Gardening · Life Posts · Recipe Roundup

Recipe Roundup and Concert Pictures

My week got all thrown off by a concert and being still sick. I did go to the doc yesterday and don’t have bronchitis, just really severe asthma flares. I have a stronger version of my meds, so hopefully that will help me kick this. In the meantime, I have been trying to get through it.

We saw Evanescence and Lindsey Stirling with a full orchestra and they were both amazing! Here are a couple of pictures.

It was really hot, but definitely worth it.

I haven’t been wanting to cook or eat, but we did have a couple new recipes this week.

We had chef’s salad with lettuce from the garden! We have so much lettuce right now. It’s been very hot, so the salad was nice and cool. Today it’s already 75 and I’m going to stay hiding inside. My lungs aren’t handling anything well.

We also had a new brand of all beef hotdogs.

They were the Teton brand from Costco and were pretty good. I have to be careful with hot dogs. One of the all beef brands was still in natural pork casings, which wouldn’t have helped me.

I had a friend’s kids over for Lego time and made tacos with homemade tortillas. We had taco meat leftover, so I made a beef taco soup.

I roasted peppers, onions, garlic, and tomatoes and threw everything in the crockpot while I was at work. It turned out good. I like using the leftovers.

We had baked chicken with garden herbs on Thursday, but ate separately, so I have no pictures.

Speaking of the garden, it is growing very well. I do need to water the herbs a little more, but I have lots of tomatoes started!

The zucchini plant won’t even fit in a picture. 🙂 I keep seeing new blossoms on it too, so we’ll have to see how many squash we get.

Here’s the lettuce:

A bunch of the pepper plants have flowers and buds too, so I’m Excited about that. Everything is growing much better than it was in pots!

Well, I’m going to see if I can sleep some more. Hopefully I’ll feel up to doing some sewing, baking, or canning today. For now, I’m content with not coughing quite as much.

Have a great day!

Wordless Wednesdays

Yearly Review- Wordless Wednesday style

For this part of the review, here is my favorite picture from each month of this year. I started this in February last year. Do you see your favorites? 🙂

February 2017

March 2017

April 2017

May 2017

June 2017

July 2017

August 2017

September 2017

October 2017

November 2017

December 2017

Wordless Wednesdays

An Almost Wordless Wednesday

Sitting here with the dog and one of my many handmade quilts, I can’t help be grateful for what I have. I am grateful for being taught how to entertain myself, learning to sew from my Mom and Grandma, and learning how to write from my Dad. I’m grateful for a supportive spouse and that I have a house to gradually fill with handmade items.

I also think we can all use a break from uncertainty and ickyness. So in that spirit, I’m going to try something new and start posting pictures on Wednesdays of things that inspire me or that I am happy with or about. Maybe something that I post will make someone’s day a little brighter.

Taken by me in California, not sure where.

Inspiring cookbooks

Fancy-pants on my second quilt attempt ever, a long time ago. Made from my grandmother’s vintage aprons and my modern aprons.