
A Weekend of Creativity

This challenge has really inspired me to think about what happens when a project doesn’t go my way and isn’t easy. Generally this means that it gets shoved in  box and I stop working on it for a while. With this challenge though, I decided that I wasn’t allowed to work on more than two new things and I have to finish something before I can start another. The only things I can work on while working on new projects are ones that are already started.

I currently have two sets of slippers in my craft area waiting to be finished, but got confused on how to put them together and stopped working on them. They will be cute when finished and I will have new slippers, but I got frustrated. I can’t figure out the directions for how to put them together and I think that the pattern didn’t include seam allowances, but it doesn’t say that anywhere. As a result, the backs of the small pair are too short and they are very tight. I am debating whether or not to call it a wash, but I actually do need new slippers, so I need to figure out what is wrong.

In the things going well category, I have made a lot of progress on the rainbow snowball quilt. This one is an example of why you should read the directions. My rows are two shorter than they should be and I ended up making one more row just to use up the squares. It looks like I meant it though, so that’s alright.

All the rows are together, I just have to sew them into the quilt top. It looks very pretty. I haven’t decided if it will have borders like the one in the book. I don’t have enough cream fabric to make one and am trying not to buy more. I’m going to use a bright red floral flannel for the backing, so that it is as interesting as the front. I may just use a flannel on the back and not add batting, just make it a lighter quilt. Or I may add batting and see if I can learn to use the long arm quilter on it, if my in-laws will teach me. There are still lots of possibilities. I had put the quilt rows on the floor in the living room yesterday to check the alignment and my dog, Fancy, decided to help me with that by standing on the rows until I petted her. Quilting with pets is never as easy as it looks. Here’s pictures for proof of progress:

And here’s a picture of just the quilt:


Hello again sewing machine!

I haven’t had to cook much over the weekend. Friday and Saturday were busy with party prepping and partying respectively. We’ve been busy eating all the party leftovers since then. I did make cheesy polenta with sautéed veggies for dinner tonight and will post the recipe details on Thursday.

I’ve been sorting and cutting fabric for my first official craft project for the year. I’ve not sewn anything in a few weeks and it’s funny how much I miss it. The project is a Strip Pieced Snowball Quilt, from the book “Making Scrap Quilts To Use It Up!” by Lynne Edwards. I have another project from this book that I started long go that’s about half done which I want to finish as well. I desperately need to use up my scraps. I have three overflowing boxes at the moment. The project in the book is made of blue strips, but I wanted to use rainbow colors. It will have cornerstones of black fabrics and black sashing. So far I’ve made 14 blocks and need to find some more yellows, oranges, purples, and greens to make the plan work. Here are some of the untrimmed blocks:

I’ve included a picture of what the finished quilt should look like below. Obviously my color scheme will be different, but it should still look pretty neat. It will be about twin sized.

I’m not sure what I am going to do with all quilts that I make during this challenge. Some of them I will keep and some may find their way to other people. I looked up some places to donate them to as well, so I should have enough places for them. Not all of the quilt projects will stay as full quilts. I want to experiment with making some quilted bags or other items to go on my Etsy store, Twinflower Fancies. No matter where the projects end up, or how many quilts I make, the point of this is to just keep making new things, and to finish the projects I have already started. I think I’ve made a good start. Now back to sewing!