Crafty · Life Posts · Sewing

Rainbows And Motivation

The featured picture was from the “Science of Pixar” exhibit. The Husband and I went this weekend and it was absolutely fascinating to see how they make all the effects and movies. This picture is a digital painting from Brave! The Pixar people actually made a new program for the cloth in the movie because they didn’t have one they liked. How cool is that? I’ll show more of those pictures later. ย (Sorry about the lighting. It was a bit dark in there.)

In other news, think I may have figured out where my motivation to make things has gone. I’ve been taking stock of my stash and realizing how much fabric and how many unfinished projects are just hanging out. I have some that don’t fit because they are years old! It’s a bit embarrassing actually. ๐Ÿ™

Take this quilt, for example. The night I finished this, I didn’t want to start anything new. The thought of cutting out more fabric.. ick. Trying to decide which project to start… Ugh.

So instead, I pulled this quilt top and the backing fabric with it, gave it a little iron,ย quilted it, and bound it. I used a zig zag stitch with a pastel color changing thread. Tada!

It has an owner, but they don’t know it yet. ๐Ÿ™‚ I was quite excited to finish something.

So much so that I started to put together another quilt that was waiting.

This one also has a home. ๐Ÿ™‚ It’s going to take me a little to finish it though. I only made 8 of each color before deciding on this pattern. I need enough for 1 1/2 more large squares. Back to the sewing machine!

I also fixed a pair of flamingo leggings. They said they were one size, but that size was a little smaller than me sized. The band stretched, but it wasn’t the most comfy and I had a yoga pant waistband hanging out, waiting to be used.

I just chopped the original band off and sewed the other one on with a regular zig zag. Now they are extra comfy!

Other than a dress for the family wedding in April, I might see how far I can go on finishing things. Maybe my motivation for new things will come back, if I can get the other stuff from off my project list.

For now, I think I’ll take a page from Fancy’s book and head to bed. Maybe I’ll dream of new quilts!

Crafty · Monthly Review · Sewing

This Is The Quilt That Never Ends…

Sometimes quilts get away from me. This one is doing that right now. The book says 24 rows of 18, but I took two off the ends. We’ll pretend I was smart in the beginning and meant to make 16 across in each row, since I had 8 colors and that makes two of each… That sounds good, right? Obviously it had to be a rainbow. ๐Ÿ™‚

There are a few mistakes, I had one square sewn the wrong way and need to see if I have to pick out the whole row, or if I can just switch one around. I can always hide it at the bottom and call it my “humble square” if needed.

I’m trying to decide to reduce the columns too, so that they are proportional, but am also trying not to end up with random extra squares. The extra squares are winning. I made a bunch of extra strips last night, but made too many of the wrong colors! Now I have to decide if I need to continue to make more of the strips, or go with the 19 rows. I have 12 made already. I have these piles complete with all the colors. I’m leaning toward just dealing with the extra squares and using only the ones I have completed.

This one I picked specifically to use a project from my books. The book is called Relax and Quiltย and it has very nice projects, mostly traditional piecing.

I checked my original notebook and I have 6 potential quilts picked out from this book. I tried to pick at least a few from each book, so I would have options. I must have gotten it from a rummage sale, it has a $1 sticker on it!

Fancy decided to “help” me lay out the quilt.

She’s been attached to me since I got home from work and is currently keeping my feet warm. ๐Ÿ™‚ I like snuggles from her.

I’ve really only worked on the quilt this weekend. It was fun going through my scrap stash to find pieces that would work. I even cut into a few pieces of my fabrics I’ve had forever with no actual plan for them! I used a mix of older and newer fabrics, including some from my Christmas fabric box from my Mom. It’s a big step!

I realized that I’ve never done a review of the books I’ve used. I’ve gone through my cookbooks, but not the sewing stuff. Since I only worked on the quilt, I thought it might be a good chance to go through them.

I’ve finished a bunch of projects from my UFO box and a couple from online. I typically use Bonnie Hunter’s Quiltville quilt plans.ย

Her tutorials are quite easy and I use her scrap saving system, so I have the right pieces already cut. The Rainbow Chevron is one of her quilts, the “Friendship Braid” border.

