Life Posts

6 years and counting

Technically we’ve been together for 11 years, but only married for 6 of them. Β I figured I should probably say something mushy and fun. Here’s some pictures to go along with all the mush. πŸ™‚

Photo credit goes to my friend Kim!

I did get a good one, as I think I’ve demonstrated in posts.Β He supports my crafting and sewing, encourages me to do the scary things, and ensures I always have working electronics and cars (which is no small feat, let me tell you!).

He also fell in love with the same accidental pitbull, so I really think I’ll keep him now. πŸ™‚

I’m happy to share my life with him! Here’s to many more adventures!

Wordless Wednesdays

Thoughtful Thursday- Ice Cream Edition

The featured picture is the good luck ice cream for the wedding, gelato from a local place near the wedding. πŸ™‚ The Husband had Salted Caramel and I had Italian chocolate chip.

So the ice cream shop- Fenton’s, featured in the last scene in “Up” was in Oakland and we, of course, had to go.

Cookie dough for the husband.

Chocolate pb crunch for me.

Enormous banana split for the SIL’s friends. I snuck some of the strawberry ice cream and it was yummy! My inlaws had mint chip and strawberry milkshake. The SIL’s boyfriend had a strawberry banana milkshake. They were all really good. πŸ™‚

Stay tuned tomorrow for a post about tea!