Life Posts

Game Night! Sort of..

While chatting with a friend the other night about what to write about as a blog post, she suggested the Train Game, which we had just played online. Full disclosure, she kicks my butt at it all the time! But it’s still fun to play. I know I’ve talked about having game nights with friends pre- pandemic, but not about the actual games we play. Fair warning, our game nights are normally with a bunch of social workers or counselors, their partners, and whoever else is brave enough to join us, so it can be a bit dark, humor wise. Here are some of my favorite games

Ticket to Ride, or the Train Game will go first as it’s a favorite among a bunch of us. The main point of the game is to make a train go from one place to another. There are a bunch of different boards, including a Nordic route, India, Pennsylvania, Europe, and a couple different US route boards. Each board has different bonus cards. We have just the original, US board. It’s set in 1913 or thereabouts, I think, so it’s got a cool vintage feel.

You can play this online too, which is how I’ve been playing it recently. The Husband is very competitive and will block people if he figures out where they are going, which has taught me to do some circular route taking to prevent it. Darn logical minded man. My friends who play online are generally nicer. Game play is typically around 45 minutes.

Carcassonne is one of my favorite games and I really should look it up online, as the Husband claims it is too complicated and refuses to play often. Mainly because I win, I think. 🙂 My friend who taught me this game in college played absolutely cutthroat and I got tired of losing, so learned all the weird little tricks to win. To win, you build the biggest castles, get the most land, and acquire the most resources. I think it isn’t as complicated as Caatan, but it does have a learning curve.

Game play can range from anywhere from 45- 90 minutes, depending on how many people you’re playing with. I have three of the expansion packs and they add some different rules and pieces. I taught it to my younger brother and he really enjoyed playing it as well.

My Mom gave my MIL and I the game Quilt Show for Christmas one year and we played it while we were at the cabin with my sewing friend K2.

In this game, you have to “make” quilts with different blocks. You can make smaller or bigger projects and then show them in a Quilt Show to get points. The person with the most points at the end wins. There are different configurations of how to set up the quilts, by pattern, color, etc.

It took a minute to see how it worked, but it was pretty fun! I would like to play it again some time. I would say plan probably an hour to play.

We have three Firefly games, but not enough of our game night friends like Firefly, so we haven’t played them often. (This would be Joss Whedon’s TV show Firefly and movie Serenity, if you didn’t know.)

The game, Firefly, is super complicated it seems, so I think we’re still a little intimidated by it. Tall Card is kind of based on poker and is a quicker game. And of course, Monopoly, can be a hit. That is if someone doesn’t flip the board out of frustration like my younger brother did one summer. I believe Monopoly was banned for a week after that.

The other games we play most frequently are card based and have essentially the same game play, just different themes and cards. I’ll start with the newest one we bought- New Phone, Who Dis?

Regular game nighters brought it with them one time and we loved it! Basically, you have a main card that you all get to see and pair it with one from your hand that you think is the funniest, most ridiculous, or in some cases hilariously offensive. Then you put them face down and the person who’s judging reads them all and picks their favorite. For example:

The first one to a certain number of agreed upon points wins. The next games follow the same format.

Cards Against Humanity probably ties with Joking Hazard as the most likely to offend people. When you’re playing against mental health workers, the gallows humor abounds. Not all the cards are terrible though. There are some innocuous ones like “Lunchables” and “Bees?”

Joking Hazard is by the author of the comic Cyanide and Happiness, which as you can probably tell by the name, is generally pretty dark. In this game, you make your own comic strip to go with the main card and the judge picks their favorite. This one is especially cool because the whole strip could be wordless. It’s fun, although sometimes cringe worthy, to see what people come up with!

Jobstacles is a pretty tame game, comparatively speaking, so I thought I should end with it. Perhaps then you won’t think we’re too terrible. 😉 In this game the judge puts down a card of a person they need to hire and you add a candidate card and a card that can either hurt or help the candidate card. This game is fun because you get to see what other people think. None of the people normally fit the job, so you’re really having to pick from the best of the worst of the combinations. It’s a very quick playing game and is best with a smaller crowd as you can run through cards pretty quickly.

So those are some of the games we like to play and hopefully will be able to play again at some point. Speaking of game playing, Piggy is currently sitting like this on the couch because I started typing and not petting her, like she thinks I should. I’d better go try and cheer her up. Can’t have the world’s most pathetic dog around the house. It’s killing the game night spirit!

Crafty · Life Posts · Sewing

Weekend Sewing and Being a Midwestern Housewife

My family didn’t decorate full out for most holidays. We decorated the sideboard mostly with seasonal things, or lovely picture arrangements. Christmas was our all out holiday and we did it up good! It never really struck me as a problem, or something weird. In fact, I never had a desire really to have all holidays celebrated or to decorate for them.

