherry.

I was told by a reliable source that cheesecake is a perfectly acceptable dessert, if you don’t want to make traditional dishes, so I ran with it. I made a blood orange cheesecake with a blood orange caramel sauce. I also attempted to candy blood orange slices, but it didn’t go as well as planned. I think my water/sugar ratio was off. The recipe is from New River Groves.

I have one bone to pick with this recipe. It had me cook it in a water bath and then immediately put it in the fridge to cool. It wasn’t supposed to crack, but take a look….

This was maybe an hour after putting it in the fridge! I was incredibly upset and annoyed. The Husband was probably shocked at the unladylike language that was issuing from the kitchen. I covered up the crack with orange slices and poured caramel over it and it still tasted good. I would recommend leaving it to cool in the oven for at least an hour before pulling it. That’s what I’ve done in the past.

I used the Chicken and Shrimp Jaozi from the Dumplings book from the kit we got for Christmas. We ate the dumplings too fast for me to remember a picture. Here is a picture of when you forget that the flames from a gas stove may, in fact, catch things on fire…

We’ll stick to using our rice cooker as a steamer thank you! The dumplings were delicious though and we have a bunch of them in the freezer. I was originally concerned that they wouldn’t be as flavorful as I would want them to be, but it turned out the recipe was right!

I was brave and made spring rolls! We made them veggie, as the recipe called for pork, but I wanted to be able to eat them. They were  little dark, but were still good. These were from The Food Of China by Deh-Ta Hsiung and Nina Simonds. 

We also used the same book to make char sui bao, or barbecued steamed buns. We had pork and chicken. These are the chicken buns.

I had help putting them together and we marked the pork ones with red food coloring. Technically, that would mean they were sweet in a restaurant, bur my other choice was blue and that would be weird…The pork ones were gone in a flash! I ate the rest of the chicken buns yesterday. They were delicious!

To make the pork for it, I combined soy sauce, char sui bbq sauce, white pepper, and garlic powder. I poured it over 4 pork loin chops and turned them until they were coated and then baked them at 350 for maybe half an hour? Then I chopped them up very small and stuck the pieces back in the cooking dish.

I used this recipe for the chicken buns:

Mmm… they were good!

So I had a request to share the steamed bun dough recipe as well. It’s kind of a weird dough. It raises for 3 hours and you knead baking powder into it right before you form them, which activates and make it very fluffy. I used The Food of China’s basic yeast dough. I will write it out, as I’m not sure where to find the book. No copyright infringement intended.


3 T sugar

1 C warm water

1 1/2 tsp dried yeast

3 1/4 C flour

2 T oil- I used half canola/ half sesame

1 1/2 tsp baking powder

“Makes 1 quantity” – roughly 24 small, 12 large


Dissolve the sugar in the water, then add the yeast. Stir lightly, then set aside for 10 minutes, or until foamy.

Sift the flour into a bowl and add the yeast mixture and the oil. Using a wooden spoon, mix the ingredients into a rough dough. Turn the mixture out unto a lightly floured surface, and knead for 8-10 minutes, or until the dough is smooth and elastic. If it is very sticky, knead in a little more flour-the dough should be soft. Lightly grease a bowl with the oil. Place dough in the bowl and turn it so that all the sides of the dough are coated. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and set aside to rise in a draft-free place for 3 hours.

Uncover the dough, punch it down, and turn it out onto a lightly floured surface. If you are not using the dough right away, cover it with plastic wrap and refrigerate.

When you are ready to use the dough, flatten it and make a well in the center. Place the baking powder in the well and gather up the edges to enclose the baking powder. Pinch the edges together to seal. Lightly knead the dough for several minutes to evenly incorporate the baking powder, which will activate immediately.

Use the prepared dough as directed.”

So if you follow it, you too can have delicious fresh bao! Let me know how it works if you try it! Happy Lunar New Year!

Recipe Roundup

Recipe Roundup

I’ve been actually going to bed early this week and we had some car trouble, so I only made a few new recipes. I am hoping to make a few more new ones over my little break from work.