Another book I’ve used is Quilts From The Quiltmaker’s Gift, by Joanne Larsen Line and Nancy Loving Tubesing.ย This is one of my favorite kids’ books. The illustrations are beautiful and the quilts are the quilts from the book. The book tells the story of a quilter who gives away quilts to those in need, but refuses to give one to the greedy king. He gets mad and tries all sorts of ways to get one, but there’s a surprise ending that I won’t spoil.

I loaned my copy out and it sadly, never returned, but my Mother in law gave me her copy for Christmas a few years later, so I was so excited! I used the Flying Birds pattern and put it in the “Streak of Lightning set. It still needs borders and backing.

The Rainbow Snowball quilt was from Making Scrap Quilts To Use It Up by Lynne Edwards.ย 

That was another quilt that wouldn’t end. It’s still hanging out in my house. I may need to find a backup home for it soon.

The kudsudama flowers were from Button and Stitch by Kristen Rask.ย 

It’s kind of weird to think that in 67 projects, I only used about 6 books. I used some patterns too, but didn’t want to get them all out. I also don’t think of them as books per say. I know I have a few more that I’ve used, but one of them was a total dud and the other has been lost somewhere in a pile..

I should probably start weeding these books out too. I just like to have options. I might be a dragon in disguise actually, with a hoard of sewing books and fabrics. I like that better than admitting to possible hoarding tendencies…;)

Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed touring a few of my books. I’ll share some that I haven’t used yet in another post!

Crafty · Life Posts · Sewing

Weekend Sewing and Being a Midwestern Housewife

My family didn’t decorate full out for most holidays. We decorated the sideboard mostly with seasonal things, or lovely picture arrangements. Christmas was our all out holiday and we did it up good!ย It never really struck me as a problem, or something weird. In fact, I never had a desire really to have all holidays celebrated or to decorate for them.

Now that I am a nice Midwestern housewife though, I’m having all these decorating urges. Not for all the holidays, I won’t go all green for St. Patrick’s day. I’m more likely to put out something purple for St. Urho’s day the day before (he drove all the grasshoppers out of Norway, I believe.) We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day, except to buy half price candy the next day.. Gosh, I make us sound so pragmatic and unromantic…

I just want our house to look pretty and maybe have a few nice touches. We’re simple people. This has totally come on just this year. I must finally be adjusted to actually owning a house. ๐Ÿ™‚

The Lego bridge that was on the mantle since we moved in is downstairs for a bit, which gives me that surface and the top of the encyclopedia desk to play with. We’re celebrating Chinese New Year with friends again this year, so I’m doing a little bit of decorating for that. Those are artificial cherry blossoms on the mantle. I have some red and gold things too, but they aren’t set yet.

We also have the leaning shelf, which was partially cleared for the angel host at Christmas. I’m probably going to switch out the pictures and decorations on there as well, because, why not? We have a bunch of decorations that we didn’t have room for, so it would be nice to see them again. Change can be good. ๐Ÿ™‚

And before you ask, Mom or Dad, I’m not going to start serving pickle tray with every meal or drinking coffee. I’m not that Midwestern yet. ๐Ÿ™‚ Just a little light decorating… (Isn’t that how it always starts though?)

In a very grown up and not at all Midwestern move, the Husband and I perused a model train show this Sunday. My phone died about 2 minutes in, so I only have a couple of pictures. The Husband kindly took some for me, which I will see if I can get for a future Wordless Wednesday post.

It was fun as usual, but also kind of sad. We don’t have a train space yet. We didn’t stay for too long. My back caused issues on Saturday, so I couldn’t walk that much on Sunday. I was able to sew some and have been working on a new scrap quilt.

Honestly, I know I have all these projects to make, but I was jonesing for a rainbow scrap quilt. This one has a home, but it is super secret still.

Now, on to the real question, how to put these quilt squares together? I made 8 of each color, pink, green, yellow, and purple, ย and they are wonky log cabin squares.

4 patch, alternating colors?

4 patch same colors?

3 squares, one white corner square?

Or, the Husband’s choice, alternating colors arranged in a diagonal?

It’s going to be a small quilt, with a white, or black border.