Now that I am a nice Midwestern housewife though, I’m having all these decorating urges. Not for all the holidays, I won’t go all green for St. Patrick’s day. I’m more likely to put out something purple for St. Urho’s day the day before (he drove all the grasshoppers out of Norway, I believe.) We don’t really celebrate Valentine’s Day, except to buy half price candy the next day.. Gosh, I make us sound so pragmatic and unromantic…

I just want our house to look pretty and maybe have a few nice touches. We’re simple people. This has totally come on just this year. I must finally be adjusted to actually owning a house. 🙂

The Lego bridge that was on the mantle since we moved in is downstairs for a bit, which gives me that surface and the top of the encyclopedia desk to play with. We’re celebrating Chinese New Year with friends again this year, so I’m doing a little bit of decorating for that. Those are artificial cherry blossoms on the mantle. I have some red and gold things too, but they aren’t set yet.

We also have the leaning shelf, which was partially cleared for the angel host at Christmas. I’m probably going to switch out the pictures and decorations on there as well, because, why not? We have a bunch of decorations that we didn’t have room for, so it would be nice to see them again. Change can be good. 🙂

And before you ask, Mom or Dad, I’m not going to start serving pickle tray with every meal or drinking coffee. I’m not that Midwestern yet. 🙂 Just a little light decorating… (Isn’t that how it always starts though?)

In a very grown up and not at all Midwestern move, the Husband and I perused a model train show this Sunday. My phone died about 2 minutes in, so I only have a couple of pictures. The Husband kindly took some for me, which I will see if I can get for a future Wordless Wednesday post.

It was fun as usual, but also kind of sad. We don’t have a train space yet. We didn’t stay for too long. My back caused issues on Saturday, so I couldn’t walk that much on Sunday. I was able to sew some and have been working on a new scrap quilt.

Honestly, I know I have all these projects to make, but I was jonesing for a rainbow scrap quilt. This one has a home, but it is super secret still.

Now, on to the real question, how to put these quilt squares together? I made 8 of each color, pink, green, yellow, and purple,  and they are wonky log cabin squares.

4 patch, alternating colors?

4 patch same colors?

3 squares, one white corner square?

Or, the Husband’s choice, alternating colors arranged in a diagonal?

It’s going to be a small quilt, with a white, or black border.

Thoughts? I’m leaning towards one of the last two.

This is what I’ve been working on this week. I kept having to dig through my scrap box and am thinking about trying to sort them by color for easier use. Since these types of quilts are my favorites right now, it would probably make more sense. It would be a huge undertaking though. These squares were made mostly from my smaller scrap box. I didn’t pull any fabrics from my stash other than those. Sadly, it doesn’t even look like I made a dent…

My next sewing project should be something from the UFO box, if I can drag myself away from rainbow quilts. 🙂

Fancy is telling me that I should be sleeping, or providing her with belly rubs, if I insist on being awake.

I’ll go ponder the quilt in my dreams. Stay tuned tomorrow for more train show pictures!


Simple Sundays

Simple Sunday

“If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction.” – Dietrich Bonhoeffer


“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.”           -Charles R. Swindoll


“Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.”                  -Theodore Roosevelt

Crafty · Life Posts

It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas!

I slowed for a minute on cookie baking, but would prefer to think of it a strategic retreat to regroup. 🙂 I have to decide on what to bring to the Husband’s Grandma’s house for Christmas. Peppermint bark may make an appearance.

I have been sewing, but it’s been Super Secret Christmas sewing, so can’t be shown until after next week.

In the meantime, here is some of our Christmas decor to make it a little more festive!

Christmas trains! This wouldn’t fit with our village on the mantle. Next year, we’re going to set up a table for it.

Another train! Also, the ornament from the in-laws for Fancy’s first Christmas. They couldn’t find a queen one, so it says “King of the House.” It totally fits. How could we be expected to refuse this face?

Here are our Firefly ornaments. I thought it was appropriate for them to fly. The black one has a “firefly” license plate on it.

We like to think of our decorating style as electic. 🙂

Icicle lights in the kitchen window. We found these at a summer rummage sale and I forgot about them until I was sorting presents. They look so pretty when the lights hit them.

We didn’t get a bigger artificial tree this year because Fancy has started guarding everything in sight. This is up on the table where she can’t get to it and it seems to be good.

I did some organizing yesterday. My sewing area is crazy again. It’s not completely put away yet, but this bin and some other piles are at least sorted and ready to be put away.

Here are the piles of neatly folded and sorted.

The fat quarter piles look so pretty!

I also got a present for myself in the mail today! It’s “Rainbow Quilts For Scrap Lovers” by Judy Gautier. I know, I know… But I’ll use at least four of these quilts!

This one is partially appliqué, but the background is pieced, so I might be able to get it done.

Reverse appliqué on this one. But it looks easy enough.

So pretty! And it could use up a lot of weird scraps.

I saved the best for last….

I love owls! I will definitely be making this one. Sometime… after I get the other thousand projects done…

For now though, I have a dog sleeping on my foot and should probably go to bed too. Have a peaceful night!