My clients were amazed that I was coming back to work on Wednesday, but the Husband doesn’t have time off anyway, so I don’t need the extra time. I’m sure Fancy would love it if I were home to snuggle her, but I didn’t really have much planned. A friend and I are going to get together to do some Zumba, I think, but it should be a relaxing couple of days.

I do need to make this cherry fudge for the Husband’s work people. They’ve been asking for it since I made it last year. The problem is, I dislike the fudge itself and it’s a pain to make. The recipe list includes cherry jello powder, white chocolate, and marshmallow fluff… It’s too sweet for me and that should tell you all you need to know about it. It was, apparently, the best thing I made though, so they’ll get it on Wednesday, I think. I have all day Tuesday to make myself do it.

I made two more cookie recipes from the December Food Network magazine, Lemon Spritz and Walnut Cardamom Crescents. They were both good, but I liked the lemon ones better.

1- Lemon Spritz from FN December 2017

I used my Grandma Florence’s cookie press to make these, so that was special. I actually have cookie presses from my side of the family and from the Husband’s dad’s side. Oddly enough, I was gifted both of them for Christmas the same year, I think, from my mom and M-I-L. Now I have to use my second one for another recipe to honor both sides. Oh darn… will have to make another spritz recipe… 😉

These were good, nice and crisp, with a hint of lemon. I had gold sanding sugar too, so they were all sparkly. I brought an entire tin of these to my work, which only has about 7 of us, and when I went back in the afternoon to see how they had gone over, the entire tin was almost empty! The office manager said she had been eating them all day. 🙂

One of the cookie presses has a dog shaped form and I may try to pipe some dog cookies for Fancy with the biscuit recipe I have. Would that be weird though? “Here Fancy, eat this other pumpkin flavored dog…” :p

2-Walnut Cardamom Crescents from FN December 2017

I may have toasted the walnuts for slightly too long. They didn’t look brown, but had a very strong flavor. I couldn’t find the cardamom in them after they were baked. They are a very delicate cookie and kept breaking  when I tried to roll them. I might just stick to my traditional snowball cookie recipe.

3- Stovetop Mac and Cheese, by me.

This version had shredded pepperjack and cheddar cheese in it. It was pretty good, nice and gooey. We used small shells for it.

4-Tacos, by me

No picture, too hungry! I browned a pound of hamburger, drained it, added about a 1/3 of a jar of salsa, cumin, garlic and onion powder, and salt and pepper. I used the leftover meat for quesadillas the next day. Mmmmm…

5- Sweet Chili Chicken and Carrots from Sweet Pes and Saffron

I added the carrots so there would be a veggie. We used leg and thigh pieces instead of breasts. We had it for lunch one day when we were both home. It was good. I was having trouble with meat texture, but the taste was good. We had it over rice. I may use the leftover chicken in stir fry for lunch tomorrow.

We are just headed out for a lovely Friendsmas party. I’m wearing my annual Christmas pun shirt. It features a large mustache and says “Staching through the snow.” It is my very favorite holiday shirt. 🙂 I may need to look for another punny holiday shirt though, so I have an extra one. Maybe I’ll find one on clearance!

Have a wonderful day!

Party Posts

“What about Second Breakfast?!”- Elevensies Party Post

Whew! I need a nap. We had our Elevensies party yesterday and it went well. We need a few more comfy chairs though when we do movie parties.

I used a bunch of new recipes and had almost everything made by Saturday. We started at 11 AM and the last movie finished at around 9:30 or so. By that time, it was just the Husband and I, which was fine. Fancy was absolutely exhausted and kept whining at me until I let her have her round chair again. It was in front of the fireplace, which is very hobbit looking. Here is her at the end of the night.

Yes, that is her foot in her mouth. What a doll! She did pretty well, although we still had to leash her to keep her off the table.

I made sure to take a picture of all the different meals. The only one I don’t have a picture of is Supper at 8. No one was hungry! I can’t imagine why! 🙂

Here is Elenvensies.

We had brunch type foods. The chocolate banana muffins were a hit. We also had the Quiche Lorraine again, nissu, jams, and berries with cream.

Luncheon was at 1 pm.