Thoughts? I’m leaning towards one of the last two.

This is what I’ve been working on this week. I kept having to dig through my scrap box and am thinking about trying to sort them by color for easier use. Since these types of quilts are my favorites right now, it would probably make more sense. It would be a huge undertaking though. These squares were made mostly from my smaller scrap box. I didn’t pull any fabrics from my stash other than those. Sadly, it doesn’t even look like I made a dent…

My next sewing project should be something from the UFO box, if I can drag myself away from rainbow quilts. ๐Ÿ™‚

Fancy is telling me that I should be sleeping, or providing her with belly rubs, if I insist on being awake.

I’ll go ponder the quilt in my dreams. Stay tuned tomorrow for more train show pictures!


Crafty · Life Posts

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

I slowed for a minute on cookie baking, but would prefer to think of it a strategic retreat to regroup. ๐Ÿ™‚ I have to decide on what to bring to the Husband’s Grandma’s house for Christmas. Peppermint bark may make an appearance.

I have been sewing, but it’s been Super Secret Christmas sewing, so can’t be shown until after next week.

In the meantime, here is some of our Christmas decor to make it a little more festive!

Christmas trains! This wouldn’t fit with our village on the mantle. Next year, we’re going to set up a table for it.

Another train! Also, the ornament from the in-laws for Fancy’s first Christmas. They couldn’t find a queen one, so it says “King of the House.” It totally fits. How could we be expected to refuse this face?

Here are our Firefly ornaments. I thought it was appropriate for them to fly. The black one has a “firefly” license plate on it.

We like to think of our decorating style as electic. ๐Ÿ™‚

Icicle lights in the kitchen window. We found these at a summer rummage sale and I forgot about them until I was sorting presents. They look so pretty when the lights hit them.

We didn’t get a bigger artificial tree this year because Fancy has started guarding everything in sight. This is up on the table where she can’t get to it and it seems to be good.

I did some organizing yesterday. My sewing area is crazy again. It’s not completely put away yet, but this bin and some other piles are at least sorted and ready to be put away.

Here are the piles of neatly folded and sorted.

The fat quarter piles look so pretty!

I also got a present for myself in the mail today! It’s “Rainbow Quilts For Scrap Lovers” by Judy Gautier. I know, I know… But I’ll use at least four of these quilts!

This one is partially appliquรฉ, but the background is pieced, so I might be able to get it done.

Reverse appliquรฉ on this one. But it looks easy enough.

So pretty! And it could use up a lot of weird scraps.

I saved the best for last….

I love owls! I will definitely be making this one. Sometime… after I get the other thousand projects done…

For now though, I have a dog sleeping on my foot and should probably go to bed too. Have a peaceful night!


New Seasons and New Sewing

I finished the Rainbow Snowball Quilt! Finally! I even had a little of the fleece backing left, which will become a dog coat for the Fanciest pup I know. ๐Ÿ˜‰ I just have to meet up with its new owner and it will be gone. I was desperate to start a new black and rainbow quilt, so I knew I had to finish one of the quilt tops that was waiting.

Here’s the Rainbow Snowball and the backing for it. It’s french seamed essentially, sewn and flipped, and sewn again. No batting because of the fleece backing.

The new rainbow quilt is a Friendship Braid pattern. I had a lot of the pieces cut already, from Maelee’s quilt. ย Here is the new quilt:

The colorful pieces are just on one side. This is two pieces how they’ll be when finished. The edges will be trimmed, so they’ll be rectangles.

I have three strips done and a fourth started. It will probably be five strips, potentially six, if I have enough orange and yellow. I run out of those colors all the time! I don’t really use them, but if I’m going to keep making rainbow quilts, I need to get some fat quarters or remnants.

We had fun on our Super Secret Christmas Mission. I took some pretty pictures! It was fun to go on a weekday. It felt like we were playing hooky!

Since our weekend started early with our trip, we continued the fun with a massage on Saturday, a visit from Katy and Fancy’s secret dog friend, Moose, a party with Kayla on Sunday, and a visit to the Lego store. We came home with the next piece of our Christmas Lego village:ย the Christmas station, a little nutcracker ornament, and the world’s biggest Lego bag. I’m pretty sure I would fit in this sucker. See?!

