Wordless Wednesdays

Thoughtful Thursday- Rainbows

If you haven’t seen Rainbows Over Michigan yet, go check it out. People are putting up rainbow themed things in their windows for others to see on walks. I plan to make some hearts for our windows tomorrow, but thought rainbows would be cheerful for the blog too!

These are the games that I have at home with me for teletherapy sessions. They just happen to be a rainbow!
The stickers survived the move and are now up in my new office!
Crafty · Monthly Review · Sewing

Monthly Review

I know February is a short month, but man, it seemed to be even shorter than usual. I swear, it was just the beginning of February a week ago. Regardless, it’s now time for a review again.

I made 14 new recipes, 4 from new cookbooks, and three me method recipes.

Hits were the buttermilk pancakes, Voracious cupcakes, chai pear scones, Asian burgers, the chicken and shrimp jaozi, spicy beef tortellini soup, and the bao.

We also enjoyed the creamy mushroom pasta.

Misses were the salted caramel frosting, creamy mushroom chicken, candied oranges from the cheesecake, and Instant Pot pot roast.

The goals that I completed were to use the Instant Pot, go through a cookbook inventory, and use new foods for the party. I didn’t complete a freezer inventory or actually give away the cookbooks I don’t want. I know which ones they are, they just haven’t left my house yet.

Things I’ve learned this month are to trust my instincts about seasoning. Also, I need more recipes for slow cookers. I may need to make some up, if I can’t find enough.

Fancy liked her biscuits a lot, so I may make that recipe again. There are a ton of them though, so I ended up freezing them. She doesn’t mind.

New Food Goals

– Actually get rid of the cookbooks I don’t want.

– Get the lighter fluid for my kitchen torch.

– Meal plan consistently.

– Cookbook inventory to find the ones I haven’t used yet.

Craft Review

When I first went through my posts, I didn’t think I had actually have that much done. I’ve been focused on finishing things. I finished the rainbow crazy quilt.

I also fixed my leggings, so now have fun flamingos to wear.

I made three new flowers.

Buttons were added to these tea wallets.

Here is my favorite combo.

Obviously a glittery butterfly button needed to be on this tea wallet.

I have two rainbow quilts in progress and will be working on them today before work. I made a table runner, but keep forgetting to take pictures.

Things I’ve learned:

I need to prune my stash. It’s time to be ruthless about giving things away. I get a lot of satisfaction from finishing things, so I want to focus on doing that.

New Crafting/Sewing Goals

– Make a dress for the wedding in April.

– Finish the two rainbow quilts.

– Finish OT quilts and mail them.

– Finish one of the completed quilt tops.

– Regular Etsy updates.

My work schedule seems to be getting a little more normal, so if I can continue to be productive, I should be able to get a bunch done. If the Fancy pup will let me that is. She’s currently dancing and whining for me to play with her or walk her. 

I’d better go get her taken care of. She’s licking my iPad case. Weird dog. Hope your day is less weird than she is!