Life Posts · Wordless Wednesdays

Forgetful Friday- The Many Sleeps of Fancy

Technically I didn’t forget. I updated my phone and IPad and now my blog won’t talk to either of them. Bear with me while I attempt to figure it out.

Simple Sundays

Simple Sunday

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” – Roger Caras

“I have found that when you are deeply troubled, there are things you get from the silent devoted companionship of a dog that you can get from no other source.” – Doris Day

Canning and Preserving · Gardening

It’s Alive-Gardening Update

Not only is the garden alive, but it is thriving! The cucumber plant is even bigger today that in the picture. The picture was taken on Saturday and it now covers the longer stake.

I am so pleased with it and am mostly just watering it routinely. My Mammoth Jalapeño isn’t looking ll that massive yet, but the Poblano  peppers may end up being the same size anyway.  The jalapeño is in the yellow pot, poblano is in the purple pot.

My zucchini has another blossom and there is a tiny squash starting!

I picked three strawberries today and there are a bunch of green ones still on the plants. I still have ants in one of the pots, but I put cinnamon on it and it seems to be helping a little. The plant itself doesn’t seem to be too affected by them.

My herbs are getting big. I’m going to use the basil tomorrow for Caprese salad when I host craft night.

The pineapple sage has gotten very big as well. I should probably be thinking about drying some for my tea party.

The mints are growing like crazy, of course. The chocolate mint is sending out all sorts of runners, but it’s nowhere near the soil, or we’d have mint everywhere!

The lime basil and oregano are also doing well. The basil keeps insisting on flowering, so I have to prune it pretty consistently. I used the parsley, thyme, and rosemary in scones yesterday for a belated Father’s Day dinner.

There are lots of buds and flowers on my tomato plants. One of them has a little cluster of tomatoes, but it is hard to get a picture of.


I found ants in the kitchen on Friday and between organizing and cleaning, wasn’t able to get anything sewn. My cupboard looks beautiful though. All my spices fit and I wiped everything with vinegar and put out new bay leaves preventively. I hate bugs.

I also canned rhubarb marmalade. It looks so pretty and I had some on yogurt this morning.

Fancy has been enjoying the nice weather and loves playing in the hose when I water my plants. She’s been looking like this a lot outside when she’s not barking at the neighbors.

We met another neighbor on our walk today who forgave her for barking when she sat on his feet for pets. 🙂

Well, I am off to water the plants and hopefully, not the dog too much. Have a lovely, sunshiny day!