(I will not be trying to fit myself in the bag, by the way, I just think I could. I think it would confuse Fancy a lot and she would probably try to eat the bag to get me out of it.)

My weekend continued through today unexpectedly. ย I didn’t have to go to work at all. My first and last appointments cancelled and I rescheduled my middle one. It was right in the middle of rush hour and would have taken me longer to get there, than the appointment itself. It’s weird transition time right now, since I’m trying to get everyone transferred or referred before I switch to only one center. I will be much happier when my commute is 15 minutes instead of 45.

Because I had this extra time, I was able to work downstairs a bit. The responsible sewist came out today and instead of running out with coupons in my hot little hands for new solid fabrics, I looked in my bins! I want to make some more solid or neutral reading dresses to wear with patterned leggings.

I kept finding cute fabrics that I hadn’t seen in a while. I rediscovered another flamingo flannel piece. It’ll be pjs, of course! I cannot have enough warm jammies ever. I’ve been known to wear flannel pants in June.

Isn’t it cute? It’s waiting to be washed.

I tried to make ย dark-colored dress, but didn’t have enough of the fabric. I started a tunic in a very light cotton. As I’m typing, I realized, I should have used a pattern from one of my books! It would have been the perfect fabric for it. Either way, it’s a new pattern, so it still counts for my list.

This is the pattern.

Here are the pattern pieces and the color.

It’s possible I need to branch out color wise… I have a ton of blue clothes fabrics.

Well, Fancy is telling me that it is her bedtime and she would like me to go to bed too. I hope you’re staying warm as fall turns into winter. I’ll be warm again in the spring. ๐Ÿ™‚


Sewing Frenzy

I should sew with friends more! I get energized when I do and it motivates me to finish things and try new projects. I had a sewing date with Kayla, who is working on a quilt and some other super secret sewing projects.

Fancy enjoyed her own deconstruction project while we were sewing. Every couple of months we let her rip up the Chewy box. She loves it and doesn’t eat any of the pieces.

I got to teach Kayla how to make log cabin quilt blocks by chain piecing and it was so difficult not to start a new scrap quilt myself.ย I desperately want to make a white and rainbow scrap log cabin in a different setting to play off of the black rainbow quilts I have made.

The stack of quilt tops I have sitting in a box waiting for me, is quite terrible though. I’m not allowed to start a new quilt until I finish one.ย I took them out to show to Kayla. I can’t show some of them, as they are wedding quilts, but this one is one just for the Husband and me.

It’s called Magic Lanterns. It’s from Scrap Quilts To Use It Up. It was one of the first major quilts I made and I’m pretty sure it helped my mother-in-law like me. She saw the pieces when they all came to visit me early in our relationship. ๐Ÿ™‚

It looks really complicated, but it’s actually a trick block. You start with a large triangle with sides that turn it into a rectangle and then you cut it up and flip it and sew it backwards.

Here is what the border will look like when it’s done.

I have probably had the top completed for 8 years. Yikes! It will have a black back with strips of the leftover batik triangles interspersed for contrast. It should be beautiful and big enough to cover our bed. It already covers the top and hangs off the edge. With a 6 inch border, it will be perfect.

I also made more hip wraps for Ooky Spooky. I have been having fun using bolder fabrics and really playing with trims.

Here are some pictures!

Sugar skulls and silver chevrons.

Spiderwebs and black diamond check. It’s got a black sequinย elastic trim.

The red is not quite as bright. These were basement pictures and I edited the brightness. It still needs to be top stitched.

Oh this belt.. It had better sell, otherwise I’m going to have to keep it. It has a really interesting shape, which ย I will have to take another picture of later. It closes with part of a faux leather belt and two circle rings. It has black lace and red satin ribbons strung through two of the holes which can be adjusted as needed. It is impossible to get a good picture of this closure, but it looks so pretty and kind of tough.

The rest of the week will be spent photographing everything and getting it on my Square ready for vending. I have a lot to take pictures of, so there probably won’t be much sewing getting done.

Fancy is currently trying to motivate me to pet her by attempting to climb over my IPad… With a face like this though, how can I resist? (This is an old picture, but is one of my favorites.)