We had sandwiches, salad, pickles, and chocolate chip cookies, and lemonade. Kayla brought the salad and fixings and a peanut butter cheesecake, which I have no pictures of. It was all delicious.

Afternoon tea was at 3:30.

We had tea sandwiches, which Kayla helped me make, cream and berries, cinnamon sugar scones, lemon bread, madeleines, Lembas shortbread, and jams. Tea, of course, was served as well.

This meal was where I used the most new recipes. I would eat afternoon tea all the time, if I could.

I used two of my tea cookbooks and a Pioneer Woman recipe for the scones.

I didn’t add cinnamon chips because I don’t like them, or have them on hand. I also just sprinkled the top with cinnamon and sugar, not the called for topping. They were so yummy!

We had no lemon curd for the tea. I had a momentary panic on Saturday night, but decided it would be okay and it was. 🙂

I used a cookbook called The Charms of Tea by Hearst Books, for the tea sandwiches, madeleines, and lemon bread. The lemon bread is on the left, nissu on the right.

We had ham and watercress and cucumber sandwiches.

Taking Tea by Andrea Israel with recipes by Pamela Mitchell provided the recipes for the shortbread and seed cake.

These two cookbooks are cool because they have information on all sorts of teas and tea ceremonies around the world.  It’s really fun just to read all the information.

Dinner (6 pm) was not a large affair. We had potato chowder with bacon and cheese for toppings. I served from the kitchen, so no elaborate table. This recipe was from Taste of Home: The New Slow Cooker. 

Supper (8 pm) was going to be leftovers and seed cake, but no one was hungry. I have a whole seed cake for craft night tomorrow. 🙂 I have it wrapped up, so no pictures.

We all decided that we couldn’t eat like hobbits all the time! We were all stuffed. It was a ton of fun.

Next year we might have a Harry Potter marathon. There’s a lot of food in those movies too.

Now though, I have to go back to reality and head out to work. Have a wonderfully cozy day!

Simple Sundays

Simple Sunday- Lord of the Rings Edition

“Chip the glasses and crack the plates!
Blunt the knives and bend the forks!
That’s what Bilbo Baggins hates-
Smash the bottles and burn the corks!
Cut the cloth and tread on the fat!
Pour the milk on the pantry floor!
Leave the bones on the bedroom mat!
Splash the wine on every door!
Dump the crocks in a boiling bowl;
Pound them up with a thumping pole;
And when you’ve finished, if any are whole,
Send them down the hall to roll!
That’s what Bilbo Baggins hates!
So, carefully! carefully with the plates!”- Blunt the Knives from The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

“Pay heed to the tales of old wives. It may well be that they alone keep in memory what it was once needful for the wise to know.”
― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Party Posts · Recipe Roundup · Simple Sundays

Party Post and Recipes!

We had a lovely party! Some friends who hadn’t been to our house before came and we got to show off our lovely flamingo kitchen. The previous owner was an artist and we have a flamingo mural in the kitchen, a vineyard scene in the hallway, and the guest room  has fish everywhere.

We love them all, but my favorite are the flamingos, of course. My love of flamingos is pretty well-known. We got two flamingo themed cards and several flamingo items as gifts. The Husband has accepted his fate of living in a mildly flamingo themed house well so far. He’s even bought me a few himself. Granted, I tend to like the less cheesy flamingos better, so that probably helps.  Our house isn’t the subject of the post though, the party foods are!

I had a few recipes from the week too, although not that many. We had a lot of late nights and leftovers. I did make a crockpot pot roast, beef fajitas, and a mushroom/squash/onion goat cheese tart.

1- Crockpot Pot Roast with Gravy from No. 2 Pencil.

Modifications: I used one can of soup and added potatoes and carrots under the roast. I also threw in half a can of water. I was concerned that the veggies wouldn’t cook. The Husband liked this more than me, but I dislike the cream soups in general. No pictures.

2- Beef Fajitas from Freezer Meals by Julianna Sweeney. 

Modifications: I think I added more spices than it called for. This was very good and we have two bags of  the mix in the freezer for later dinners.

3- Veggie Goat Cheese Tart, recipe by me.