Have a great week!

Crafty · Wordless Wednesdays

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday- Quilty Goodness

Kim’s quilt- backed with French landmarks on black fabric

Beth and Matt- backed with red fleece

Stacie and Dan- backed with fall leaves



Quilts and Grandmas

I’ve been thinking a lot about my grandmas lately. (Grandpas too, but they need their own post.) No particular reason, I guess, except missing them. I’m sure it’s a common thing to wish for more time, but I have been trying to remember the time I did have with them.

I distinctly remember one Easter being alternately thrilled and worried that I had to call them by Grandma and their first names. I was probably about four or five maybe and we weren’t supposed to call adults by their first names! They seemed to be okay with it though. ๐Ÿ™‚

My mom’s mom was named Florence and she was an accountant. I’m fairly sure she tried to instill a love of math and numbers, but it didn’t work. This picture of Fancy will illustrate how I feel about math.

Grandma Florence had a drawer for both my brother and I where she kept papers and blank account ledger pages for us to play with. We always played store and banking with these. She had the Sesame Street Alphabet books which we would read every timeย we saw this set of grandparents.

I will also forever associate green jello with her. She always served green jello, sometimes with shredded carrots in it, and we had apple juice out of cute plastic cups. They were colored translucent plastic and in my young child mind, were simply fabulous. She would also make us chocolate chip cookies, which she would bring on visits in Quaker Oats containers. Although I didn’t know it at the time, this was a big deal, as Grandma was not a baker!

I don’t have many things to remember her by, but do have a pie dish, the orange Depression glass bowl, and very fancy china. We haven’t used the china yet, mostly because we just now had enough space to store it safely. I do have lots of good memories though. ๐Ÿ™‚

Grandma Florence worked in a radio factory in WWII and measured glass rods to a very tiny and exact measurement. She didn’t really talk about that part of her past though. I do know my Grandpa rode all the way across country standing up on the train, so they could get married.

My dad’s mom, Grandma Shirley, also was involved in WWII as a nurse. She was a little more open about her past, but I now realize, only really about the happier parts. Having been through the war, she was the grandma who would just look at you and laugh if you were being obnoxious.

My love of quilting came from spending time with Grandma Shirley for sure. We used to make quilts together for the church ladies to send to Lutheran World Relief. Let me tell you, churchย basement ladies can be scary when they are all together. There was always lots of laughter and a lot of jokes I probably wasn’t meant to understand just yet. ๐Ÿ™‚

Grandma Shirley did like to bake, so one of the ways I had to remember her was her aprons. I ended up combining her aprons and my aprons from a summer job into a quilt. She made all the grandkids quilts, so I thought it would be appropriate. Now, keep in mind, this quilt was made right when I first started quilting and didn’t quite know what I was doing… (It’s also upside down, whoops.)

I don’t remember if I used a pattern or not. It’s backed with a green and white checkerboard flannel.

Here are some of my favorite squares.

The bottom flower square is actually a pocket! There’s another strip of mini pockets along the top.

After my Grandma Shirley passed away and my cousin Angie got married, I decided that I needed to make family quilts. It would have been something she would have done and I wanted to honor her memory.

I have pictures of most of them, but a few I can’t seem to find. I made a cool guitar one for my younger brother, which I think has fallen apart. Of course, it’s one I don’t have pictures of. Also, two for my dad and my brother and sister-in-law’s wedding quilt.

Here are my cousins’ wedding quilts though.

Split Nine Patch for Angie and Nate with a friendship braid border:

Crystal and Josh got a Friendship Braid Vegas themed quilt:

And cousin’s kids’ quilts too, of course!

Lilah’s quilt is called “Oodles of Owls,” officially. Unofficially, it was “the drunken owl quilt” as I accidentally set the pattern wrong and the owls went flying all different directions. I also got really mad at it and threw it in a box for three months until it could behave. ย ๐Ÿ™‚

Her brother Ollie’s quilt: I can’t remember if I named it anything other than “The Monster Quilt.”

It’s four of these squares put together. It is still the most complicated quilt I have ever made because it has tiny pieces.

And my cousin Kaitlyn’s daughter Maylee’s quilt: A Pastel Friendship braid.

While thinking about this post, I realized I don’t have good digital pictures of either Grandma, just printed ones. I’ll have to scan them one day and post them.

I hope you enjoyed seeing a little of my family history! ย  I want to start keeping better track of what I’ve made to give away. Half the time, I forget to even sign them! Also, I am not allowed to start any new quilts until I have finished the very late wedding quilts that are sitting a box downstairs. Wish me luck with that!

Crafty · Gardening

Sewing and Gardening Update

You’ll have to excuse the abundance of Fancy pictures this week. We will have had her for a year on the 17th and since we don’t know her birthday, we have settled for celebrating her on her adoption day. She’s going to get a little spoiled this week. Well, a little more spoiled than she already is. ๐Ÿ™‚

I have some great recipes to try for treats and I need to repair her little jacket before winter. Once it starts hitting temps in the 30’s she won’t go outside without a sweater on. Her fur is too short and she gets cold very easily. I’ll make sure to post the treat recipes and her review. ๐Ÿ™‚

I realized I hadn’t posted a garden update in a while. The lettuce and zucchini didn’t make it. I got one zucchini from the plant and then gave up. The lettuce got spiders and is apparently more temperamental than I thought.

Most of my other stuff is still growing. I have a ton of jalapeno and they are certainly living up to the massive name in terms of width. I am thinking about maybe canning some salsa on Sunday and making sure to use some of them.

I have one tiny poblano pepper. I had some starts earlier in the summer, but something happened and they didn’t really grow.

My strawberries have some blossoms on them still, which surprises me. I am hoping to be able to winterize them and keep them for next year. I’m going to try to keep them in planters, but get some longer ones or an actual strawberry planter.

There are also a few red peppers still growing. This one has a spot, but I think the rest of it is okay.

My herbs are mostly still going. I’m going to start pulling them and drying them soon. I don’t have a good spot to try to keep them growing inside in the winter. We keep the windows covered during the day and our kitchen window is a bit too small.

In sewing news, I swear the Rainbow Snowball quilt is cursed. The backing fabric is washed and looks lovely, but there is not enough of it to cover the back and I don’t have anything that matches. I am planning to go to Joann’s with supervision and pick up some fleece. The Husband is normally pretty good about reigning me in when I veer off my fabric list. ๐Ÿ™‚

I made a new dress last weekend, but hadn’t posted pictures yet, so here it is.

The fabric was a Christmas present from my Mom and I ended up with the perfect pink lace to accent it. Excuse any wrinkles, I wore it and didn’t have a chance to iron it. I plan to wear it today for my intake appointments because it’s cute and comfy.

I am now completely out of black dress zippers. I need to make dresses in other colors to use up my rainbow of zippers.

I also finished a scrap quilt, which will be headed off to a friend for her occupational therapy room probably at the end of the week. I had tried this pattern out and wasn’t happy with how it looked. It looks lovely, but not quite what I had in mind. So instead of continuing, I alternated with the fish fabric squares and made it work a different way.

It’s roughly a 38 inch square with 9.5 inch squares 4×4 across and down. It’s backed with the same fish print and a strip of blue batik, as I didn’t quite have enough fish.

Here’s close up of the squares:

It has no batting, so it should be light and easily washed. This is one more project off my written list, so I was excited.

Of course, I finished one quilt and started another scrap quilt…. This one is another rainbow quilt. It doesn’t yet have a home, but I’m sure it will find a good one.

I still need to make the red squares and have to check how many squares are needed. It will be bordered with a black fabric, I think, unless it turns out looking too dark. My points look nicer than usual because I ironed every piece! I know. Crazy talk. Don’t tell my mother or mother-in-law that they were right…

Next up for quilts, I plan to actually finish one of the wedding quilts that are in a box waiting to be put together. No more new quilts until at least one of those is done!

So there’s my update. I think I am in my groove about being productive with my down time after work. I washed a bunch of fabrics for clothing this weekend too, so I can start on those.

It feels good to be able to work through my scrap and UFO boxes. Maybe one day, there will only be one of each!

Wednesday’s post will be all about Fancy, so be sure to check it out for your dose of cuteness!