I used puff pastry for the base and sautéed mushrooms, zucchini, and red onion over goat cheese and Asiago cheese pieces. It was delicious.

Now, on to the party recipes!

1- Rosemary Bundt Cake from Cooking From the Gourmet’s Garden by Coralie Castle and Robert Kourik. Section: Rosemary

Modifications: I didn’t have rosewater, so left it out. I also made the cake the same day, not realizing it recommended making it the day before. It tasted delicious and held up well for slicing. I made it in my dragon bundt pan. I’ve had it for about 2 years and been too afraid to use it. I decided our 5th Anniversary was enough of a big deal though and it turned out really well. I used way too much flour in the pan being nervous about it sticking. I know for next time now.

The back of the cake:

The front of the cake:

We’re going to have an Elevensies party again this year and I’ll be making another dragon cake for that too.

2- Raspberry Chocolate Cake from A Quilter’s Christmas Cookbook by  Louise Stoltzfus and Dawn Ranck. Section: Cakes

Modifications: I used a regular buttercream recipe, as I didn’t have a pan or the time to melt everything for the frosting in the book. I think I had less puree than called for and it kind of sunk right into the cake, but it still tastes good. I used a Love Bar with dark chocolate and freeze-dried rasberries for the cake. It was a tiny bit over-baked, so it’s not as moist as I would like.

3- Goat Cheese Truffles from The Vintage Tea Party Year by Angel Adoree. Section: Coming of Age Tea Party.

Modifications: None. These were just goat cheese balls dipped in various toppings. I used toasted sesame seeds, paprika, poppy seeds, and dried parsley. They look very elegant, but were the easiest thing to make.

4- Crab Dip. I originally used a recipe online, I think from Our Best Bites, but I can’t remember. For this batch, I used a block of cream cheese, 8 oz of real crab meat, about 1/4-1/2 cup sour cream, 1/4 c. Mayo, garlic powder, onion powder, a pinch of cayenne pepper, salt and pepper, 4 chopped scallions, and about half a bag of a shredded 5 cheese Italian blend.

Mix it all together, top with more shredded cheese and bake at 350 for about half an hour or until the edges are brown and bubbly. I normally use greek yogurt in place of the sour cream, but didn’t have any. The Husband decided he likes it better with fake crab. 🙂 He always requests it for parties.

We also had an ice cream bar with all sorts of toppings, homemade chocolate ganache and Saunder’s caramel sauce. We have so much ice cream left over.

Pico and chips and a veggie and pickle tray rounded out our table.

I sent this picture to my Mom, since she was making snarky remarks about how many pickles made up a pickle tray. According to her, there had to be more than one pickle at the party…

Rest assured, there were actually 3 types of pickles. These are the sweet and spicy pickles and there were mini dill gherkins, and my homemade pickle chips.

The homemade ones were a surprising hit. My in-laws and two of our friends with Polish heritage hoarded the pickle chips and polished off the entire jar. 🙂 I had two cloves of garlic in that jar and it was a very good idea. They do need a little more dill, but I think I’ll keep that recipe in my back pocket.

Some friends also brought treats. We had Bailey’s mousse, which was delicious, but could possibly be contributing to my headache today. We also had delicious lemon bars with a pomegranate glaze. Fancy licked an entire row of these before we could get to her… Terrible dog.

Fancy always has fun at parties. She has had an exciting couple of days. She met a new possible friend, a Malamute named Blaze, on Friday and then got to see so many people at the party. By the end of the night she was zonked out on the couch. She and I may need many naps today to recover. Here’s a picture of her last night.

My friend came wearing a dress she had made with flamingos on it and it has motivated me to try to make some more dresses. I did not mug her for her dress, even though I could have given her something else to wear. I wore my strawberry dress to the party and got lots of compliments, so if I can figure out which pattern it is, I will have to make some more.

Hopefully after some more water and dog snuggles, I can go play in my craft space and come up with something to post about tomorrow!

I’ll leave you with a quote that we got on a picture frame from friend yesterday.

“It’s not where you go or what you do, it’s who is beside you that counts.”